hierarchy 9.1 KB

  1. #(c) Copyright Barry Kauler, August 2012, puppylinux.com
  2. #Licence GPL3 (see /usr/share/doc/legal)
  3. #the menu hierarchy used in Puppy built from Woof >= 20120816
  4. #'X-' categories are unofficial, Puppy-specific.
  5. #note, "Sub" below means no specific sub-category allocated.
  6. #the first two columns correspond to the category[;subcategory] field in a puppy pkg db entry.
  7. # if there is no ;subcategory then the "Sub" row applies.
  8. #XDG-CATEGORIES are Category names to be found in .desktop files.
  9. #xdg-categories are assigned to menu locations by the .menu files in /etc/xdg/menus
  10. # -- in addition to official XDG-CATEGORIES, have X-<category>-<subcategory>, for example X-System-storage
  11. #Reference on xdg categories: http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html
  14. Desktop :Sub X-Desktop #eventmanager
  15. Desktop :appearance X-Desktop-appearance,DesktopSettings #desk_icon_theme_browndust gtk_theme_fishpie pwallpaper pcur
  16. Desktop :settings X-Desktop-settings,X-DesktopCountry,Accessibility #pupx xclock xkbconfigmanager
  17. Desktop :windows X-Desktop-windows #blackbox e16 fbpanel fluxbox fvwm icewm jwm2 lxpanel
  18. Desktop :sleep X-Desktop-sleep,Screensaver #xlock_gui xlockmore
  19. Desktop :applet X-Desktop-applet,X-DesktopApplets,Clock #gfontsel glipper minixcal xclipboard
  20. System :Sub X-System,System,HardwareSettings,Core #bootmanager
  21. System :process X-System-process,Monitor,X-SystemSchedule #asapm lxtask pprocess pschedule
  22. System :memory X-System-memory,X-SystemMemory #freememapplet_xlib memtest
  23. System :print X-System-print #gtklp hpijs
  24. System :storage X-System-storage #gparted grub
  25. System :security X-System-security,Security #loginmanager
  26. Setup :Sub X-Setup #
  27. Setup :puppy X-Setup-puppy,X-SetupEntry,PackageManager #petget quicksetup
  28. Setup :wizard X-Setup-wizard,X-SetupWizard #net_setup
  29. Setup :installation X-Setup-installation,X-SetupUtility #wakepup2
  30. Utility :Sub X-Utility,Utility,Electronics,Emulator,Engineering #xdelta
  31. Utility :development X-Utility-development,Development,Building,Debugger,IDE,Profiling,ProjectManagement,RevisionControl,Translation,GUIDesigner #anjuta bacon lxrad
  32. Utility :package X-Utility-package,Archiving,Compression #pbackup pmirror xarchiver
  33. Utility :shell X-Utility-shell,TerminalEmulator,Shell #cutecom minicom picocom rxvt
  34. Utility :help X-Utility-help,Documentation #linux-faqs linux-howtos man-pages
  35. Filesystem :Sub X-Filesystem,FileSystem,FileTools #
  36. Filesystem :filemanager X-Filesystem-filemanager,FileManager #gfnrename gwhere mc nautilus rox_filer
  37. Filesystem :mount X-Filesystem-mount,X-FilesystemMount #pdrive
  38. Filesystem :find X-Filesystem-find,X-FilesystemFind #pfind zfind
  39. Filesystem :storage X-Filesystem-storage,X-FilesystemUtility #gdmap partview
  40. Graphic :Sub X-Graphic,2DGraphics,3DGraphics #
  41. Graphic :paint X-Graphic-paint,RasterGraphics #mtpaint xpaint
  42. Graphic :draw X-Graphic-draw,VectorGraphics #inkscape inkscapelite inkview varicad xfig
  43. Graphic :flow X-Graphic-flow,Chart,FlowChart,Presentation #dia
  44. Graphic :viewer X-Graphic-viewer,Viewer,X-Graphic-viewer #eog flphoto fotoxx gimageview gpicview
  45. Graphic :camera X-Graphic-camera,Photography #gphoto2 gtkam pupcamera
  46. Graphic :scanner X-Graphic-scanner,Scanning,OCR #peasyscan xsane
  47. Graphic :print X-Graphic-print #peasyprint
  48. Graphic :utility X-Graphic-utility,X-GraphicUtility #gcolor2 grabc scale2x
  49. Document :Sub X-Document #
  50. Document :layout X-Document-layout,Publishing,WordProcessor,WebDevelopment #abiword amaya lyx scribus
  51. Document :catalog X-Document-catalog,Dictionary #
  52. Document :edit X-Document-edit,TextEditor #bluefish e3 geany gedit jed joe leafpad medit
  53. Document :viewer X-Document-viewer,Viewer #epdfview xman xpdf
  54. Document :utility X-Document-utility,X-DocumentUtility #PeasyPDF pdict
  55. Business :Sub X-Business,X-Calculate #
  56. Business :spreadsheet X-Business-spreadsheet,Spreadsheet #gnumeric
  57. Business :planner X-Business-planner,ProjectManagement #planner
  58. Business :finance X-Business-finance,Finance #acct expensetracker grisbi homebank moneymanagerx
  59. Business :calc X-Business-calc,Calculator,X-CalculateUtility #calcoo cgtkcalc galculator gmeasures ycalc xcalc
  60. Personal :Sub X-Personal #
  61. Personal :database X-Personal-database,ContactManagement #dlume
  62. Personal :date X-Personal-date,Calendar #osmo
  63. Personal :organizer X-Personal-organizer,PDA #didiwiki notecase pplog
  64. Personal :security X-Personal-security #fpm2
  65. Personal :timing X-Personal-timing,X-PersonalUtility #pstopwatch ptimer
  66. Personal :education X-Personal-education,Languages,Science,ArtificialIntelligence,Astronomy,Biology,Chemistry,ComputerScience,DataVisualization,Economy,Electricity,Geography,Geology,Geoscience,History,ImageProcessing,Literature,Math,NumericalAnalysis,MedicalSoftware,Physics,Robotics,Sports,ParallelComputing #
  67. Network :Sub X-Network,Network #
  68. Network :firewall X-Network-firewall #fwbuilder linux_firewall
  69. Network :phone X-Network-phone,Dialup #gnome-ppp gpptp pppoeconf_pup rp_pppoe_cli wvdial
  70. Network :connect X-Network-connect,HamRadio,RemoteAccess #pwireless
  71. Network :transfer X-Network-transfer #file_sharing-curlftpfs-mpscan pure_ftpd
  72. Network :utility X-Network-utility #
  73. Internet :Sub X-Internet #
  74. Internet :browser X-Internet-browser,WebBrowser #dillo seamonkey
  75. Internet :chat X-Internet-chat,Chat,InstantMessaging,VideoConference #ayttm pidgin pidgin_perl psip wengophone xchat
  76. Internet :mailnews X-Internet-mailnews,Email,News #fetchmail getmail mailx mozilla-thunderbird pan sendmail sylpheed
  77. Internet :transfer X-Internet-transfer,Telephony,IRCClient,FileTransfer,P2P #axel bareftp gcurl gftp lftp ncftp puppy-podcast-grabber pwget
  78. Internet :login X-Internet-login #ssh_gui
  79. Internet :block X-Internet-block #adblock
  80. Internet :utility X-Internet-utility #flashplayer gurlchecker
  81. Multimedia :Sub X-Multimedia,Recorder #
  82. Multimedia :mediaplayer X-Multimedia-mediaplayer,Player #amarok amp audacious gecko-mediaplayer gnome-mplayer gxine
  83. Multimedia :audiovideo X-Multimedia-audiovideo,AudioVideo,AudioVideoEditing,Tuner #
  84. Multimedia :sound X-Multimedia-sound,Music,Audio,Midi,Mixer,Sequencer #absvolume absvolume_puppy audacity aumix madplay mhwaveedit sgmixer
  85. Multimedia :video X-Multimedia-video,Video,TV #pupdvdtool
  86. Multimedia :optical X-Multimedia-optical,DiskBurning #cdw grafburn pburn
  87. Multimedia :utility X-Multimedia-utility #
  88. Fun :Sub X-Fun,Game,Amusement,BlocksGame,KidsGame,Simulation,SportsGame #
  89. Fun :adventure X-Fun-adventure,ActionGame,AdventureGame,RolePlaying #lincity
  90. Fun :boardgame X-Fun-boardgame,BoardGame #gnuchess
  91. Fun :cardgame X-Fun-cardgame,CardGame #
  92. Fun :puzzle X-Fun-puzzle,StrategyGame,LogicGame #picpuz rubix
  93. Fun :shooter X-Fun-shooter #xsoldier
  94. Fun :arcade X-Fun-arcade,ArcadeGame #
  95. '