sf_admin.ja.xml 3.5 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
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  7. <!-- Actions -->
  8. <trans-unit>
  9. <source>New</source>
  10. <target>新規作成</target>
  11. </trans-unit>
  12. <trans-unit>
  13. <source>Edit</source>
  14. <target>編集</target>
  15. </trans-unit>
  16. <trans-unit>
  17. <source>Delete</source>
  18. <target>削除</target>
  19. </trans-unit>
  20. <trans-unit>
  21. <source>List</source>
  22. <target>一覧</target>
  23. </trans-unit>
  24. <trans-unit>
  25. <source>Save</source>
  26. <target>保存</target>
  27. </trans-unit>
  28. <trans-unit>
  29. <source>Save and add</source>
  30. <target>保存して更に追加</target>
  31. </trans-unit>
  32. <trans-unit>
  33. <source>Cancel</source>
  34. <target>キャンセル</target>
  35. </trans-unit>
  36. <!-- Filters -->
  37. <trans-unit>
  38. <source>Reset</source>
  39. <target>リセット</target>
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  41. <trans-unit>
  42. <source>Filter</source>
  43. <target>検索</target>
  44. </trans-unit>
  45. <!-- List -->
  46. <trans-unit>
  47. <source>No result</source>
  48. <target>データがありません</target>
  49. </trans-unit>
  50. <trans-unit>
  51. <source>Actions</source>
  52. <target>操作</target>
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  63. <source>desc</source>
  64. <target>昇順</target>
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  68. <source>First page</source>
  69. <target>最初のページ</target>
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  71. <trans-unit>
  72. <source>Previous page</source>
  73. <target>前のページ</target>
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  75. <trans-unit>
  76. <source>Next page</source>
  77. <target>次のページ</target>
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  79. <trans-unit>
  80. <source>Last page</source>
  81. <target>最後のページ</target>
  82. </trans-unit>
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  84. <trans-unit>
  85. <source>The item was created successfully.</source>
  86. <target>アイテムを作成しました</target>
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  88. <trans-unit>
  89. <source>The item was updated successfully.</source>
  90. <target>アイテムを更新しました</target>
  91. </trans-unit>
  92. <trans-unit>
  93. <source>The item was created successfully. You can add another one below.</source>
  94. <target>アイテムを作成しました。以下で別のアイテムを追加できます。</target>
  95. </trans-unit>
  96. <trans-unit>
  97. <source>The item was updated successfully. You can add another one below.</source>
  98. <target>アイテムを更新しました。以下で別のアイテムを追加できます。</target>
  99. </trans-unit>
  100. <trans-unit>
  101. <source>The item has not been saved due to some errors.</source>
  102. <target>エラーのためアイテムを保存できませんでした</target>
  103. </trans-unit>
  104. <trans-unit>
  105. <source>The item was deleted successfully.</source>
  106. <target>アイテムを削除しました</target>
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