skinny.conf.sample 1.1 KB

  1. ;
  2. ; Skinny Configuration for Asterisk
  3. ;
  4. [general]
  5. port = 2000 ; Port to bind to, default tcp/2000
  6. bindaddr = ; Address to bind to
  7. dateFormat = M-D-Y ; M,D,Y in any order (5 chars max)
  8. keepAlive = 120
  9. ; allow = all
  10. ; disallow =
  11. ; Typical config for 12SP+
  12. ;[florian]
  13. ;device=SEP00D0BA847E6B
  14. ;version=P002G204 ; Thanks critch
  15. ;context=did
  16. ;line => 120 ; Dial(Skinny/120@florian)
  17. ; Typical config for a 7910
  18. ;[duba] ; Device name
  19. ;device=SEP0007EB463101 ; Offical identifier
  20. ;version=P002F202 ; Firmware version identifier
  21. ;host= ;
  22. ;permit=192.168.0/24 ; Optional, used for authentication
  23. ;nat=0
  24. ;callerid="George W. Bush" <202-456-1414>
  25. ;mailbox=500
  26. ;callwaiting=1
  27. ;transfer=1
  28. ;threewaycalling=1
  29. ;context=default
  30. ;line => 500 ; Dial(Skinny/500@duba)
  31. ; Typical config for a 7940 / ATA
  32. ;[support]
  33. ;device=SEP0007EB463121
  34. ;nat=0
  35. ;callerid="Customer Support" <810-234-1212>
  36. ;mailbox=100
  37. ;context=inbound
  38. ;linelabel="Support Line" ; Displays next to the line button on 7940's and 7960s
  39. ;line => 100
  40. ;callerid="John Chambers" <408-526-4000>
  41. ;context=did
  42. ;linelabel="John"
  43. ;mailbox=110
  44. ;line => 110