error404Success.php 1.3 KB

  1. <?php decorate_with(dirname(__FILE__).'/defaultLayout.php') ?>
  2. <div class="sfTMessageContainer sfTAlert">
  3. <?php echo image_tag('/sf/sf_default/images/icons/cancel48.png', array('alt' => 'page not found', 'class' => 'sfTMessageIcon', 'size' => '48x48')) ?>
  4. <div class="sfTMessageWrap">
  5. <h1>Oops! Page Not Found</h1>
  6. <h5>The server returned a 404 response.</h5>
  7. </div>
  8. </div>
  9. <dl class="sfTMessageInfo">
  10. <dt>Did you type the URL?</dt>
  11. <dd>You may have typed the address (URL) incorrectly. Check it to make sure you've got the exact right spelling, capitalization, etc.</dd>
  12. <dt>Did you follow a link from somewhere else at this site?</dt>
  13. <dd>If you reached this page from another part of this site, please email us at <?php echo mail_to('[email]') ?> so we can correct our mistake.</dd>
  14. <dt>Did you follow a link from another site?</dt>
  15. <dd>Links from other sites can sometimes be outdated or misspelled. Email us at <?php echo mail_to('[email]') ?> where you came from and we can try to contact the other site in order to fix the problem.</dd>
  16. <dt>What's next</dt>
  17. <dd>
  18. <ul class="sfTIconList">
  19. <li class="sfTLinkMessage"><a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Back to previous page</a></li>
  20. <li class="sfTLinkMessage"><?php echo link_to('Go to Homepage', '@homepage') ?></li>
  21. </ul>
  22. </dd>
  23. </dl>