iax.conf.sample 5.6 KB

  1. ; Inter-Asterisk eXchange driver definition
  2. ;
  3. ;
  4. ; General settings, like port number to bind to, and
  5. ; an option address (the default is to bind to all
  6. ; local addresses).
  7. ;
  8. [general]
  9. port=5036
  10. ;bindaddr=
  11. ;
  12. ; Set iaxcompat to yes if you plan to use layered
  13. ; switches. It incurs a small performance hit to enable it
  14. ;
  15. ;iaxcompat=yes
  16. ;
  17. ; You may specify a global default AMA flag for iaxtel calls. It must be
  18. ; one of 'default', 'omit', 'billing', or 'documentation'. These flags
  19. ; are used in the generation of call detail records.
  20. ;
  21. ;amaflags=default
  22. ;
  23. ; You may specify a default account for Call Detail Records in addition
  24. ; to specifying on a per-user basis
  25. ;
  26. ;accountcode=lss0101
  27. ;
  28. ; Specify bandwidth of low, medium, or high to control which codecs are used
  29. ; in general.
  30. ;
  31. bandwidth=low
  32. ;
  33. ; You can also fine tune codecs here using "allow" and "disallow" clauses
  34. ; with specific codecs. Use "all" to represent all formats.
  35. ;
  36. ;allow=all ; same as bandwidth=high
  37. ;disallow=g723.1 ; Hm... Proprietary, don't use it...
  38. disallow=lpc10 ; Icky sound quality... Mr. Roboto.
  39. ;allow=gsm ; Always allow GSM, it's cool :)
  40. ;
  41. ; You can also adjust several parameters relating to the jitter
  42. ; buffer. Specifically, you can provide a maximum jitter buffer,
  43. ; you can turn it off entirely, and you can specify an acceptable
  44. ; drop rate (per MEMORY_SIZE, by default 3 of 100). Disabling the
  45. ; jitter buffer is generally recommended unless you are on a highly
  46. ; jittery network, since usually jitter buffering will cause you additional
  47. ; latency. Finally, you can specify the maximum
  48. ; excess jitter buffer, which if exceeded, causes the jitter buffer to
  49. ; slowly shrink in order to improve latency.
  50. ;
  51. jitterbuffer=no
  52. ;dropcount=3
  53. ;maxjitterbuffer=500
  54. ;maxexcessbuffer=100
  55. ;
  56. ;trunkfreq=20 ; How frequently to send trunk msgs (in ms)
  57. ;
  58. ;
  59. ; We can register with another IAX server to let him know where we are
  60. ; in case we have a dynamic IP address for example
  61. ;
  62. ; Register with tormenta using username marko and password secretpass
  63. ;
  64. ;register => marko:secretpass@tormenta.linux-support.net
  65. ;
  66. ; Register joe at remote host with no password
  67. ;
  68. ;register => joe@remotehost:5656
  69. ;
  70. ; Register marko at tormenta.linux-support.net using RSA key "torkey"
  71. ;
  72. ;register => marko:[torkey]@tormenta.linux-support.net
  73. ;
  74. ;
  75. ; You can disable authentication debugging to reduce the amount of
  76. ; debugging traffic.
  77. ;
  78. ;authdebug=no
  79. ;
  80. ; Finally, you can set values for your TOS bits to help improve
  81. ; performance. Valid values are:
  82. ; lowdelay -- Minimize delay
  83. ; throughput -- Maximize throughput
  84. ; reliability -- Maximize reliability
  85. ; mincost -- Minimize cost
  86. ; none -- No flags
  87. ;
  88. tos=lowdelay
  89. ;
  90. ; Guest sections for unauthenticated connection attempts. Just
  91. ; specify an empty secret, or provide no secret section.
  92. ;
  93. [guest]
  94. type=user
  95. context=default
  96. callerid="Guest IAX User"
  97. ;
  98. ; Trust Caller*ID Coming from iaxtel.com
  99. ;
  100. [iaxtel]
  101. type=user
  102. context=default
  103. auth=rsa
  104. inkeys=iaxtel
  105. [iaxtel2]
  106. ;
  107. ; Backwards compatible entry for IAXtel pre-RSA
  108. ;
  109. type=user
  110. context=default
  111. deny=
  112. permit=
  113. ;
  114. ; Further user sections may be added, specifying a context and a
  115. ; secret used for connections with that given authentication name.
  116. ; Limited IP based access control is allowed by use of "allow" and
  117. ; "deny" keywords. Multiple rules are permitted. Multiple permitted
  118. ; contexts may be specified, in which case the first will be the default.
  119. ; You can also override caller*ID so that when you receive a call you
  120. ; set the Caller*ID to be what you want instead of trusting what
  121. ; the remote user provides
  122. ;
  123. ; There are three authentication methods that are supported: md5, plaintext,
  124. ; and rsa. The least secure is "plaintext", which sends passwords cleartext
  125. ; across the net. "md5" uses a challenge/response md5 sum arrangement, but
  126. ; still requires both ends have plain text access to the secret. "rsa" allows
  127. ; unidirectional secret knowledge through public/private keys. If "rsa"
  128. ; authentication is used, "inkeys" is a list of acceptable public keys on the
  129. ; local system that can be used to authenticate the remote peer, separated by
  130. ; the ":" character. "outkey" is a single, private key to use to authenticate
  131. ; to the other side. Public keys are named /var/lib/asterisk/keys/<name>.pub
  132. ; while private keys are named /var/lib/asterisk/keys/<name>.key. Private
  133. ; keys should always be 3DES encrypted.
  134. ;
  135. ;
  136. ;[markster]
  137. ;type=user
  138. ;context=default
  139. ;context=local
  140. ;auth=md5,plaintext,rsa
  141. ;secret=markpasswd
  142. ;notransfer=yes ; Disable IAX native transfer
  143. ;callerid="Mark Spencer" <(256) 428-6275>
  144. ;deny=
  145. ;accountcode=markster0101
  146. ;permit=
  147. ;
  148. ; Peers may also be specified, with a secret and
  149. ; a remote hostname.
  150. ;
  151. [demo]
  152. type=peer
  153. username=asterisk
  154. secret=supersecret
  155. host=
  156. ;sendani=no
  157. ;host=asterisk.linux-support.net
  158. ;port=5036
  159. ;mask=
  160. ;qualify=yes ; Make sure this peer is alive
  161. ;
  162. ; Peers can remotely register as well, so that they can be
  163. ; mobile. Default IP's can also optionally be given but
  164. ; are not required. Caller*ID can be suggested to the other
  165. ; side as well if it is for example a phone instead of another
  166. ; PBX.
  167. ;
  168. ;[dynamichost]
  169. ;host=dynamic
  170. ;secret=mysecret
  171. ;mailbox=1234 ; Notify about mailbox 1234
  172. ;inkeys=key1:key2
  173. ;defaultip=
  174. ;callerid="Some Host" <(256) 428-6011>
  175. ;
  176. ;
  177. ;[biggateway]
  178. ;type=peer
  179. ;host=
  180. ;secret=myscret
  181. ;trunk=yes ; Use IAX2 trunking with this host
  182. ;
  183. ;
  184. ; Friends are a short cut for creating a user and
  185. ; a peer with the same values.
  186. ;
  187. ;[marko]
  188. ;type=friend
  189. ;host=dynamic
  190. ;secret=moofoo
  191. ;context=default
  192. ;permit=