mgcp.conf.sample 5.7 KB

  1. ;
  2. ; MGCP Configuration for Asterisk
  3. ;
  4. [general]
  5. ;port = 2427
  6. ;bindaddr =
  7. ; See for a description of these parameters.
  8. ;tos=cs3 ; Sets TOS for signaling packets.
  9. ;tos_audio=ef ; Sets TOS for RTP audio packets.
  10. ;cos=3 ; Sets 802.1p priority for signaling packets.
  11. ;cos_audio=5 ; Sets 802.1p priority for RTP audio packets.
  12. ;---------------------- DIGIT TIMEOUTS ----------------------------
  13. firstdigittimeout = 30000 ; default 16000 = 16s
  14. gendigittimeout = 10000 ; default 8000 = 8s
  15. matchdigittimeout = 5000 ; defaults 3000 = 3s
  16. ;------------------------------ JITTER BUFFER CONFIGURATION --------------------------
  17. ; jbenable = yes ; Enables the use of a jitterbuffer on the receiving side of a
  18. ; MGCP channel. Defaults to "no". An enabled jitterbuffer will
  19. ; be used only if the sending side can create and the receiving
  20. ; side can not accept jitter. The MGCP channel can accept jitter,
  21. ; thus an enabled jitterbuffer on the receive MGCP side will only
  22. ; be used if the sending side can create jitter and jbforce is
  23. ; also set to yes.
  24. ; jbforce = no ; Forces the use of a jitterbuffer on the receive side of a MGCP
  25. ; channel. Defaults to "no".
  26. ; jbmaxsize = 200 ; Max length of the jitterbuffer in milliseconds.
  27. ; jbresyncthreshold = 1000 ; Jump in the frame timestamps over which the jitterbuffer is
  28. ; resynchronized. Useful to improve the quality of the voice, with
  29. ; big jumps in/broken timestamps, usually sent from exotic devices
  30. ; and programs. Defaults to 1000.
  31. ; jbimpl = fixed ; Jitterbuffer implementation, used on the receiving side of a MGCP
  32. ; channel. Two implementations are currently available - "fixed"
  33. ; (with size always equals to jbmax-size) and "adaptive" (with
  34. ; variable size, actually the new jb of IAX2). Defaults to fixed.
  35. ; jbtargetextra = 40 ; This option only affects the jb when 'jbimpl = adaptive' is set.
  36. ; The option represents the number of milliseconds by which the new
  37. ; jitter buffer will pad its size. the default is 40, so without
  38. ; modification, the new jitter buffer will set its size to the jitter
  39. ; value plus 40 milliseconds. increasing this value may help if your
  40. ; network normally has low jitter, but occasionally has spikes.
  41. ; jblog = no ; Enables jitterbuffer frame logging. Defaults to "no".
  42. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. ;[dlinkgw]
  44. ;host =
  45. ;context = default
  46. ;directmedia = no
  47. ;line => aaln/2
  48. ;line => aaln/1
  49. ;; The MGCP channel supports the following service codes:
  50. ;; # - Transfer
  51. ;; *67 - Calling Number Delivery Blocking
  52. ;; *70 - Cancel Call Waiting
  53. ;; *72 - Call Forwarding Activation
  54. ;; *73 - Call Forwarding Deactivation
  55. ;; *78 - Do Not Disturb Activation
  56. ;; *79 - Do Not Disturb Deactivation
  57. ;; *8 - Call pick-up
  58. ;
  59. ; known to work with Swissvoice IP10s
  60. ;[]
  61. ;context=local
  62. ;host=
  63. ;callerid = "John Doe" <123>
  64. ;callgroup=0 ; in the range from 0 to 63
  65. ;pickupgroup=0 ; in the range from 0 to 63
  66. ;nat=no
  67. ;threewaycalling=yes
  68. ;transfer=yes ; transfer requires threewaycalling=yes. Use FLASH to transfer
  69. ;callwaiting=yes ; this might be a cause of trouble for ip10s
  70. ;cancallforward=yes
  71. ;line => aaln/1
  72. ;
  73. ;[dph100]
  74. ;
  75. ; Supporting the DPH100M requires defining DLINK_BUGGY_FIRMWARE in
  76. ; chan_mgcp.c in addition to enabling the slowsequence mode due to
  77. ; bugs in the D-Link firmware
  78. ;
  79. ;context=local
  80. ;host=dynamic
  81. ;dtmfmode=none ; DTMF Mode can be 'none', 'rfc2833', or 'inband' or
  82. ; 'hybrid' which starts in none and moves to inband. Default is none.
  83. ;slowsequence=yes ; The DPH100M does not follow MGCP standards for sequencing
  84. ;line => aaln/1
  85. ; known to work with wave7optics FTTH LMGs
  86. ;[]
  87. ;accountcode = 1000 ; record this in cdr as account identification for billing
  88. ;amaflags = billing ; record this in cdr as flagged for 'billing',
  89. ; 'documentation', or 'omit'
  90. ;context = local
  91. ;host =
  92. ;wcardep = aaln/* ; enables wildcard endpoint and sets it to 'aaln/*'
  93. ; another common format is '*'
  94. ;callerid = "Duane Cox" <123> ; now lets setup line 1 using per endpoint configuration...
  95. ;callwaiting = no
  96. ;callreturn = yes
  97. ;cancallforward = yes
  98. ;directmedia = no
  99. ;transfer = no
  100. ;dtmfmode = inband
  101. ;setvar=one=1 ; Set channel variables associated with this incoming line
  102. ;setvar=two=2
  103. ;line => aaln/1 ; now lets save this config to line1 aka aaln/1
  104. ;clearvars=all ; Reset list of variables back to none
  105. ;callerid = "Duane Cox" <456> ; now lets setup line 2
  106. ;callwaiting = no
  107. ;callreturn = yes
  108. ;cancallforward = yes
  109. ;directmedia = no
  110. ;transfer = no
  111. ;dtmfmode = inband
  112. ;line => aaln/2 ; now lets save this config to line2 aka aaln/2
  113. ; PacketCable
  114. ;[sbv5121e-mta.test.local]
  115. ;host =
  116. ;callwaiting = 1
  117. ;canreinvite = 1
  118. ;dtmfmode = rfc2833
  119. ;amaflags = BILLING
  120. ;ncs = yes ; Use NCS 1.0 signalling
  121. ;pktcgatealloc = yes ; Allocate DQOS gate on CMTS
  122. ;hangupongateremove = yes ; Hangup the channel if the CMTS close the gate
  123. ;callerid = 3622622225
  124. ;accountcode = test-3622622225
  125. ;line = aaln/1
  126. ;callerid = 3622622226
  127. ;accountcode = test-3622622226
  128. ;line = aaln/2