welcome1stboot.pupdev 1.0 KB

  1. The 'devx' sfs contains the BaCon compiler /usr/bin/bacon, and all the support,
  2. examples and documentation files in /usr/share/BaCon/.
  3. This is how to compile:
  4. # bacon -x -d /tmp welcome1stboot.bac
  5. ...which will generate 'welcome1stboot' and 'welcome1stboot.pot'
  6. The instructions below are for information only.
  7. It is recommended to use the MoManager for creating translations.
  8. If you want to create a language translation for a particular country, you need
  9. to know the locale, and do this (example shown is for Germany, locale de_DE):
  10. # msginit --locale=de_DE --output-file=de.po --input=welcome1stboot.pot
  11. ...the generated de.po has a line with "charset=", please change that to
  12. "charset=UTF-8"
  13. Then insert your country translations into de.po.
  14. Then create a compiled welcome1stboot.mo file:
  15. # mkdir -p /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES
  16. # msgfmt --check --output-file=/usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/welcome1stboot.mo de.po
  17. note that an existing .mo file can be uncompiled like this:
  18. # msgunfmt welcome1stboot.mo
  19. Regards,
  20. Barry Kauler
  21. April 2011