1. Known Issues in Asterisk 1.0
  2. ============================
  3. In order to provide a path for a stable Asterisk 1.0, the Asterisk CVS tree
  4. was forked into a a 1.0-stable branch. Many new features and enhancements
  5. have been added to the development tree in the mean time since the branch,
  6. but in the interest of stability, only bug fixes were accepted into the
  7. stable branch, meaning that over time, there has been a substantial
  8. diversion of the feature set between stable (1.0) and developmental
  9. Asterisk. This section is a list of important differences between the
  10. stable (1.0) and development versions of Asterisk.
  11. * The number of channels that can be simultaneously run through Asterisk
  12. may be more limited than in development releases due to the use of
  13. select vs. poll. High density applications should not be running 1.0
  14. branch releases.
  15. * When Asterisk carries media from one RTP or IAX connection to another,
  16. jitter on one side can sometimes be reflected in the timestamps going
  17. to the other, causing the audio to be broken up on poor quality network
  18. connections. This behavior has been changed in development releases.
  19. * The MGCP channel driver has been greatly extended in development releases.
  20. * The VPB (Voicetronix) driver in 1.0 only works with properly with FXO
  21. interfaces. Extensive work has been done on the driver in the development
  22. channel.
  23. * The SIP channel driver's ability to negotiate codecs has been improved
  24. in developmental Asterisk.
  25. * The return result of app_system is unrealiable in 1.0 and has gone through
  26. extensive rework in developmental Asterisk.
  27. * The queue system has been extensively reworked with a variety of new
  28. features in developmental Asterisk.
  29. Asterisk Bug Tracking Information
  30. =================================
  31. To learn about and report Asterisk bugs or make feature
  32. requests, please visit the official Asterisk Bug Tracker
  33. at:
  34. http://bugs.digium.com
  35. For more information on using the bug tracker, or to
  36. learn how you can contribute by acting as a bug marshal
  37. please see:
  38. http://www.digium.com/bugtracker.html
  39. Thank you!
  40. Mark