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- ; Example of use of z80unlze.asm
- ; Copyright © 2020 Pedro Gimeno Fortea
- org 0A000h
- jr Start
- FinalLength dw 0
- ; Example: Decompress a text and print it
- Start: ld hl,CompressedStrm
- ld de,0C000h
- call unlze
- ld bc,-CompressedStrm
- add hl,bc
- ld (FinalLength),hl
- ld hl,0C000h
- PrtLoop: ld a,l
- cp e
- jr nz,GoOn
- ld a,h
- cp d
- ret z
- GoOn: ld a,(hl)
- inc hl
- ; cp 0Ah
- ; jr nz,NonLF
- ; ld a,0Dh
- ; rst 18h
- ; ld a,0Ah
- NonLF: rst 18h
- jr PrtLoop
- CompressedStrm: incbin 'lorem_ip.txt.lz'
- include 'z80unlze.asm'