123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477 |
- #!/bin/sh
- #(c) Copyright Barry Kauler 2009, puppylinux.com
- #2009 Lesser GPL licence v2 (see /usr/share/doc/legal).
- #called from /usr/local/petget/installpreview.sh
- #The database entries for the packages to be installed are in /tmp/petget_missing_dbentries-*
- #ex: /tmp/petget_missing_dbentries-Packages-slackware-12.2-official
- #v424 fix msg, x does not need restart to update menu.
- #100117 fix for downloading pets from quirky repo.
- #100903 fix if subdirectory field 7 in pkg db entry is empty.
- #100921 bypass if file list empty.
- #100926 fix hack, one puppy repo does not have "puppylinux" in url.
- #101013 improvement suggested by L18L, list current locales in 'trim the fat'.
- #101014 another hack, wary5 pets are now in the ibiblio quirky site.
- #101016 do not offer to trim-the-fat if install pet pkg(s).
- #101116 call download_file to download pkg, instead of direct run of wget.
- #101118 improve test fail and exit number.
- #110812 hack for pets that are in quirky site at ibiblio.
- #120203 BK: internationalized.
- #120313 'noarch' repo is on quirky ibiblio site.
- #120515 support download from arm gentoo compat-distro binary pkgs on ibiblio quirky site.
- #120904 vertical scrollbar for successful-install window. 120907 another.
- #120908 fixes for composing repo-list.
- #120927 want to translate "CATEGORY:" and "PACKAGE:" that are in /tmp/petget-installed-pkgs-log (see installpkg.sh).
- #121011 L18L reported problem, category names also need translating.
- #121019 flag to download_file when called from ppm.
- #121105 hack for RetroPrecise.
- #121123 first test that all pkgs exist online before downloading any.
- #121130 fix 121123.
- [ "$(cat /var/local/petget/nt_category 2>/dev/null)" != "true" ] && \
- [ -f /tmp/install_quietly ] && set -x
- #; mkdir -p /tmp/PPM_LOGs ; NAME=$(basename "$0"); exec 1>> /tmp/PPM_LOGs/"$NAME".log 2>&1
- export TEXTDOMAIN=petget___downloadpkgs.sh
- #export LANG=C
- FLAGPET="" #101016
- . /root/.packages/DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS #
- . /root/.packages/DISTRO_COMPAT_REPOS #v431 has REPOS_DISTRO_COMPAT
- if [ -f /root/.packages/download_path ]; then
- . /root/.packages/download_path
- [ -d "$DL_PATH" -a -w "$DL_PATH" ] && DL_PATH="$DL_PATH" || DL_PATH=/root
- else
- DL_PATH=/root
- fi
- DL_SAVE_FLAG=$(cat /var/local/petget/nd_category 2>/dev/null)
- echo -n "" > /tmp/petget-installed-pkgs-log
- PKGCNT=0 ; FAILCNT=0 ; EXITVAL=0 #101118
- for ONELIST in `ls -1 /tmp/petget_missing_dbentries-Packages-*` #ex: petget_missing_dbentries-Packages-puppy-quirky-official
- do
- #ex of entry in file $ONELIST: rox-menu-0.5.0|rox-menu|0.5.0||Desktop|128K|pet_packages-quirky|rox-menu-0.5.0.pet|+rox-clib,+rox_filer|menu for a rox panel|t2|8.0rc|official|
- echo -n "" > /tmp/petget_repos
- LISTNAME="`echo -n "$ONELIST" | grep -o 'Packages.*'`" #ex: Packages-puppy-quirky-official
- #note: puppy4, had 4xx, which should resolve to 4 i think...
- REPO_DEFAULT_SUBSUBDIR="`echo -n "$LISTNAME" | cut -f 3 -d '-' | sed -e 's%xx$%%'`" #100903 ex: quirky
- #110812 hack for pets that are in quirky site at ibiblio...
- OFFICIAL_REPO='puppylinux'
- #Remove BK's quirky hacks 131206
- case $LISTNAME in
- Packages-puppy-*) #a .pet pkg.
- for ONEPETREPO in $PET_REPOS #ex: ibiblio.org|http://distro.ibiblio.org//quirky|Packages-puppy-quirky-official
- do
- ONEPETREPO_3_PATTERN="`echo -n "$ONEPETREPO" | cut -f 3 -d '|' | sed -e 's%\\-%\\\\-%g' -e 's%\\*%.*%g'`"
- ONEPETREPO_1_2="`echo -n "$ONEPETREPO" | cut -f 1,2 -d '|'`"
- [ "`echo -n "$LISTNAME" | grep "$ONEPETREPO_3_PATTERN"`" != "" ] && echo "${ONEPETREPO_1_2}|${LISTNAME}" >> /tmp/petget_repos
- #...ex: ibiblio.org|http://distro.ibiblio.org//puppylinux|Packages-puppy-4-official
- done
- ;;
- *) #a compat pkg.
- #have the compat-distro repo urls in /root/.packages/DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS,
- #variable REPOS_DISTRO_COMPAT ...
- #REPOS_DISTRO_COMPAT has the associated Packages-* local database file...
- do
- PARTPKGDB="`echo -n "$ONEURLENTRY" | cut -f 3 -d '|'`"
- #PARTPKGDB may have a glob * wildcard, convert to reg.expr., also backslash '-'...
- PARTPKGDB="`echo -n "$PARTPKGDB" | sed -e 's%\\-%\\\\-%g' -e 's%\\*%.*%g'`"
- ONEURLENTRY_1_2="`echo -n "$ONEURLENTRY" | cut -f 1,2 -d '|'`"
- [ "`echo "$LISTNAME" | grep "$PARTPKGDB"`" != "" ] && echo "${ONEURLENTRY_1_2}|${LISTNAME}" >> /tmp/petget_repos
- done
- ;;
- esac
- sort --key=1 --field-separator="|" --unique /tmp/petget_repos > /tmp/petget_repos-tmp
- mv -f /tmp/petget_repos-tmp /tmp/petget_repos
- #/tmp/petget_repos has a list of repos for downloading these packages.
- #now put up a window, request which url to use...
- LISTNAMECUT="`echo -n "$LISTNAME" | cut -f 2-9 -d '-'`" #take Packages- off.
- for ONEREPOSPEC in `cat /tmp/petget_repos`
- do
- URL_TEST="`echo -n "$ONEREPOSPEC" | cut -f 1 -d '|'`"
- URL_FULL="`echo -n "$ONEREPOSPEC" | cut -f 2 -d '|'`"
- REPOBUTTONS="${REPOBUTTONS}<radiobutton><label>${URL_TEST}</label><variable>RADIO_URL_${URL_TEST}</variable></radiobutton>"
- done
- PKGNAMES="`cat $ONELIST | cut -f 1 -d '|' | tr '\n' ' '`"
- [ "$PKGNAMES" = "" -o "$PKGNAMES" = " " ] && continue #100921
- #120907 scrollbar...
- if [ ! -f /tmp/install_quietly ]; then
- export PPM_DEPS_DIALOG="<window title=\"$(gettext 'Puppy Package Manager: download')\" icon-name=\"gtk-about\">
- <vbox>
- <text><label>$(gettext 'You have chosen to download these packages:')</label></text>
- <vbox scrollable=\"true\" height=\"100\">
- <text use-markup=\"true\"><label>\"<b>${PKGNAMES}</b>\"</label></text>
- </vbox>
- <text><label>$(gettext "Please choose which URL you would like to download them from. Choose 'LOCAL FOLDER' if you have already have them on this computer (on hard drive, USB drive or CD):")</label></text>
- <frame ${LISTNAMECUT}>
- <radiobutton><label>$(gettext 'LOCAL FOLDER')</label><variable>RADIO_URL_LOCAL</variable></radiobutton>
- </frame>
- <hbox>
- <button>
- <label>$(gettext 'Test URLs')</label>
- <action>/usr/local/petget/testurls.sh</action>
- </button>
- <button>
- <label>$(gettext 'Download packages')</label>
- <action type=\"exit\">BUTTON_PKGS_DOWNLOAD</action>
- </button>
- <button cancel></button>
- </hbox>
- </vbox>
- </window>
- "
- RETPARAMS="`gtkdialog -p PPM_DEPS_DIALOG`"
- else
- fi
- #RADIO_URL_LOCAL="false"
- #RADIO_URL_repository.slacky.eu="true"
- [ "`echo "$RETPARAMS" | grep 'BUTTON_PKGS_DOWNLOAD'`" = "" ] && exit 1
- #determine the url to download from....
- #if [ "$RADIO_URL_LOCAL" = "true" ];then
- if [ "`echo "$RETPARAMS" | grep 'RADIO_URL_LOCAL' | grep 'true'`" != "" ];then
- #put up a dlg box asking for folder with pkgs...
- LOCALDIR="/root"
- if [ -s /var/log/petlocaldir ];then
- OLDLOCALDIR="`cat /var/log/petlocaldir`"
- fi
- LOCALDIR="`Xdialog --backtitle "Note: Files not displayed, only directories" --title "Choose local directory" --stdout --no-buttons --dselect "$LOCALDIR" 0 0`"
- [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1
- if [ "$LOCALDIR" != "" ];then #121130
- LOCALDIR="$(echo -n "$LOCALDIR" | sed -e 's%/$%%')" #drop / off the end.
- echo "$LOCALDIR" > /var/log/petlocaldir
- else
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- if [ ! -f /tmp/install_quietly ]; then
- URL_BASIC="`echo "$RETPARAMS" | grep 'RADIO_URL_' | grep '"true"' | cut -f 1 -d '=' | cut -f 3 -d '_'`"
- DOWNLOADFROM="`cat /tmp/petget_repos | grep "$URL_BASIC" | head -n 1 | cut -f 2 -d '|'`"
- else
- DOWNLOADFROM="`awk '{ if (NR==1) print $0 }' /tmp/petget_repos | cut -f 2 -d '|'`"
- DOWNLOADFROM_ALT="`awk '{ if (NR==2) print $0 }' /tmp/petget_repos | cut -f 2 -d '|'`"
- fi
- fi
- #now download and install them...
- cd "$DL_PATH"
- #121123 first test that they all exist online...
- if [ ! -f /tmp/install_quietly ];then
- . yaf-splash -bg '#FFD600' -close never -fontsize large -text "$(gettext 'Please wait, testing that packages exist in repository...')" &
- testPID=$!
- else
- echo "$(gettext 'Testing that packages exist in repository')" > /tmp/petget/install_status
- fi
- for ONEFILE in `cat $ONELIST | cut -f 7,8,13 -d '|'` #path|fullfilename|repo-id
- do
- ONEREPOID="`echo -n "$ONEFILE" | cut -f 3 -d '|'`" #ex: official (...|puppy|wary5|official|)
- ONEPATH="`echo -n "$ONEFILE" | cut -f 1 -d '|'`"
- ONEPKGNAME="`echo -n "$ONEFILE" | cut -f 2 -d '|'`"
- ONEFILE="`echo -n "$ONEFILE" | cut -f 1,2 -d '|' | tr '|' '/'`" #path/fullfilename
- [ "`echo -n "$ONEFILE" | rev | cut -c 1-3 | rev`" = "pet" ] && FLAGPET='yes'
- if [ "`echo "$RETPARAMS" | grep 'RADIO_URL_LOCAL' | grep 'true'`" != "" ];then
- if [ ! -f ${LOCALDIR}/${ONEPKGNAME} ];then #121130 fix.
- fi
- else
- if [ "$ONEPATH" == "" ];then
- if [ "$FLAGPET" != "yes" ];then
- else
- fi
- fi
- if [ ! -f /tmp/install_quietly ]; then
- LANG=C wget -4 -t 2 -T 20 --waitretry=20 --spider -S "${DOWNLOADFROM}/${ONEFILE}" > /tmp/download_file_spider.log0 2>&1 #
- if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
- fi
- else
- LANG=C wget -4 -t 2 -T 20 --waitretry=20 --spider -S "${DOWNLOADFROM}/${ONEFILE}" > /tmp/download_file_spider.log0 2>&1 #
- if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
- LANG=C wget -4 -t 2 -T 20 --waitretry=20 --spider -S "${DOWNLOADFROM}/${ONEFILE}" > /tmp/download_file_spider.log0 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- done
- [ ! -f /tmp/install_quietly ] && pupkill $testPID || echo
- if [ "$DL_BAD_LIST" ];then
- BADMSG1="$(gettext 'Unfortunately, these packages are not available:')"
- BADMSG2="$(gettext "It may be that the local package database needs to be updated. In some cases, the packages in the online package repository change, so you may be trying to download a package that no longer exists.")"
- BADMSG3="$(gettext "SOLUTION: From the main PPM window, click the 'Configure' BUTTON and click the 'Update' button to update the local package database.")"
- BADMSG4="$(gettext 'The installation has been aborted!')"
- /usr/lib/gtkdialog/box_ok "$(gettext 'Packages not available')" error "${BADMSG1}" "<b>${DL_BAD_LIST}</b>" "${BADMSG4}" "${BADMSG2} ${BADMSG3}"
- echo ${DL_BAD_LIST} >> /tmp/pkgs_DL_BAD_LIST
- exit 1
- fi
- for ONEFILE in `cat $ONELIST | cut -f 7,8,13 -d '|'` #100527 path|fullfilename|repo-id
- do
- PKGCNT=`expr $PKGCNT + 1` #101118
- #100903 reorder...
- ONEREPOID="`echo -n "$ONEFILE" | cut -f 3 -d '|'`" #100527 ex: official (...|puppy|wary5|official|)
- ONEPATH="`echo -n "$ONEFILE" | cut -f 1 -d '|'`" #100527
- ONEFILE="`echo -n "$ONEFILE" | cut -f 1,2 -d '|' | tr '|' '/'`" #100527 path/fullfilename
- [ "`echo -n "$ONEFILE" | rev | cut -c 1-3 | rev`" = "pet" ] && FLAGPET='yes' #101016
- #if [ "$RADIO_URL_LOCAL" = "true" ];then
- if [ "`echo "$RETPARAMS" | grep 'RADIO_URL_LOCAL' | grep 'true'`" != "" ];then
- [ ! -f ${LOCALDIR}/${ONEFILE} ] && ONEFILE="`basename $ONEFILE`"
- cp -f ${LOCALDIR}/${ONEFILE} ./
- else
- #100527 need fix if |path| field of pkg database was empty... 100903 improve...
- if [ "$ONEPATH" == "" ];then #120515
- if [ "$FLAGPET" != "yes" ];then
- else
- fi
- fi
- #101116 now have a download utility...
- echo "$(gettext 'downloading'): ${ONEFILE}" > /tmp/petget/install_status
- export DL_F_CALLED_FROM='ppm' #121019
- download_file ${DOWNLOADFROM}/${ONEFILE}
- if [ $? -ne 0 ];then #101116
- DLPKG="`basename $ONEFILE`"
- [ -f "${DL_PATH}"/$DLPKG ] && rm -f "${DL_PATH}"/$DLPKG
- fi
- fi
- sync
- DLPKG="`basename $ONEFILE`"
- if [ -f "${DL_PATH}"/$DLPKG -a "$DLPKG" != "" ];then
- echo "$(gettext 'Verifying'): ${ONEFILE}" > /tmp/petget/install_status
- /usr/local/petget/verifypkg.sh $DLPKG
- else
- echo "$(gettext 'Installing'): ${ONEFILE}" > /tmp/petget/install_status
- /usr/local/petget/installpkg.sh $DLPKG
- #...appends pkgname and category to /tmp/petget-installed-pkgs-log if successful.
- fi
- if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
- LASTPKG=$(tail -n 1 /tmp/pgks_failed_to_install_forced)
- if [ $(echo ${DLPKG} | grep ${LASTPKG}) = "" ]; then
- /usr/lib/gtkdialog/box_ok "$(gettext 'Puppy Package Manager')" error "<b>$(gettext 'Faulty download of') ${DLPKG}</b>"
- FAILCNT=`expr $FAILCNT + 1` #101118
- fi
- fi
- #already removed, but take precautions...
- [ "$PASSEDPARAM" != "DOWNLOADONLY" -a "$DL_SAVE_FLAG" != "true" \
- -a "$(grep ${DLPKG} /tmp/pkg_preexists)" = "" ] && rm -f $DLPKG 2>/dev/null
- rm -f /tmp/pkg_preexists 2>/dev/null
- else
- /usr/lib/gtkdialog/box_ok "$(gettext 'Puppy Package Manager')" error "<b>$(gettext 'Failed to download') ${DLPKG}</b>"
- FAILCNT=`expr $FAILCNT + 1` #101118
- fi
- done
- done
- #101118 exit 1 if all pkgs failed to download...
- [ $FAILCNT -ne 0 ] && [ $FAILCNT -eq $PKGCNT ] && EXITVAL=1
- if [ "$PASSEDPARAM" = "DOWNLOADONLY" -a ! -f /tmp/download_pets_quietly \
- -a ! -f /tmp/download_only_pet_quietly ];then
- /usr/lib/gtkdialog/box_ok "$(gettext 'Puppy Package Manager')" complete "$(gettext 'Finished. The packages have been downloaded to') $PWD $(gettext 'directory.')"
- exit $EXITVAL
- fi
- #announce summary of successfully installed pkgs...
- #installpkg.sh will have logged to /tmp/petget-installed-pkgs-log
- if [ -s /tmp/petget-installed-pkgs-log ];then
- [ -f /tmp/install_quietly ] && FLAGPET='yes'
- if [ "$FLAGPET" != "yes" ];then #101016 do not offer to trim-the-fat if pet pkg(s)
- BUTTONS9="<text><label>$(gettext "NOTE: If you are concerned about the large size of the installed packages, Puppy has some clever code to delete files that are not likely to be needed for the application to actually run. If you would like to try this, click 'Trim the fat' button (otherwise just click 'OK'):")</label></text>
- <hbox>
- <button><label>$(gettext 'Trim the fat')</label><action type=\"exit\">BUTTON_TRIM_FAT</action></button>
- <button ok></button>
- </hbox>"
- else
- BUTTONS9="<hbox>
- <button ok></button>
- </hbox>"
- fi
- INSTALLEDMSG="`cat /tmp/petget-installed-pkgs-log`" #ex line: "PACKAGE: langpack_ru-20120720 CATEGORY: Setup"
- #note, same code in petget...
- #121011 L18L reported problem, category names also need translating...
- ZDesktop="$(gettext 'Desktop')"
- ZSystem="$(gettext 'System')"
- ZSetup="$(gettext 'Setup')"
- ZUtility="$(gettext 'Utility')"
- ZFilesystem="$(gettext 'Filesystem')"
- ZGraphic="$(gettext 'Graphic')"
- ZDocument="$(gettext 'Document')"
- ZBusiness="$(gettext 'Business')"
- ZPersonal="$(gettext 'Personal')"
- ZNetwork="$(gettext 'Network')"
- ZInternet="$(gettext 'Internet')"
- ZMultimedia="$(gettext 'Multimedia')"
- ZFun="$(gettext 'Fun')"
- ZHelp="$(gettext 'Help')"
- Znone="$(gettext 'none')"
- ZPTNDesktop="s%CATEGORY: Desktop%CATEGORY: ${ZDesktop}%"
- ZPTNSystem="s%CATEGORY: System%CATEGORY: ${ZSystem}%"
- ZPTNSetup="s%CATEGORY: Setup%CATEGORY: ${ZSetup}%"
- ZPTNUtility="s%CATEGORY: Utility%CATEGORY: ${ZUtility}%"
- ZPTNFilesystem="s%CATEGORY: Filesystem%CATEGORY: ${ZFilesystem}%"
- ZPTNGraphic="s%CATEGORY: Graphic%CATEGORY: ${ZGraphic}%"
- ZPTNDocument="s%CATEGORY: Document%CATEGORY: ${ZDocument}%"
- ZPTNBusiness="s%CATEGORY: Business%CATEGORY: ${ZBusiness}%"
- ZPTNPersonal="s%CATEGORY: Personal%CATEGORY: ${ZPersonal}%"
- ZPTNNetwork="s%CATEGORY: Network%CATEGORY: ${ZNetwork}%"
- ZPTNInternet="s%CATEGORY: Internet%CATEGORY: ${ZInternet}%"
- ZPTNMultimedia="s%CATEGORY: Multimedia%CATEGORY: ${ZMultimedia}%"
- ZPTNHelp="s%CATEGORY: Help%CATEGORY: ${ZHelp}%"
- ZPTNnone="s%CATEGORY: none%CATEGORY: ${Znone}%"
- #120927 want to translate "CATEGORY:" and "PACKAGE:" that are in /tmp/petget-installed-pkgs-log (see installpkg.sh)...
- ZCATEGORY="$(gettext 'CATEGORY:')"
- ZPACKAGE="$(gettext 'PACKAGE:')"
- ZINSTALLEDMSG="$(sed -e "$ZPTNDesktop" -e "$ZPTNSystem" -e "$ZPTNSetup" -e "$ZPTNUtility" -e "$ZPTNFilesystem" -e "$ZPTNGraphic" -e "$ZPTNDocument" -e "$ZPTNBusiness" -e "$ZPTNPersonal" -e "$ZPTNNetwork" -e "$ZPTNInternet" -e "$ZPTNMultimedia" -e "$ZPTNFun" -e "$ZPTNHelp" -e "$ZPTNnone" -e "$ZPTN1" -e "$ZPTN2" /tmp/petget-installed-pkgs-log)" #121011 more ptns.
- CAT_MSG="$(gettext 'Note: the package(s) do not have a menu entry.')"
- [ "`echo "$INSTALLEDMSG" | grep -o 'CATEGORY.*' | grep -v 'none'`" != "" ] && CAT_MSG="$(gettext '...look in the appropriate category in the menu (bottom-left of screen) to run the application. Note, some packages do not have a menu entry.')" #424 fix. 101016 fix.
- #120904 vertical scrollbar...
- if [ ! -f /tmp/install_quietly ]; then
- export PPM_INSTALL="<window title=\"$(gettext 'Puppy Package Manager')\" icon-name=\"gtk-about\">
- <vbox>
- <pixmap><input file>/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/dialog-complete.svg</input></pixmap>
- <text><label>$(gettext 'The following packages have been successfully installed:')</label></text>
- <vbox scrollable=\"true\" height=\"100\">
- <text wrap=\"false\" use-markup=\"true\"><label>\"<b>${ZINSTALLEDMSG}</b>\"</label></text>
- </vbox>
- <text><label>${CAT_MSG}</label></text>
- </vbox>
- </window>
- "
- RETPARAMS="`gtkdialog -p PPM_INSTALL`"
- eval "$RETPARAMS"
- else
- fi
- #trim the fat...
- if [ "$EXIT" = "BUTTON_TRIM_FAT" ];then
- INSTALLEDPKGNAMES="`echo "$INSTALLEDMSG" | cut -f 2 -d ' ' | tr '\n' ' '`"
- #101013 improvement suggested by L18L...
- CURRLOCALES="`locale -a | grep _ | cut -d '_' -f 1`"
- LISTLOCALES="`echo -e -n "en\n${CURRLOCALES}" | sort -u | tr -s '\n' | tr '\n' ',' | sed -e 's%,$%%'`"
- export PPM_TRIM_DIALOG="<window title=\"$(gettext 'Puppy Package Manager')\" icon-name=\"gtk-about\">
- <vbox>
- <pixmap><input file>/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/dialog-question.svg</input></pixmap>
- <text><label>$(gettext "You have chosen to 'trim the fat' of these installed packages:")</label></text>
- <text use-markup=\"true\"><label>\"<b>${INSTALLEDPKGNAMES}</b>\"</label></text>
- <frame Locale>
- <text><label>$(gettext 'Type the 2-letter country designations for the locales that you want to retain, separated by commas. Leave blank to retain all locale files (see /usr/share/locale for examples):')</label></text>
- <entry><default>${LISTLOCALES}</default><variable>ENTRY_LOCALE</variable></entry>
- </frame>
- <frame $(gettext 'Documentation')>
- <checkbox><default>true</default><label>$(gettext 'Tick this to delete documentation files')</label><variable>CHECK_DOCDEL</variable></checkbox>
- </frame>
- <frame $(gettext 'Development')>
- <checkbox><default>true</default><label>$(gettext 'Tick this to delete development files')</label><variable>CHECK_DEVDEL</variable></checkbox>
- <text><label>$(gettext '(only needed if these packages are required as dependencies when compiling another package from source code)')</label></text>
- </frame>
- <text><label>$(gettext "Click 'OK', or if you decide to chicken-out click 'Cancel':")</label></text>
- <hbox>
- <button ok></button>
- <button cancel></button>
- </hbox>
- </vbox>
- </window>"
- RETPARAMS="`gtkdialog -p PPM_TRIM_DIALOG`"
- eval "$RETPARAMS"
- [ "$EXIT" != "OK" ] && exit $EXITVAL
- if [ ! -f /tmp/install_quietly ]; then
- /usr/lib/gtkdialog/box_splash -text "$(gettext 'Please wait, trimming fat from packages...')" &
- X4PID=$!
- fi
- elPATTERN="`echo -n "$ENTRY_LOCALE" | tr ',' '\n' | sed -e 's%^%/%' -e 's%$%/%' | tr '\n' '|'`"
- do
- cat /root/.packages/${PKGNAME}.files |
- while read ONEFILE
- do
- [ ! -f "$ONEFILE" ] && continue
- [ -h "$ONEFILE" ] && continue
- #find out if this is an international language file...
- if [ "$ENTRY_LOCALE" != "" ];then
- if [ "`echo -n "$ONEFILE" | grep --extended-regexp '/locale/|/nls/|/i18n/' | grep -v -E "$elPATTERN"`" != "" ];then
- rm -f "$ONEFILE"
- grep -v "$ONEFILE" /root/.packages/${PKGNAME}.files > /tmp/petget_pkgfiles_temp
- mv -f /tmp/petget_pkgfiles_temp /root/.packages/${PKGNAME}.files
- continue
- fi
- fi
- #find out if this is a documentation file...
- if [ "$CHECK_DOCDEL" = "true" ];then
- if [ "`echo -n "$ONEFILE" | grep --extended-regexp '/man/|/doc/|/doc-base/|/docs/|/info/|/gtk-doc/|/faq/|/manual/|/examples/|/help/|/htdocs/'`" != "" ];then
- rm -f "$ONEFILE" 2>/dev/null
- grep -v "$ONEFILE" /root/.packages/${PKGNAME}.files > /tmp/petget_pkgfiles_temp
- mv -f /tmp/petget_pkgfiles_temp /root/.packages/${PKGNAME}.files
- continue
- fi
- fi
- #find out if this is development file...
- if [ "$CHECK_DEVDEL" = "true" ];then
- if [ "`echo -n "$ONEFILE" | grep --extended-regexp '/include/|/pkgconfig/|/aclocal|/cvs/|/svn/'`" != "" ];then
- rm -f "$ONEFILE" 2>/dev/null
- grep -v "$ONEFILE" /root/.packages/${PKGNAME}.files > /tmp/petget_pkgfiles_temp
- mv -f /tmp/petget_pkgfiles_temp /root/.packages/${PKGNAME}.files
- continue
- fi
- #all .a and .la files... and any stray .m4 files...
- if [ "`echo -n "$ONEBASE" | grep --extended-regexp '\.a$|\.la$|\.m4$'`" != "" ];then
- rm -f "$ONEFILE"
- grep -v "$ONEFILE" /root/.packages/${PKGNAME}.files > /tmp/petget_pkgfiles_temp
- mv -f /tmp/petget_pkgfiles_temp /root/.packages/${PKGNAME}.files
- fi
- fi
- done
- done
- [ ! -f /tmp/install_quietly ] && kill $X4PID || echo
- fi
- fi
- exit $EXITVAL #101118
- ###END###