1. ###CATEGORIES###
  2. #NOTICE#
  3. #I have compiled these variables directly into support/find_cat, so if any of these are changed,
  4. #they will have to be changed in support/ and recompile.
  5. #I have been forced to do this as 0setup is far too slow converting pkg databases to the Woof
  6. #standardised format.
  7. PKG_CAT_Desktop=' blackbox compiz desk_icon_theme_browndust desk_icon_theme_darkfire desk_icon_theme_original e16 fbpanel fluxbox fvwm gfontsel glipper gtk-chtheme gtk_theme_citrus_cut gtk_theme_fishing_the_sky gtk_theme_fishpie gtk_theme_gradient_brown gtk_theme_gradient_grey gtk_theme_m8darker gtk_theme_phacile_blue gtk_theme_polished_blue gtk_theme_stardust_zigbert gxset icewm jwm2 jwmconfig2 lxpanel metacity minixcal obconf openbox pupx rox_filer rox_filer twm wallpaper windowmaker xclipboard xclock xkbconfigmanager xlock_gui xlockmore '
  8. PKG_CAT_System=' absvolume absvolume_puppy absvolume_puppy asapm asapm blinky freememapplet freememapplet freememapplet_xlib gparted gparted gtklp hardinfo hpijs lxtask memtest memtester pprocess pschedule sysprof_DEV usbview xload '
  9. PKG_CAT_Setup=' net_setup net_setup_retro petget wakepup2 '
  10. PKG_CAT_Utility=' alltray clamav cutecom floppy gadmin-rsync gexec glade2bas_DEV hiawatha isomaster lxrad lxrad_DEV lzma minicom most pbackup picocom pmirror rxvt rxvt rxvt-unicode snotes urxvt-unicode xarchive xarchiver xfdiff-cut xfprot xterm '
  11. PKG_CAT_Filesystem=' gdmap gfnrename gwhere mc nautilus pdrive pfind prename uxplor worker xfe zfind '
  12. PKG_CAT_Graphic=' autoq3d autotrace blender dia dia-gnomeless eog flphoto fotoxx gcolor2 gimageview gimp gimp-help gphoto2 gpicview gqview grabc gview inkscape inkscape inkscapelite inkview mtpaint scale2x varicad xfig xpaint xv '
  13. PKG_CAT_Document=' abiword abiword-dictionary-en abiword-plugins adobereader aiksaurus amaya bluefish chmsee cssed e3 emacs epdfview geany gedit ghex gv jed joe jove leafpad leafpad link-grammar lyx medit mp nano pdfedit scite scribus xman xpdf zedit '
  14. PKG_CAT_Calculate=' acct calcoo cgtkcalc expensetracker galculator gmeasures gnumeric grisbi homebank moneymanagerx ycalc xcalc '
  15. PKG_CAT_Personal=' datakiosk didiwiki dlume evolution fpm2 notecase osmo pplog pstopwatch ptimer '
  16. PKG_CAT_Network=' autoconnect bind file_sharing-curlftpfs-mpscan fwbuilder gfilemanager gnome-ppp gpptp john linux_firewall monkey mtr nmap pnethood pppoeconf_pup pure_ftpd pwireless rp_pppoe_cli superscan wifi-radar wireshark wvdial '
  17. PKG_CAT_Internet=' alpine axel ayttm bareftp bitchx dillo ekiga elinks elm epic4 fetchmail filezilla firefox flashplayer flock gajim gcurl getmail gftp gtkmoz gurlchecker jags lftp ihu licq links lynx mailx mcabber mldonkey mozilla-firefox mozilla-thunderbird msmtp mutt ncftp netsurf nn pan pctorrent pidgin pidgin_perl psip puppy-podcast-grabber pwget seamonkey seamonkey seamonkey_addons sendmail skipstone ssh_gui sylpheed urlgfe wengophone xchat '
  18. PKG_CAT_Multimedia=' amarok amp asunder audacious audacity aumix cdw cinelerra dkop gecko-mediaplayer grafburn gtkam gxine madplay mhwaveedit mpg321 mplayer mplayer_codecs_basic mplayer_codecs_full mplayer-fonts mplayerplug-in pburn pburn_theme_pburn_original pcdripper pdvdrsab pmetatagger pmusic pmusic_THEME_pmusic_original pupdvdtool ripoff sgmixer simpleburn timidity++ workbone xfmedia xfreecd xine-ui xsane zmixer '
  19. PKG_CAT_Fun=' frozen-bubble gnuchess gtans lincity picpuz rubix supertux tile vitetris wesnoth wormux xinvaders xsoldier '
  20. PKG_CAT_Develop=' anjuta boo clisp cmake cvs gambas lua mercurial mono nant ocaml nasm poedit ruby subversion svn vala valgrind '
  21. PKG_CAT_BuildingBlock=' 915resolution a2ps a52dec acl alsa-lib alsa-utils atk audiofile aufs autocutsel autologin bash bbc_provided bc bcrypt bdb bin boehm-gc bogofilter bridge-utils busybox buttondialog bzip2 cairo cairomm cddetect cdp cdparanoia cdrdao cdrkit cdrtools chmlib coreutils cpio ctorrent cups cups cups_pdf curl ddcprobe device_mapper dhcp dhcpcd dhcp_client dialog dialog dictd_client dietlibc diffstat diffutils disktype dmidecode docbook-xml dosfstools dotpuphandler dpkg-deb dvdauthor dvd+rwtools e2fsprogs ed edid eject elspci enchant exiv2 expat faac faad2 ffmpeg file findutils flac foomatic-filters freetype fribidi fuse gail gawk gcc gdbm getdir gettext ghostscript ghostscript gifsicle gins glib glibc glibc_i18n_en glibc_locales glibmm gnome_menus goffice goffice7 grep grub gtk+ gtk+ gtkdialog gtkdialog2 gtkdialog3 gtklist04mu gtklogfileviewer gtkmm guess_fs gutenprint gutenprint gxmessage gzip hdparm hicolor-icon-theme hotplug2stdout hsfmodem id3lib ifplugd ifplugd_old inotail inotify-tools installwatch iptables jasper kbd lame lcms less libao libart libcap libcddb libcdio libdaemon libdvdcss libdvdnav libdvdplay libdvdread libexif libexif-gtk libexo libexo_lib libgd libgif libglade libgnomecanvas libgnomecanvasmm libgnomecups libgnomecups libgnomeprint libgnomeprint libgnomeprintui libgphoto2 libgsf libid3tag libidl libjpeg libmad libmng libogg libpng librsvg libsigc++ libsndfile libstdc++ libtiff libtool libungif libusb libvorbis libxfce4util libxfcegui4 libxml libxml_python libxscrnsaver libxslt libxslt_python linux-header metamail mimencode mirdir mktemp modem_stats module-init-tools module_init_tools mp3info mut2 ncompress ncurses ndiswrapper nenscript netpbm net-tools normalize ntfs-3g ntfsprogs openssh_client openssl pango parted pciutils pcmcia-cs pcmciautils pcre perl perl-compress-zlib perl-digest-sha1 perl-extutils-depends perl-extutils-pkgconfig perl-html-parser perl-uri perl-xml-parser perl-xml-simple pfilesearch pixman poppler popt ppp pptp procinfo procps programchooser psmisc pup_dock puppybasic puppyinputdetect puppyserialdetect qt4 readline reiserfsprogs replaceit rman rsync samba samba_client sane-backends sdparm sed setserial setvol sgml-base since sqlite squashfs_tools squashfs-tools startup-notification sysfsutils syslinux sysvinit tar time truncate udev udev_cut unclutter unionfs_utils unzip util-linux vamps vcdimager vorbis-tools waitmax wavplay wget wireless-tools wpa_supplicant wpa_supplicant wpa_supplicant wv wvdial x264 xclip xcut xdg_puppy xdialog xine-lib xine-plugin xmessage xorg_base xorg_really_base xorg_xfbdev xorg_xorg_base xorg_xorg_dri xorg_xorg_full_dri xorg_xorg_servers xorg_xvesa xvidcore yaf_splash zenity zip zlib '
  22. PKG_CAT_help=' linux-faqs linux-howtos man-pages '
  23. ######
  24. ###PPM GUI pkg lists###
  25. #101013 a particular kernel may need an older or newer package.
  26. #3builddistro references this, after kernel is chosen. If kernel ver <= 1st field, then
  27. #give preference to 2nd pkg, and vice-versa. both pkgs must be 'yes' in PKGS_SPECS_TABLE,
  28. #and have different names. entries space-delimited...
  29. #note, for kernels that have aufs2.1 drivers, must use later aufs2-utils...
  30. #PKG_PREFER_OLDER='2.6.33|aufs2-util|aufs2-util-old '
  31. #110206 now building (and later) kernels with aufs 2.1...
  32. #PKG_PREFER_OLDER='2.6.31|aufs2-util|aufs2-util-old 2.6.38|squashfs-tools42|squashfs-tools4 '
  35. #121028 I don't think DISTRO_PPM_DEVX_EXCEPTIONS needed anymore...
  36. ##used in /usr/local/petget/
  37. ##The Puppy Package Manager screens out packages that are installed in the 'devx' SFS
  38. ##(file used for C/C++ package compiling). However, you may want to install some
  39. ##packages without the 'devx' being loaded, so they need to be listed in the Package
  40. ##Manager so that you can choose them. List these exceptions here:
  41. ##(note, live-cd has a cutdown perl already)
  42. #DISTRO_PPM_DEVX_EXCEPTIONS='python perl'
  43. #PKG_NAME_ALIASES, used in,,
  44. #these are alternative names for pkgs that are already installed in puppy.
  45. #this list prevents them from being listed in the package manager gui.
  46. #problem arises for pet pkgs, where same pkgs in compat-db may have slightly different names.
  47. #alternate names of a package (used in, findpkgs)...
  48. PKG_NAME_ALIASES='dirac,schroedinger hunspell,myspell mp,mped mplayer,mplayer_* rxvt-unicode,urxvt,urxvt-unicode cxxlibs,glibc*,libc-* gdk-pixbuf,gdk-pixbuf0 glib,glib12 glibc-solibs,glibcsolibs alsalib,alsa-lib,alsa-lib2* gtk+,gtk+2* gtkdialog,gtkdialog3 alsautils,alsa-utils,alsa-utils2* libungif,libgif,giflib zip,infozip dbus*,libdbus*,libdbus-glib* e3,e3_utf8 hal,libhal* mesa,mesa_*,libgl1-mesa*,mesa-common* libxcb,libxcb_base sane,sane-backends samba,samba-tng,samba_*,mountcifs SDL,libsdl seamonkey*,nss,nspr skype,skype_static udev,udev_*,libudev*,libgudev* util-linux-ng,util-linux,utillinuxng vlc,vlc_nogui,VLC_Plus_Extras xf86-video-ati,xf86-video-ati-* xfdiff,xfdiff-cut xorg_base,xorg_base_t2,x11-common,x-dev,xorg,xorg73_base_t2 acl,libacl* xdg_puppy,xdg-utils perl_tiny,perl-base,perl-modules,perlapi* xorg-util-macros,util-macros'
  49. #w480 some pkgs no longer exist, maybe now builtin to the skeleton f.s. (for ex, 'petget')...
  50. #this variable is processed in /usr/local/petget/, used in /usr/local/petget/
  52. wary5)
  53. #have some combo PETs with lots of pkgs combined, but also have them separately as PETs in repo,
  54. #want to ignore the separate ones...
  55. IGNORE_x11proto='bigreqsproto compositeproto damageproto dmxproto fixesproto fontcacheproto fontsproto glproto inputproto kbproto printproto randrproto recordproto renderproto resourceproto scrnsaverproto trapproto videoproto xcb-proto xcmiscproto xextproto xf86bigfontproto xf86dgaproto xf86driproto xf86miscproto xf86vidmodeproto xineramaproto xproto '
  56. IGNORE_xorg73_base='bdftopcf evieext fontconfig fslsfonts fstobdf iceauth makedepend mkfontdir mkfontscale setxkbmap xauth xcalc xclipboard xconsole xcursorgen xdpyinfo xev xfontsel xgamma xhost xinit xkbcomp xmag xmessage xmodmap xprop xrandr xrdb xset xsetmode xsetpointer xsetroot xtrap xvidtune xwininfo libdmx libdrm libfontenc libfs libice libsm libx11 libxau libxaw libxcomposite libxcursor libxdamage libxdmcp libxevie libxext libxfixes libxfont libxfontcache libxft libxi libxinerama libxkbfile libxkbui libxmu libxp libxpm libxrandr libxrender libxres libxt libxtrap libxtst libxv libxvmc libxxf86dga libxxf86misc libxxf86vm '
  57. IGNORE_xserver_xorg_partialcut_t2='xf86-video-amd xf86-video-apm xf86-video-ark xf86-video-ast xf86-video-chips xf86-video-cirrus xf86-video-cyrix xf86-video-glint xf86-video-i128 xf86-video-i740 xf86-video-imstt xf86-video-mga xf86-video-neomagic xf86-video-nsc xf86-video-nv xf86-video-openchrome xf86-video-radeonhd xf86-video-rendition xf86-video-s3 xf86-video-s3virge xf86-video-savage xf86-video-siliconmotion xf86-video-sis xf86-video-sisusb xf86-video-tdfx xf86-video-tga xf86-video-trident xf86-video-tseng xf86-video-v4l xf86-video-vesa xf86-video-voodoo xf86-video-xgi xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-mouse xf86-input-synaptics '
  58. IGNORE_xf86_video_ati_extra='xf86-video-ati xf86-video-mach64 xf86-video-r128 '
  59. PKG_NAME_IGNORE="rocknet dpkg fbset mime-support petget rgb sysfiles sysklogd ${IGNORE_x11proto}${IGNORE_xorg73_base}${IGNORE_xserver_xorg_partialcut_t2}${IGNORE_xf86_video_ati_extra}"
  60. ;;
  61. *)
  62. PKG_NAME_IGNORE='fbset petget rgb sysfiles sysklogd'
  63. ;;
  64. esac
  65. case $DISTRO_BINARY_COMPAT in #110705
  66. ubuntu)
  67. PKG_NAME_IGNORE="libudev1 udev xkb-data mageia-release-common ${PKG_NAME_IGNORE}"
  68. ;;
  69. debian|ubuntu|raspbian) #130614
  70. PKG_NAME_IGNORE="adduser debconf passwd ${PKG_NAME_IGNORE}"
  71. ;;
  72. esac
  73. case $DISTRO_FILE_PREFIX in #111003
  74. racy)
  75. #puppy-wary5 repo lists some xorg pkgs that are for xorg 7.3, but racy has xorg 7.6...
  76. PKG_NAME_IGNORE="xorg_upgrade_dri_extra xorg_upgrade_intel xf86-input-acecad xf86-input-aiptek xf86-input-joystick xf86-input-vmmouse xf86-input-void xf86-video-dummy xf86-video-fbdev xf86-video-vga xf86-video-via xf86-video-vmware ${PKG_NAME_IGNORE}"
  77. ;;
  78. esac
  80. #in some cases the compat-distro has a pkg that has a dep that was a PET builtin to Puppy.
  81. #however, the compat-distro pkg will only work with the dep from the compat-distro.
  82. #an example is slackware 13.1, ffmpegthumbnailer (slacky repo) will only work with ffmpeg from
  83. #the slacky repo, but Slackpup is built with my own ffmpeg PET (has later libs).
  84. #by putting 'ffmpeg' in this variable, any slacky pkgs with ffmpeg dep will be filtered out
  85. #(but only if I built Puppy with ffmpeg from a PET not from the compat-distro-repos)
  87. PKG_REPOS_ENABLED=' Packages-ubuntu-trusty-universe Packages-ubuntu-trusty-main Packages-ubuntu-trusty-multiverse Packages-puppy-tahr-official Packages-puppy-noarch-official '
  88. PKG_REPOS_ENABLED=' Packages-ubuntu-trusty-universe Packages-ubuntu-trusty-main Packages-ubuntu-trusty-multiverse Packages-puppy-tahr-official Packages-puppy-noarch-official '
  89. PKG_REPOS_ENABLED=' Packages-ubuntu-trusty-universe Packages-ubuntu-trusty-main Packages-ubuntu-trusty-multiverse Packages-puppy-tahr-official Packages-puppy-noarch-official '
  90. PKG_REPOS_ENABLED=' Packages-ubuntu-trusty-universe Packages-ubuntu-trusty-main Packages-ubuntu-trusty-multiverse Packages-puppy-tahr64-official Packages-puppy-noarch-official '