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Notes from original team

  1. There are login and register screens in the developer mode that where set up to be used whenever the app was minimized or set as inactive. The intention was to use these wit hthe bcrypt module but was unfortunately not finished tue to issues with the password not being saved in the SInfo call (in react-native-sensitive-info library). These screens essentially meant to function as a lockscreen for the app, so maybe not competely essential but they are there to improve upon.
  2. Did not implement cyrpto signing.
  3. The app uses jest as a testing suite. Running "npm test" will run the snapshot tests currently setup on the app. (These tests are in components/tests/) However, the tests do need a bit more development before they can be used effectively. Currently there are only snapshot tests, which are only effective for the static app screens. Any screens that are dynamic (most of them) will require tests to be modified, whic simply did not get to the point of modifying much deeper than the basic tests.
  4. Some of the Async functions such as AES encryption can act a little screwy with other functions due to timing issues. These could probably be handled a little better.
  5. For UI elements, the app currently has some that scale with the screen and some that do not, so that may cause graphical issues on some screen sizes.