#2 Create a new page with a fixed footer under the end of the main content of the page

6 سال پیش باز شده توسط vaeringjar · 0 دیدگاه

I just had an ah-ha moment:

The main footer could remain fixed at the bottom of the page and at a different z-index. Then, as the main part of the page scrolls to the bottom, a transparent section margin of the same size exposes the footer. This would maintain the vertical size, the height, of each page.

I just had an ah-ha moment: The main footer could remain fixed at the bottom of the page and at a different z-index. Then, as the main part of the page scrolls to the bottom, a ~~transparent section~~ margin of the same size exposes the footer. This would maintain the vertical size, the height, of each page.
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