modem.conf.sample 2.5 KB

  1. ;
  2. ; isdn4linux
  3. ;
  4. ; Configuration file
  5. ;
  6. [interfaces]
  7. ;
  8. ; By default, incoming calls should come in on the "remote" context
  9. ;
  10. context=remote
  11. ;
  12. ; Modem Drivers to load
  13. ;
  14. driver=aopen ; modem by AOpen
  15. ;driver=i4l ; isdn4linux - an alternative to i4l is to use chan_capi
  16. ;
  17. ; Default language
  18. ;
  19. ;language=en
  20. ;
  21. ; We can optionally override the auto detection. This is necessary
  22. ; particularly if asterisk does not know about our kind of modem.
  23. ;
  24. ;type=autodetect
  25. ;type=aopen
  26. ;
  27. ; We can strip a given number of digits on outgoing dialing, so, for example
  28. ; you can have it dial "8871042" when given "98871042".
  29. ;
  30. stripmsd=0
  31. ;
  32. ; Type of dialing
  33. ;
  34. dialtype=tone
  35. ;dialtype=pulse
  36. ;
  37. ; Mode selection. "Immediate" means that as soon as you dial, you're connected
  38. ; and the line is considered up. "Ring" means we wait until the ring cadence
  39. ; occurs at least once. "Answer" means we wait until the other end picks up.
  40. ;
  41. ;mode=answer
  42. ;mode=ring
  43. mode=immediate
  44. ;
  45. ; List all devices we can use.
  46. ;
  47. ;device => /dev/ttyS3
  48. ;
  49. ; ISDN example (using i4l)
  50. ;
  51. ;msn=39907835
  52. ;device => /dev/ttyI0
  53. ;===============
  54. ; More complex ISDN example
  55. ;
  56. ; A single device which listens to 3 MSNs
  57. ; the wildcard '*' can be used when all MSN's should be accepted.
  58. ; (The incoming number can be used to go directly into the extension
  59. ; with the matching number. I.e. if MSN 33 is called, (context,33)
  60. ; will tried first, than (context,s) and finally (default,s).
  61. ;
  62. ;msn=50780020
  63. ;incomingmsn=50780020,50780021,50780022
  64. ;device => /dev/ttyI2
  65. ;
  66. ; If set, only these numbers are allowed to be set as A number
  67. ; when making an outbound call. callerid is used to set A
  68. ; number.
  69. ;outgoingmsn=50780023,50780024
  70. ;
  71. ; Set DTMF-detection/generation mode to:
  72. ; asterisk: Let Asterisk do inband detection (default)
  73. ; i4l: Use the inband detection made by ISDN4Linux
  74. ; none: Don't detect inband DTMF
  75. ; both: Transmit using both in-band and out of band (generation only)
  76. ;
  77. ; You may specify either one mode, or the detection/generation mode
  78. ; individually separated by a '/'.
  79. ;
  80. ;dtmfmode=asterisk ; Detect using Asterisk
  81. ;dtmfmode=asterisk/both ; Detect using Asterisk, generate w/ both
  82. ; two other devices, which are in group '1' and are used when an
  83. ; outgoing dial used: exten => s,1,Dial,Modem/g1:1234|60|r
  84. ; (we do not need more outgoing devices, since ISDN2 has only 2 channels.)
  85. ; Lines can be in more than one group (1-31); comma separated list.
  86. ;
  87. group=1 ; group=1,2,3,9-12
  88. ;msn=50780023
  89. ;device => /dev/ttyI3
  90. ;device => /dev/ttyI4