ooh323.conf.sample 5.7 KB

  1. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. ; --- ******* IMPORTANT NOTE ***********
  3. ; ---
  4. ; --- This module is currently unsupported. Use it at your own risk.
  5. ; ---
  6. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. ; Objective System's H323 Configuration example for Asterisk
  8. ; ooh323c driver configuration
  9. ;
  10. ; [general] section defines global parameters
  11. ;
  12. ; This is followed by profiles which can be of three types - user/peer/friend
  13. ; Name of the user profile should match with the h323id of the user device.
  14. ; For peer/friend profiles, host ip address must be provided as "dynamic" is
  15. ; not supported as of now.
  16. ;
  17. ; Syntax for specifying a H323 device in extensions.conf is
  18. ; For Registered peers/friends profiles:
  19. ; OOH323/name where name is the name of the peer/friend profile.
  20. ;
  21. ; For unregistered H.323 phones:
  22. ; OOH323/ip[:port] OR if gk is used OOH323/alias where alias can be any H323
  23. ; alias
  24. ;
  25. ; For dialing into another asterisk peer at a specific exten
  26. ; OOH323/exten/peer OR OOH323/exten@ip
  27. ;
  28. ; Domain name resolution is not yet supported.
  29. ;
  30. ; When a H.323 user calls into asterisk, his H323ID is matched with the profile
  31. ; name and context is determined to route the call
  32. ;
  33. ; The channel driver will register all global aliases and aliases defined in
  34. ; peer profiles with the gatekeeper, if one exists. So, that when someone
  35. ; outside our pbx (non-user) calls an extension, gatekeeper will route that
  36. ; call to our asterisk box, from where it will be routed as per dial plan.
  37. [general]
  38. ;Define the asetrisk server h323 endpoint
  39. ;The port asterisk should listen for incoming H323 connections.
  40. ;Default - 1720
  41. ;port=1720
  42. ;The dotted IP address asterisk should listen on for incoming H323
  43. ;connections
  44. ;Default - tries to find out local ip address on it's own
  45. bindaddr=
  46. ;This parameter indicates whether channel driver should register with
  47. ;gatekeeper as a gateway or an endpoint.
  48. ;Default - no
  49. ;gateway=no
  50. ;Whether asterisk should use fast-start and tunneling for H323 connections.
  51. ;Default - yes
  52. ;faststart=no
  53. ;h245tunneling=no
  54. ;Whether media wait for connect
  55. ;Default - No
  56. ;mediawaitforconnect=yes
  57. ;H323-ID to be used for asterisk server
  58. ;Default - Asterisk PBX
  59. h323id=ObjSysAsterisk
  60. e164=100
  61. ;CallerID to use for calls
  62. ;Default - Same as h323id
  63. callerid=asterisk
  64. ;Whether this asterisk server will use gatekeeper.
  65. ;Default - DISABLE
  66. ;gatekeeper = DISCOVER
  67. ;gatekeeper = a.b.c.d
  68. gatekeeper = DISABLE
  69. ;Location for H323 log file
  70. ;Default - /var/log/asterisk/h323_log
  71. ;logfile=/var/log/asterisk/h323_log
  72. ;Following values apply to all users/peers/friends defined below, unless
  73. ;overridden within their client definition
  74. ;Sets default context all clients will be placed in.
  75. ;Default - default
  76. context=default
  77. ;Sets rtptimeout for all clients, unless overridden
  78. ;Default - 60 seconds
  79. ;rtptimeout=60 ; Terminate call if 60 seconds of no RTP activity
  80. ; when we're not on hold
  81. ;Type of Service
  82. ;Default - none (lowdelay, thoughput, reliability, mincost, none)
  83. ;tos=lowdelay
  84. ;amaflags = default
  85. ;The account code used by default for all clients.
  86. ;accountcode=h3230101
  87. ;The codecs to be used for all clients.Only ulaw and gsm supported as of now.
  88. ;Default - ulaw
  89. ; ONLY ulaw, gsm, g729 and g7231 supported as of now
  90. disallow=all ;Note order of disallow/allow is important.
  91. allow=gsm
  92. allow=ulaw
  93. ; dtmf mode to be used by default for all clients. Supports rfc2833, q931keypad
  94. ; h245alphanumeric, h245signal.
  95. ;Default - rfc 2833
  96. dtmfmode=rfc2833
  97. ;
  98. ; round trip delay request, default = 0,0 (not send)
  99. ; x - count of unreplied requests before hangup, y - interval in sec between requests
  100. ;
  101. ;roundtrip=x,y
  102. ;
  103. ; FAX detection will cause the OOH323 channel to jump to the 'fax' extension (if it exists)
  104. ; based one or more events being detected. The events that can be detected are an incoming
  105. ; CNG tone or an incoming T.38 RequestMode packet
  106. ;
  107. ; yes - enable both detection (CNG & T.38)
  108. ; no - disable both
  109. ; cng - enable CNG detection (default)
  110. ; t38 - enable T.38 request detection
  111. ;
  112. faxdetect = cng
  113. ; User/peer/friend definitions:
  114. ; User config options Peer config options
  115. ; ------------------ -------------------
  116. ; context
  117. ; disallow disallow
  118. ; allow allow
  119. ; accountcode accountcode
  120. ; amaflags amaflags
  121. ; dtmfmode dtmfmode
  122. ; rtptimeout ip
  123. ; port
  124. ; h323id
  125. ; email
  126. ; url
  127. ; e164
  128. ; rtptimeout
  129. ;
  130. ;
  131. ; direct rtp between two remote peers, disabled by default
  132. ; can be specified globally or per peer/user section
  133. ;
  134. directmedia=no
  135. ;
  136. ; early direct rtp (try to establish direct rtp before asnwer)
  137. ; disabled by default, auto enabled by directmedia is enabled
  138. ; can be disabled escpecially if directmedia is enabled.
  139. ; can be specified globally or per peer/user section
  140. ;
  141. ;
  142. directrtpsetup=no
  143. ;Define users here
  144. ;Section header is extension
  145. [myuser1]
  146. type=user
  147. context=context1
  148. disallow=all
  149. allow=gsm
  150. allow=ulaw
  151. [mypeer1]
  152. type=peer
  153. context=context2
  154. ip=a.b.c.d ; UPDATE with appropriate ip address
  155. port=1720 ; UPDATE with appropriate port
  156. e164=101
  157. [myfriend1]
  158. type=friend
  159. context=default
  160. ip= ; UPDATE with appropriate ip address
  161. port=1820 ; UPDATE with appropriate port
  162. disallow=all
  163. allow=ulaw
  164. e164=12345
  165. rtptimeout=60
  166. dtmfmode=rfc2833