dotpup 4.3 KB

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. #Lesser GPL licence v2 (
  3. #v3.02 Nov 2007 BK: updated. handle PET pkgs only.
  4. #v3.99 apr2008 BK: run /usr/local/petget/ instead of petget.
  5. #v404 add choice of Universal Installer.
  6. #w015 march 2009 BK: update for Woof.
  7. #110402 added button to choose and install SFS file.
  8. #110813 fixed package-management url.
  9. #110814 01micko: convert script from gtkdialog2 to gtkdialog3+.
  10. #110910 BK: get a syntax error with gtkdialog3 (patriot-e version), bump to gtkdialog4.
  11. #120201 rodin.s: internationalized.
  12. export TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale
  13. export TEXTDOMAIN=dotpup
  14. eval_gettext () {
  15. local myMESSAGE=$(gettext "$1")
  16. eval echo \"$myMESSAGE\"
  17. }
  18. . /etc/DISTRO_SPECS
  19. DLG1="
  20. <window title=\"$(gettext 'Install')\">
  21. <vbox>
  22. <hbox>
  23. <pixmap><input file stock=\"gtk-save\"></input>
  24. </pixmap>
  25. <text space-fill=\"true\"><label>`gettext \"The word 'install' can mean two different things, either to install additional applications in the current Puppy, or to install Puppy to some other media. Take your pick!\"`</label></text>
  26. </hbox>
  27. <notebook labels=\"$(gettext 'Install Puppy')|$(gettext 'Install applications')\")>
  28. <vbox>
  29. <text><label>$(gettext 'Puppy can be installed to just about anything, including internal hard drive, USB drive, and Zip/LS120 diskette. If for example you are now running Puppy from live-CD and fancy booting Puppy off a USB Flash drive, this is the right place. There are two tools, the Puppy Universal Installer, and BootFlash -- the first is recommended, BootFlash is your second choice, a specialised tool if you cannot get the computer to boot from a USB drive.')</label></text>
  30. <text><label>\" \"</label></text>
  31. <hbox>
  32. <text><label>$(gettext 'Click button to run the Universal Installer:')</label></text>
  33. <button height-request=\"40\" width-request=\"40\">
  34. <input file>/usr/local/lib/X11/mini-icons/mini-ray.xpm</input>
  35. <action>/usr/sbin/puppyinstaller &</action>
  36. <action>EXIT:14</action>
  37. </button>
  38. </hbox>
  39. <hbox>
  40. <text><label>$(gettext 'Click button to run BootFlash USB installer:')</label></text>
  41. <button height-request=\"40\" width-request=\"40\">
  42. <input file>/usr/local/lib/X11/mini-icons/mini-ray.xpm</input>
  43. <action>/usr/sbin/bootflash &</action>
  44. <action>EXIT:14</action>
  45. </button>
  46. </hbox>
  47. </vbox>
  48. <vbox>
  49. <text><label>`eval_gettext \"The Puppy Package Manager is a tool for installing and uninstalling packages (applications). There are online repositories of \\\${DISTRO_BINARY_COMPAT} and Puppy packages -- the latter are known as PET packages and are identified by '.pet' on the end of their filename. Note that apart from the official \\\${DISTRO_BINARY_COMPAT} and PET repositories, Puppy enthusiasts have created many PETs at other locations, and all you need to do is download one and click on it to install it.\"`</label></text>
  50. <hbox>
  51. <text><label>$(gettext 'Click button for Package Manager introduction webpage:')</label></text>
  52. <vbox>
  53. <button height-request=\"28\" width-request=\"28\">
  54. <input file stock=\"gtk-info\" size=\"6\"></input>
  55. <width>40</width>
  56. <action>defaultbrowser & </action>
  57. </button>
  58. </vbox>
  59. </hbox>
  60. <hbox>
  61. <text><label>$(gettext 'Click button to run the Puppy Package Manager:')</label></text>
  62. <vbox>
  63. <button tooltip-text=\"PET Packages\">
  64. <input file>/usr/local/apps/ROX-Filer/ROX/MIME/application-pet.png</input>
  65. <width>20</width>
  66. <action>/usr/local/petget/ &</action>
  67. <action>EXIT:14</action>
  68. </button>
  69. </vbox>
  70. </hbox>
  71. <text><label>$(gettext 'The above web link also introduces SFS files. These are application combo-packs, very easy to install and uninstall.')</label></text>
  72. <hbox>
  73. <text><label>$(gettext 'Click button to choose an SFS file from the official repo:')</label></text>
  74. <vbox>
  75. <button tooltip-text=\"SFS Modular Packages\">
  76. <input file>/usr/local/apps/ROX-Filer/ROX/MIME/application-x-squashfs-image.png</input>
  77. <width>20</width>
  78. <action>/usr/sbin/sfsget &</action>
  79. <action>EXIT:14</action>
  80. </button>
  81. </vbox>
  82. </hbox>
  83. </vbox>
  84. </notebook>
  85. <hbox homogeneous=\"true\">
  86. <button cancel></button>
  87. </hbox>
  88. </vbox>
  89. </window>
  90. "
  91. echo "$DLG1" | gtkdialog4 --stdin
  92. ###END###