res_fax.conf.sample 996 B

  1. ; Generic Fax Application configuration
  2. [general]
  3. ; Maximum Transmission Rate
  4. ; Possible values are { 2400 | 4800 | 7200 | 9600 | 12000 | 14400 }
  5. ; Set this value to the maximum desired transfer rate. Default: 14400
  6. ;maxrate=14400
  7. ; Minimum Transmission Rate
  8. ; Possible values are { 2400 | 4800 | 7200 | 9600 | 12000 | 14400 }
  9. ; Set this value to the minimum desired transfer rate. Default: 4800
  10. ;minrate=4800
  11. ; Send Progress/Status events to manager session
  12. ; Manager events with 'call' class permissions will receive events indicating the
  13. ; steps to initiate a fax session. Fax completion events are always sent to manager
  14. ; sessions with 'call' class permissions, regardless of the value of this option.
  15. ; Default: no
  16. statusevents=yes
  17. ; modem capabilities
  18. ; Possible values are { v17 | v27 | v29 }
  19. ; Set this value to modify the default modem options. Default: v17,v27,v29
  20. ;modems=v17,v27,v29
  21. ; Enable/disable T.30 ECM (error correction mode) by default.
  22. ; Default: Enabled
  23. ;ecm=yes