13 KB


Hash function MiB/sec cycles/hash Quality problems
donothing32 26868545.30 6.11 test NOP
donothing64 18810836.72 6.09 test NOP
donothing128 24694622.36 5.11 test NOP
NOP_OAAT_read64 2791.35 21.28 test NOP
BadHash 468.31 105.42 test FAIL
sumhash 11058.06 25.41 test FAIL
sumhash32 26601.48 15.61 test FAIL
crc32 352.29 143.32 insecure, 8589.93x collisions, distrib
md5_32a 277.56 716.47 8589.93x collisions, distrib
sha1_32a 324.16 1427.58 collisions, 36.6% distrib
hasshe2 1639.48 103.19 insecure,100% bias, collisions, distrib
crc32_hw 8103.92 32.36 insecure,100% bias, collisions, distrib
crc64_hw 7624.95 35.12 insecure,100% bias, collisions, distrib
crc32_hw1 22610.60 36.80 insecure,100% bias, collisions, distrib
FNV1a 791.84 69.21 zeros,100% bias, collisions, distrib
FNV1a_YT 8328.60 27.78 100% bias, collisions, distrib
FNV64 791.84 70.17 100% bias, collisions, distrib
bernstein 715.21 74.00 100% bias, collisions, distrib
sdbm 791.84 66.51 100% bias, collisions, distrib
x17 637.20 87.19 99.98% bias, collisions, distrib
JenkinsOOAT 412.39 154.66 53.5% bias, collisions, distrib
JenkinsOOAT_pl 452.50 118.25 1.5-11.5% bias, 7.2x collisions
MicroOAAT 689.16 83.45 100% bias, distrib
lookup3 1735.25 48.78 28% bias, collisions, 30% distr
superfast 2045.98 52.16 91% bias, 5273.01x collisions, 37% distr
MurmurOAAT 465.93 110.78 collisions, 99.998% distr
Crap8 2844.03 37.48 2.42% bias, collisions, 2% distrib
Murmur2 3147.50 40.85 1.7% bias, 81x coll, 1.7% distrib
Murmur2A 2843.03 47.78 12.7% bias
Murmur2B 6155.72 57.48 1.8% bias, collisions, 3.4% distrib
Murmur2C 3633.24 46.88 91% bias, collisions, distr
HalfSipHash 587.04 145.03 zeroes
GoodOAAT 929.59 79.06
SipHash 951.02 145.97
SipHash13 1678.76 115.11 0.9% bias
PMurHash32 2436.65 60.15
Murmur3A 2364.40 52.83
Murmur3C 2468.70 79.44
Murmur3F 4376.29 55.03
fasthash32 4881.26 55.11
fasthash64 5404.17 46.73
City32 3523.77 53.76
City64 8728.22 54.72 2 minor collisions
City128 9769.19 63.38
CityCrc128 13730.97 85.88
FarmHash64 8711.25 58.16 machine-specific
FarmHash128 9738.29 79.91 machine-specific
FarmHash32 24831.45 24.99 disabled. too machine-specific
farmhash32_c 24647.21 25.36
farmhash64_c 7886.79 64.48
farmhash128_c 9770.40 79.59
Spooky32 9944.88 60.12
Spooky64 9943.72 60.16
Spooky128 9936.26 60.10
xxHash32 4914.62 64.17 collisions with 4bit diff
xxHash64 8474.87 61.57
metrohash64_1 8177.73 56.05
metrohash64_2 9064.45 50.83
metrohash128_1 7931.50 65.88
metrohash128_2 8779.11 59.36
metrohash64crc_1 15827.71 55.72 cyclic collisions 8 byte
metrohash64crc_2 16072.41 56.79 cyclic collisions 8 byte
metrohash128crc_1 15468.70 66.62
metrohash128crc_2 14100.80 71.89
cmetrohash64_1_o 9054.06 50.66
cmetrohash64_1 8135.24 55.96
cmetrohash64_2 9046.35 50.95
falkhash 19888.45 173.92
t1ha 15480.28 26.41
t1ha_64be 5203.00 53.69
t1ha_32le 8930.90 29.79
t1ha_32be 6931.84 34.17
t1ha_crc 16757.73 28.69
t1ha_aes 37299.66 25.68 machine-specific
MUM 7763.68 41.28 machine-specific


I added some SSE assisted hashes and fast intel/arm CRC32-C and AES HW variants, but not the fastest crcutil yet. See our crcutil results. See also the old

So the fastest hash functions on x86_64 without quality problems are:

  • falkhash (macho64 and elf64 nasm only, with HW AES extension)
  • t1ha + mum (machine specific, mum: different arch results)
  • FarmHash (not portable, too machine specific: 64 vs 32bit, old gcc, ...)
  • Metro (but not 64crc yet, WIP)
  • Spooky32
  • xxHash64
  • fasthash
  • City (deprecated)

Hash functions for symbol tables or hash tables typically use 32 bit hashes, for databases, file systems and file checksums typically 64 or 128bit, for crypto now starting with 256 bit.

Typical median key size in perl5 is 20, the most common 4. See

When used in a hash table the instruction cache will usually beat the CPU and throughput measured here. In my tests the smallest FNV1A beats the fastest crc32_hw1 with Perl 5 hash tables. Even if those worse hash functions will lead to more collisions, the overall speed advantage beats the slightly worse quality. See e.g. A Seven-Dimensional Analysis of Hashing Methods and its Implications on Query Processing for a concise overview of the best hash table strategies, confirming that the simpliest Mult hashing (bernstein, FNV*, x17, sdbm) always beat "better" hash functions (Tabulation, Murmur, Farm, ...) when used in a hash table.

The fast hash functions tested here are recommendable as fast for file digests and maybe bigger databases, but not for 32bit hash tables. The "Quality problems" lead to less uniform distribution, i.e. more collisions and worse performance, but are rarely related to real security attacks, just the 2nd sanity test against \0 invariance is security relevant.



Some popular SSE-improved FNV1 (sanmayce) variants, fletcher (ZFS), ... and slower cryptographic hashes or more secure hashes are still missing. BLAKE2, SHA-2, SHA-3 (Keccak), Grøstl, JH, Skein, ...


The hash table attacks described in SipHash against City, Murmur or Perl JenkinsOAAT or at Hash Function Lounge are not included here.

Such an attack avoidance cannot not be the problem of the hash function, but the hash table collision resolution scheme. You can attack every single hash function, even the best and most secure if you detect the seed, e.g. from collision timings and independly the sort-order, so you need to protect your collision handling scheme from the worst-case O(n), i.e. separate chaining with linked lists. Linked lists chaining allows high load factors, but is very cache-unfriendly. The only recommendable linked list scheme is inlining the key or hash into the array. Nowadays everybody uses fast open addressing, even if the load factor needs to be ~50%, unless you use Cuckoo Hashing.

I.e. the usage of SipHash for their hash table in Python 3.4, ruby, rust, systemd, OpenDNS, Haskell and OpenBSD is pure security theatre. SipHash is not secure enough for security purposes and not fast enough for general usage. Brute-force generation of ~32k collisions need 2-4m for all these hashes. siphash being the slowest needs max 4m, other typically max 2m30s, with <10s for practical 16k collision attacks with all hash functions. Using Murmur is usually slower than a simple Mult, even in the worst case. Provable secure is only uniform hashing, i.e. 2-5 independent Mult or Tabulation, or using a guaranteed logarithmic collision scheme (a tree) or a linear collision scheme, such as Robin Hood or Cockoo hashing with collision counting.

One more note regarding security: Nowadays even SHA1 can be solved in a solver, like Z3 (or faster ones) for practical hash table collision attacks (i.e. 14-20 bits). So all hash functions with less than 256 bits tested here cannot be considered "secure" at all.

The '\0' vulnerability attack with binary keys is tested in the 2nd Sanity test.