phoneprov.conf.sample 7.7 KB

  1. [general]
  2. ; This section applies only to the default sip.conf/users.conf config provider
  3. ; embedded in res_phoneprov. Other providers may provide their own default settings.
  4. ; The default behavior of res_phoneprov will be to set the SERVER template variable to
  5. ; the IP address that the phone uses to contact the provisioning server and the
  6. ; SERVER_PORT variable to the bindport setting in sip.conf. Unless you have a very
  7. ; unusual setup, you should not need to set serveraddr, serveriface, or serverport.
  8. ;serveraddr= ; Override address to send to the phone to use as server address.
  9. ;serveriface=eth0 ; Same as above, except an ethernet interface.
  10. ; Useful for when the interface uses DHCP and the asterisk http
  11. ; server listens on a different IP than chan_sip.
  12. ;serverport=5060 ; Override port to send to the phone to use as server port.
  13. default_profile=polycom ; The default profile to use if none specified in users.conf
  14. ; You can define profiles for different phones specifying what files to register
  15. ; with the provisioning server. You can define either static files, or dynamically
  16. ; generated files that can have dynamic names and point to templates that variables
  17. ; can be substituted into. You can also set arbitrary variables for the profiles
  18. ; templates to have access to. Profiles are shared across all config providers.
  19. ; Example:
  20. ;[example]
  21. ;mime_type => application/octet-stream
  22. ;static_file => example/firmware
  23. ;static_file => example/default.cfg,text/xml
  24. ;${TOUPPER(${MAC})}.cfg => templates/example-mac.cfg
  26. ; Dynamically generated files have a filename registered with variable substitution
  27. ; with variables obtained from various config providers. The default provider
  28. ; embedded in res_phoneprov reads users.conf. Other providers will have their own
  29. ; sources for the variables and may provide additional variables not listed here.
  30. ; Built in variables and the options in users.conf that they come from
  31. ; MAC (macaddress)
  32. ; USERNAME (username)
  33. ; DISPLAY_NAME (fullname)
  34. ; SECRET (secret)
  35. ; LABEL (label)
  36. ; CALLERID (cid_number)
  37. ; VOCIEMAIL_EXTEN (vmexten)
  38. ; EXTENSION_LENGTH (localextenlength)
  39. ; LINE
  40. ; LINEKEYS
  41. ; Built-in variables and the options in phoneprov.conf that they come from
  42. ; SERVER (server)
  43. ; SERVER_PORT (serverport)
  44. ; Built-in variables for managing timezones and daylight savings time.
  45. ; TZOFFSET
  46. ; DST_ENABLE
  51. ; DST_END_MDAY
  52. ; DST_END_HOUR
  53. ; TIMEZONE
  54. [polycom]
  55. staticdir => configs/ ; Sub directory of AST_DATA_DIR/phoneprov that static files reside
  56. ; in. This allows a request to /phoneprov/sip.cfg to pull the file
  57. ; from /phoneprov/configs/sip.cfg
  58. mime_type => text/xml ; Default mime type to use if one isn't specified or the
  59. ; extension isn't recognized
  60. static_file => bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream ; Static files the phone will download
  61. static_file => bootrom.ver,plain/text ; static_file => filename,mime-type
  62. static_file => sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  63. static_file => sip.ver,plain/text
  64. static_file => sip.cfg
  65. static_file => custom.cfg
  66. static_file => 2201-06642-001.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  67. static_file => 2201-06642-001.sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  68. static_file => 2345-11000-001.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  69. static_file => 2345-11300-001.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  70. static_file => 2345-11300-010.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  71. static_file => 2345-11300-010.sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  72. static_file => 2345-11402-001.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  73. static_file => 2345-11402-001.sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  74. static_file => 2345-11500-001.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  75. static_file => 2345-11500-010.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  76. static_file => 2345-11500-020.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  77. static_file => 2345-11500-030.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  78. static_file => 2345-11500-030.sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  79. static_file => 2345-11500-040.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  80. static_file => 2345-11500-040.sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  81. static_file => 2345-11600-001.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  82. static_file => 2345-11600-001.sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  83. static_file => 2345-11605-001.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  84. static_file => 2345-11605-001.sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  85. static_file => 2345-12200-001.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  86. static_file => 2345-12200-001.sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  87. static_file => 2345-12200-002.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  88. static_file => 2345-12200-002.sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  89. static_file => 2345-12200-004.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  90. static_file => 2345-12200-004.sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  91. static_file => 2345-12200-005.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  92. static_file => 2345-12200-005.sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  93. static_file => 2345-12365-001.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  94. static_file => 2345-12365-001.sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  95. static_file => 2345-12500-001.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  96. static_file => 2345-12500-001.sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  97. static_file => 2345-12560-001.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  98. static_file => 2345-12560-001.sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  99. static_file => 2345-12600-001.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  100. static_file => 2345-12600-001.sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  101. static_file => 2345-12670-001.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  102. static_file => 2345-12670-001.sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  103. static_file => 3111-15600-001.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  104. static_file => 3111-15600-001.sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  105. static_file => 3111-40000-001.bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
  106. static_file => 3111-40000-001.sip.ld,application/octet-stream
  107. static_file => SoundPointIPWelcome.wav,application/octet-stream
  108. static_file => SoundPointIPLocalization/Japanese_Japan/SoundPointIP-dictionary.xml
  109. static_file => SoundPointIPLocalization/Norwegian_Norway/SoundPointIP-dictionary.xml
  110. static_file => SoundPointIPLocalization/Spanish_Spain/SoundPointIP-dictionary.xml
  111. static_file => SoundPointIPLocalization/Portuguese_Portugal/SoundPointIP-dictionary.xml
  112. static_file => SoundPointIPLocalization/English_United_Kingdom/SoundPointIP-dictionary.xml
  113. static_file => SoundPointIPLocalization/English_United_States/SoundPointIP-dictionary.xml
  114. static_file => SoundPointIPLocalization/Russian_Russia/SoundPointIP-dictionary.xml
  115. static_file => SoundPointIPLocalization/Italian_Italy/SoundPointIP-dictionary.xml
  116. static_file => SoundPointIPLocalization/Chinese_China/SoundPointIP-dictionary.xml
  117. static_file => SoundPointIPLocalization/Swedish_Sweden/SoundPointIP-dictionary.xml
  118. static_file => SoundPointIPLocalization/English_Canada/SoundPointIP-dictionary.xml
  119. static_file => SoundPointIPLocalization/German_Germany/SoundPointIP-dictionary.xml
  120. static_file => SoundPointIPLocalization/French_France/SoundPointIP-dictionary.xml
  121. static_file => SoundPointIPLocalization/Danish_Denmark/SoundPointIP-dictionary.xml
  122. static_file => SoundPointIPLocalization/Dutch_Netherlands/SoundPointIP-dictionary.xml
  123. static_file => SoundPointIPLocalization/Korean_Korea/SoundPointIP-dictionary.xml
  124. ${MAC}.cfg => 000000000000.cfg ; Dynamically generated files.
  125. ${MAC}-phone.cfg => 000000000000-phone.cfg ; (relative to AST_DATA_DIR/phoneprov)
  126. config/${MAC} => polycom.xml ; Dynamic Filename => template file
  127. ${MAC}-directory.xml => 000000000000-directory.xml
  128. setvar => CUSTOM_CONFIG=/var/lib/asterisk/phoneprov/configs/custom.cfg ; Custom variable
  129. ;snom 300, 320, 360, 370, 820, 821, 870 support
  130. snom-${MAC}.xml => snom-mac.xml