vpb.conf.sample 458 B

  1. ; V6PCI/V12PCI config file for VoiceTronix Hardware
  2. ; Options
  3. ; board = board_number (1, 2, 3, ...)
  4. ; channel = channel_number (1,2,3...)
  5. ; mode = fxo|immediate|dialtone -- for type of line and line handling
  6. ; context = starting context
  7. ;
  8. [interfaces]
  9. echocancel = on
  10. board = 1
  11. context = vpbtest
  12. ; Note that V6PCI channel numbers start at 7!
  13. mode = fxo
  14. ;channel = 7
  15. ;channel = 8
  16. mode = dialtone
  17. ;channel = 9
  18. ;channel = 10
  19. ;channel = 11
  20. ;channel = 12