iax.conf.sample 26 KB

  1. ;
  2. ; Inter-Asterisk eXchange v2 (IAX2) Channel Driver configuration
  3. ;
  4. ; This configuration is read when the chan_iax2.so module is loaded, and is
  5. ; re-read when the module is reloaded, such as when invoking the CLI command:
  6. ;
  7. ; *CLI> iax2 reload
  8. ;
  9. ; General settings, like port number to bind to, and an option address (the
  10. ; default is to bind to all local addresses).
  11. [general]
  12. ; Listener Addresses
  13. ;
  14. ; Use the 'bindaddr' and 'bindport' options to specify on which address and port
  15. ; the IAX2 channel driver will listen for incoming requests.
  16. ;
  17. ;
  18. ;bindport=4569 ; The default port to listen on
  19. ; NOTE: bindport must be specified BEFORE bindaddr or
  20. ; may be specified on a specific bindaddr if followed by
  21. ; colon and port (e.g. bindaddr= or for
  22. ; IPv6 the address needs to be in brackets then colon
  23. ; and port (e.g. bindaddr=[2001:db8::1]:4569).
  24. ;bindaddr= ; You can specify 'bindaddr' more than once to bind to
  25. ; multiple addresses, but the first will be the
  26. ; default. IPv6 addresses are accepted.
  27. ;
  28. ; Set 'iaxcompat' to yes if you plan to use layered switches or some other
  29. ; scenario which may cause some delay when doing a lookup in the dialplan. It
  30. ; incurs a small performance hit to enable it. This option causes Asterisk to
  31. ; spawn a separate thread when it receives an IAX2 DPREQ (Dialplan Request)
  32. ; instead of blocking while it waits for a response.
  33. ;
  34. ; Accepted values: yes, no
  35. ; Default value: no
  36. ;
  37. ;iaxcompat=yes
  38. ;
  39. ;
  40. ; Disable UDP checksums (if nochecksums is set, then no checkums will
  41. ; be calculated/checked on systems supporting this feature)
  42. ;
  43. ; Accepted values: yes, no
  44. ; Default value: no
  45. ;
  46. ;nochecksums=yes
  47. ;
  48. ;
  49. ; For increased security against brute force password attacks enable
  50. ; 'delayreject' which will delay the sending of authentication reject for REGREQ
  51. ; or AUTHREP if there is a password.
  52. ;
  53. ; Accepted values: yes, no
  54. ; Default value: no
  55. ;
  56. ;delayreject=yes
  57. ;
  58. ;
  59. ; You may specify a global default AMA flag for iaxtel calls. These flags are
  60. ; used in the generation of call detail records.
  61. ;
  62. ; Accepted values: default, omit, billing, documentation
  63. ; Default value: default
  64. ;
  65. ;amaflags=billing
  66. ;
  67. ;
  68. ; ADSI (Analog Display Services Interface) can be enabled if you have (or may
  69. ; have) ADSI compatible CPE equipment.
  70. ;
  71. ; Accepted values: yes, no
  72. ; Default value: no
  73. ;
  74. ;adsi=yes
  75. ;
  76. ;
  77. ; Whether or not to perform an SRV lookup on outbound calls.
  78. ;
  79. ; Accepted values: yes, no
  80. ; Default value: no
  81. ;
  82. ;srvlookup=yes
  83. ;
  84. ;
  85. ; You may specify a default account for Call Detail Records (CDRs) in addition to
  86. ; specifying on a per-user basis.
  87. ;
  88. ; Accepted values: Any string value up to 19 characters in length
  89. ; Default value: <empty>
  90. ;
  91. ;accountcode=lss0101
  92. ;
  93. ;
  94. ; You may specify a global default language for users. This can be specified
  95. ; also on a per-user basis. If omitted, will fallback to English (en).
  96. ;
  97. ; Accepted values: A language tag such as 'en' or 'es'
  98. ; Default value: en
  99. ;
  100. ;language=en
  101. ;
  102. ;
  103. ; This option specifies a preference for which music-on-hold class this channel
  104. ; should listen to when put on hold if the music class has not been set on the
  105. ; channel with Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=whatever) in the dialplan, and the peer
  106. ; channel putting this one on hold did not suggest a music class.
  107. ;
  108. ; If this option is set to "passthrough", then the hold message will always be
  109. ; passed through as signalling instead of generating hold music locally.
  110. ;
  111. ; This option may be specified globally, or on a per-user or per-peer basis.
  112. ;
  113. ; Accepted values: passthrough, or any music-on-hold class name
  114. ; Default value: <empty>
  115. ;
  116. ;mohinterpret=default
  117. ;
  118. ;
  119. ; The 'mohsuggest' option specifies which music on hold class to suggest to the
  120. ; peer channel when this channel places the peer on hold. It may be specified
  121. ; globally or on a per-user or per-peer basis.
  122. ;
  123. ;mohsuggest=default
  124. ;
  125. ;
  126. ; Specify bandwidth of low, medium, or high to control which codecs are used
  127. ; in general.
  128. ;
  129. bandwidth=low
  130. ;
  131. ;
  132. ; You can also fine tune codecs here using "allow" and "disallow" clauses with
  133. ; specific codecs. Use "all" to represent all formats.
  134. ;
  135. ;allow=all
  136. ;disallow=g723.1
  137. disallow=lpc10
  138. ;allow=gsm
  139. ;
  140. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  141. ; Jitter Buffer
  142. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  143. ;
  144. ; You can adjust several parameters relating to the jitter buffer. The jitter
  145. ; buffer's function is to compensate for varying network delay.
  146. ;
  147. ; All of the jitter buffer settings are in milliseconds. The jitter buffer
  148. ; works for INCOMING audio only - the outbound audio will be dejittered by the
  149. ; jitter buffer at the other end.
  150. ;
  151. ; jitterbuffer=yes|no: global default as to whether you want
  152. ; the jitter buffer at all.
  153. ;
  154. ; forcejitterbuffer=yes|no: in the ideal world, when we bridge VoIP channels
  155. ; we don't want to do jitterbuffering on the switch, since the endpoints
  156. ; can each handle this. However, some endpoints may have poor jitterbuffers
  157. ; themselves, so this option will force * to always jitterbuffer, even in this
  158. ; case.
  159. ;
  160. ; maxjitterbuffer: a maximum size for the jitter buffer.
  161. ; Setting a reasonable maximum here will prevent the call delay
  162. ; from rising to silly values in extreme situations; you'll hear
  163. ; SOMETHING, even though it will be jittery.
  164. ;
  165. ; resyncthreshold: when the jitterbuffer notices a significant change in delay
  166. ; that continues over a few frames, it will resync, assuming that the change in
  167. ; delay was caused by a timestamping mix-up. The threshold for noticing a
  168. ; change in delay is measured as twice the measured jitter plus this resync
  169. ; threshold.
  170. ; Resyncing can be disabled by setting this parameter to -1.
  171. ;
  172. ; maxjitterinterps: the maximum number of interpolation frames the jitterbuffer
  173. ; should return in a row. Since some clients do not send CNG/DTX frames to
  174. ; indicate silence, the jitterbuffer will assume silence has begun after
  175. ; returning this many interpolations. This prevents interpolating throughout
  176. ; a long silence.
  177. ;
  178. ; jittertargetextra: number of milliseconds by which the new jitter buffer
  179. ; will pad its size. the default is 40, so without modification, the new
  180. ; jitter buffer will set its size to the jitter value plus 40 milliseconds.
  181. ; increasing this value may help if your network normally has low jitter,
  182. ; but occasionally has spikes.
  183. ;
  184. jitterbuffer=no
  185. forcejitterbuffer=no
  186. ;maxjitterbuffer=1000
  187. ;maxjitterinterps=10
  188. ;resyncthreshold=1000
  189. ;jittertargetextra=40
  190. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  191. ; IAX2 Encryption
  192. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  193. ;
  194. ; Enable IAX2 encryption. The default is no.
  195. ;
  196. ;encryption=yes
  197. ;
  198. ;
  199. ; Force encryption insures no connection is established unless both sides
  200. ; support encryption. By turning this option on, encryption is automatically
  201. ; turned on as well. The default is no.
  202. ;
  203. ;forceencryption=yes
  204. ;
  205. ; This option defines the maximum payload in bytes an IAX2 trunk can support at
  206. ; a given time. The best way to explain this is to provide an example. If the
  207. ; maximum number of calls to be supported is 800, and each call transmits 20ms
  208. ; frames of audio using ulaw:
  209. ;
  210. ; (8000hz / 1000ms) * 20ms * 1 byte per sample = 160 bytes per frame
  211. ;
  212. ; The maximum load in bytes is:
  213. ;
  214. ; (160 bytes per frame) * (800 calls) = 128000 bytes
  215. ;
  216. ; Once this limit is reached, calls may be dropped or begin to lose audio.
  217. ; Depending on the codec in use and number of channels to be supported this value
  218. ; may need to be raised, but in most cases the default value is large enough.
  219. ;
  220. ; trunkmaxsize = 128000 ; defaults to 128000 bytes, which supports up to 800
  221. ; calls of ulaw at 20ms a frame.
  222. ; With a large amount of traffic on IAX2 trunks, there is a risk of bad voice
  223. ; quality when allowing the Linux system to handle fragmentation of UDP packets.
  224. ; Depending on the size of each payload, allowing the OS to handle fragmentation
  225. ; may not be very efficient. This setting sets the maximum transmission unit for
  226. ; IAX2 UDP trunking. The default is 1240 bytes which means if a trunk's payload
  227. ; is over 1240 bytes for every 20ms it will be broken into multiple 1240 byte
  228. ; messages. Zero disables this functionality and let's the OS handle
  229. ; fragmentation.
  230. ;
  231. ; trunkmtu = 1240 ; trunk data will be sent in 1240 byte messages.
  232. ; trunkfreq sets how frequently trunk messages are sent in milliseconds. This
  233. ; value is 20ms by default, which means the trunk will send all the data queued
  234. ; to it in the past 20ms. By increasing the time between sending trunk messages,
  235. ; the trunk's payload size will increase as well. Note, depending on the size
  236. ; set by trunkmtu, messages may be sent more often than specified. For example
  237. ; if a trunk's message size grows to the trunkmtu size before 20ms is reached
  238. ; that message will be sent immediately. Acceptable values are between 10ms and
  239. ; 1000ms.
  240. ;
  241. ; trunkfreq=20 ; How frequently to send trunk msgs (in ms). This is 20ms by
  242. ; default.
  243. ; Should we send timestamps for the individual sub-frames within trunk frames?
  244. ; There is a small bandwidth use for these (less than 1kbps/call), but they
  245. ; ensure that frame timestamps get sent end-to-end properly. If both ends of
  246. ; all your trunks go directly to TDM, _and_ your trunkfreq equals the frame
  247. ; length for your codecs, you can probably suppress these. The receiver must
  248. ; also support this feature, although they do not also need to have it enabled.
  249. ;
  250. ; trunktimestamps=yes
  251. ; Minimum and maximum amounts of time that IAX2 peers can request as a
  252. ; registration expiration interval (in seconds).
  253. ; minregexpire = 60
  254. ; maxregexpire = 60
  255. ; IAX2 helper threads
  256. ; Establishes the number of iax helper threads to handle I/O.
  257. ; iaxthreadcount = 10
  258. ; Establishes the number of extra dynamic threads that may be spawned to handle I/O
  259. ; iaxmaxthreadcount = 100
  260. ;
  261. ; We can register with another IAX2 server to let him know where we are
  262. ; in case we have a dynamic IP address for example
  263. ;
  264. ; Register with tormenta using username marko and password secretpass
  265. ;
  266. ;register => marko:secretpass@tormenta.linux-support.net
  267. ;
  268. ; Register joe at remote host with no password
  269. ;
  270. ;register => joe@remotehost:5656
  271. ;
  272. ; Register marko at tormenta.linux-support.net using RSA key "torkey"
  273. ;
  274. ;register => marko:[torkey]@tormenta.linux-support.net
  275. ;
  276. ; Sample Registration for iaxtel
  277. ;
  278. ; Visit http://www.iaxtel.com to register with iaxtel. Replace "user"
  279. ; and "pass" with your username and password for iaxtel. Incoming
  280. ; calls arrive at the "s" extension of "default" context.
  281. ;
  282. ;register => user:pass@iaxtel.com
  283. ;
  284. ; Sample Registration for IAX2 + FWD
  285. ;
  286. ; To register using IAX2 with FWD, it must be enabled by visiting the URL
  287. ; http://www.fwdnet.net/index.php?section_id=112
  288. ;
  289. ; Note that you need an extension in you default context which matches
  290. ; your free world dialup number. Please replace "FWDNumber" with your
  291. ; FWD number and "passwd" with your password.
  292. ;
  293. ;register => FWDNumber:passwd@iax.fwdnet.net
  294. ;
  295. ; Through the use of the res_stun_monitor module, Asterisk has the ability to detect when the
  296. ; perceived external network address has changed. When the stun_monitor is installed and
  297. ; configured, chan_iax will renew all outbound registrations when the monitor detects any sort
  298. ; of network change has occurred. By default this option is enabled, but only takes effect once
  299. ; res_stun_monitor is configured. If res_stun_monitor is enabled and you wish to not
  300. ; generate all outbound registrations on a network change, use the option below to disable
  301. ; this feature.
  302. ;
  303. ; subscribe_network_change_event = yes ; on by default
  304. ;
  305. ; You can enable authentication debugging to increase the amount of
  306. ; debugging traffic.
  307. ;
  308. ;authdebug = yes
  309. ;
  310. ; See https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/IP+Quality+of+Service for a description of these parameters.
  311. ;tos=ef
  312. ;cos=5
  313. ;
  314. ; If regcontext is specified, Asterisk will dynamically create and destroy
  315. ; a NoOp priority 1 extension for a given peer who registers or unregisters
  316. ; with us. The actual extension is the 'regexten' parameter of the registering
  317. ; peer or its name if 'regexten' is not provided. More than one regexten
  318. ; may be supplied if they are separated by '&'. Patterns may be used in
  319. ; regexten.
  320. ;
  321. ;regcontext=iaxregistrations
  322. ;
  323. ; If we don't get ACK to our NEW within 2000ms, and autokill is set to yes,
  324. ; then we cancel the whole thing (that's enough time for one retransmission
  325. ; only). This is used to keep things from stalling for a long time for a host
  326. ; that is not available, but would be ill advised for bad connections. In
  327. ; addition to 'yes' or 'no' you can also specify a number of milliseconds.
  328. ; See 'qualify' for individual peers to turn on for just a specific peer.
  329. ;
  330. autokill=yes
  331. ;
  332. ; codecpriority controls the codec negotiation of an inbound IAX2 call.
  333. ; This option is inherited to all user entities. It can also be defined
  334. ; in each user entity separately which will override the setting in general.
  335. ;
  336. ; The valid values are:
  337. ;
  338. ; caller - Consider the callers preferred order ahead of the host's.
  339. ; host - Consider the host's preferred order ahead of the caller's.
  340. ; disabled - Disable the consideration of codec preference altogether.
  341. ; (this is the original behaviour before preferences were added)
  342. ; reqonly - Same as disabled, only do not consider capabilities if
  343. ; the requested format is not available the call will only
  344. ; be accepted if the requested format is available.
  345. ;
  346. ; The default value is 'host'
  347. ;
  348. ;codecpriority=host
  349. ;
  350. ; allowfwdownload controls whether this host will serve out firmware to
  351. ; IAX2 clients which request it. This has only been used for the IAXy,
  352. ; and it has been recently proven that this firmware distribution method
  353. ; can be used as a source of traffic amplification attacks. Also, the
  354. ; IAXy firmware has not been updated for at least 18 months, so unless
  355. ; you are provisioning IAXys in a secure network, we recommend that you
  356. ; leave this option to the default, off.
  357. ;
  358. ;allowfwdownload=yes
  359. ;rtcachefriends=yes ; Cache realtime friends by adding them to the internal list
  360. ; just like friends added from the config file only on a
  361. ; as-needed basis? (yes|no)
  362. ;rtsavesysname=yes ; Save systemname in realtime database at registration
  363. ; Default = no
  364. ;rtupdate=yes ; Send registry updates to database using realtime? (yes|no)
  365. ; If set to yes, when a IAX2 peer registers successfully,
  366. ; the IP address, the origination port, the registration period,
  367. ; and the username of the peer will be set to database via realtime.
  368. ; If not present, defaults to 'yes'.
  369. ;rtautoclear=yes ; Auto-Expire friends created on the fly on the same schedule
  370. ; as if it had just registered? (yes|no|<seconds>)
  371. ; If set to yes, when the registration expires, the friend will
  372. ; vanish from the configuration until requested again.
  373. ; If set to an integer, friends expire within this number of
  374. ; seconds instead of the registration interval.
  375. ;rtignoreregexpire=yes ; When reading a peer from Realtime, if the peer's registration
  376. ; has expired based on its registration interval, used the stored
  377. ; address information regardless. (yes|no)
  378. ;parkinglot=edvina ; Default parkinglot for IAX2 peers and users
  379. ; This can also be configured per device
  380. ; Parkinglots are defined in features.conf
  381. ;
  382. ; The following two options are used to disable call token validation for the
  383. ; purposes of interoperability with IAX2 endpoints that do not yet support it.
  384. ;
  385. ; Call token validation can be set as optional for a single IP address or IP
  386. ; address range by using the 'calltokenoptional' option. 'calltokenoptional' is
  387. ; only a global option.
  388. ;
  389. ;calltokenoptional=
  390. ;
  391. ; By setting 'requirecalltoken=no', call token validation becomes optional for
  392. ; that peer/user. By setting 'requirecalltoken=auto', call token validation
  393. ; is optional until a call token supporting peer registers successfully using
  394. ; call token validation. This is used as an indication that from now on, we
  395. ; can require it from this peer. So, requirecalltoken is internally set to yes.
  396. ; requirecalltoken may only be used in peer/user/friend definitions,
  397. ; not in the global scope.
  398. ; By default, 'requirecalltoken=yes'.
  399. ;
  400. ;requirecalltoken=no
  401. ;
  402. ;
  403. ; These options are used to limit the amount of call numbers allocated to a
  404. ; single IP address. Before changing any of these values, it is highly encouraged
  405. ; to read the user guide associated with these options first. In most cases, the
  406. ; default values for these options are sufficient.
  407. ;
  408. ; The 'maxcallnumbers' option limits the amount of call numbers allowed for each
  409. ; individual remote IP address. Once an IP address reaches it's call number
  410. ; limit, no more new connections are allowed until the previous ones close. This
  411. ; option can be used in a peer definition as well, but only takes effect for
  412. ; the IP of a dynamic peer after it completes registration.
  413. ;
  414. ;maxcallnumbers=512
  415. ;
  416. ; The 'maxcallnumbers_nonvalidated' is used to set the combined number of call
  417. ; numbers that can be allocated for connections where call token validation
  418. ; has been disabled. Unlike the 'maxcallnumbers' option, this limit is not
  419. ; separate for each individual IP address. Any connection resulting in a
  420. ; non-call token validated call number being allocated contributes to this
  421. ; limit. For use cases, see the call token user guide. This option's
  422. ; default value of 8192 should be sufficient in most cases.
  423. ;
  424. ;maxcallnumbers_nonvalidated=1024
  425. ;
  426. ; The [callnumberlimits] section allows custom call number limits to be set
  427. ; for specific IP addresses and IP address ranges. These limits take precedence
  428. ; over the global 'maxcallnumbers' option, but may still be overridden by a
  429. ; peer defined 'maxcallnumbers' entry. Note that these limits take effect
  430. ; for every individual address within the range, not the range as a whole.
  431. ;
  432. ;[callnumberlimits]
  433. ; = 24
  434. ; = 32
  435. ;
  436. ; The shrinkcallerid function removes '(', ' ', ')', non-trailing '.', and '-' not
  437. ; in square brackets. For example, the Caller*ID value 555.5555 becomes 5555555
  438. ; when this option is enabled. Disabling this option results in no modification
  439. ; of the Caller*ID value, which is necessary when the Caller*ID represents something
  440. ; that must be preserved. This option can only be used in the [general] section.
  441. ; By default this option is on.
  442. ;
  443. ;shrinkcallerid=yes ; on by default
  444. ; Guest sections for unauthenticated connection attempts. Just specify an
  445. ; empty secret, or provide no secret section.
  446. ;
  447. [guest]
  448. type=user
  449. context=public
  450. callerid="Guest IAX User"
  451. ;
  452. ; Trust Caller*ID Coming from iaxtel.com
  453. ;
  454. [iaxtel]
  455. type=user
  456. context=default
  457. auth=rsa
  458. inkeys=iaxtel
  459. ;
  460. ; Trust Caller*ID Coming from iax.fwdnet.net
  461. ;
  462. [iaxfwd]
  463. type=user
  464. context=default
  465. auth=rsa
  466. inkeys=freeworlddialup
  467. ;
  468. ; Trust Caller*ID delivered over DUNDi/e164
  469. ;
  470. ;[dundi]
  471. ;type=user
  472. ;dbsecret=dundi/secret
  473. ;context=dundi-e164-local
  474. ;
  475. ; Further user sections may be added, specifying a context and a secret used
  476. ; for connections with that given authentication name. Limited IP based
  477. ; access control is allowed by use of "permit", "deny", and "acl" keywords.
  478. ; Multiple rules are permitted. Multiple permitted contexts may be specified,
  479. ; in which case the first will be the default. You can also override
  480. ; Caller*ID so that when you receive a call you set the Caller*ID to be what
  481. ; you want instead of trusting what the remote user provides
  482. ;
  483. ; There are three authentication methods that are supported: md5, plaintext,
  484. ; and rsa. The least secure is "plaintext", which sends passwords cleartext
  485. ; across the net. "md5" uses a challenge/response md5 sum arrangement, but
  486. ; still requires both ends have plain text access to the secret. "rsa" allows
  487. ; unidirectional secret knowledge through public/private keys. If "rsa"
  488. ; authentication is used, "inkeys" is a list of acceptable public keys on the
  489. ; local system that can be used to authenticate the remote peer, separated by
  490. ; the ":" character. "outkey" is a single, private key to use to authenticate
  491. ; to the other side. Public keys are named /var/lib/asterisk/keys/<name>.pub
  492. ; while private keys are named /var/lib/asterisk/keys/<name>.key. Private
  493. ; keys should always be 3DES encrypted.
  494. ;
  495. ;
  496. ; NOTE: All hostnames and IP addresses in this file are for example purposes
  497. ; only; you should not expect any of them to actually be available for
  498. ; your use.
  499. ;
  500. ;[markster]
  501. ;type=user
  502. ;context=default
  503. ;context=local
  504. ;auth=md5,plaintext,rsa
  505. ;secret=markpasswd
  506. ;setvar=ATTENDED_TRANSFER_COMPLETE_SOUND=beep ; This channel variable will
  507. ; cause the given audio file to
  508. ; be played upon completion of
  509. ; an attended transfer to the
  510. ; target of the transfer.
  511. ;dbsecret=mysecrets/place ; Secrets can be stored in astdb, too
  512. ;transfer=no ; Disable IAX2 native transfer
  513. ;transfer=mediaonly ; When doing IAX2 native transfers, transfer only
  514. ; the media stream
  515. ;jitterbuffer=yes ; Override the global setting and enable the jitter
  516. ; buffer for this user
  517. ;maxauthreq=10 ; Set the maximum number of outstanding AUTHREQs
  518. ; waiting for replies. If this limit is reached,
  519. ; any further authentication will be blocked, until
  520. ; the pending requests expire or a reply is
  521. ; received.
  522. ;callerid="Mark Spencer" <(256) 428-6275>
  523. ;deny=
  524. ;accountcode=markster0101
  525. ;permit=
  526. ;language=en ; Use english as default language
  527. ;encryption=yes ; Enable IAX2 encryption. The default is no.
  528. ;keyrotate=off ; This is a compatibility option for older versions
  529. ; of IAX2 that do not support key rotation with
  530. ; encryption. This option will disable the
  531. ; IAX_COMMAND_RTENC message. The default is on.
  532. ;
  533. ; Peers may also be specified, with a secret and a remote hostname.
  534. ;
  535. [demo]
  536. type=peer
  537. username=asterisk
  538. secret=supersecret
  539. host=
  540. description=Demo System At Digium ; Description of this peer, as listed by
  541. ; 'iax2 show peers'
  542. ;sendani=no
  543. ;host=asterisk.linux-support.net
  544. ;port=5036
  545. ;mask=
  546. ;qualify=yes ; Make sure this peer is alive.
  547. ;qualifysmoothing = yes ; Use an average of the last two PONG results to
  548. ; reduce falsely detected LAGGED hosts. The default
  549. ; is 'no.'
  550. ;qualifyfreqok = 60000 ; How frequently to ping the peer when everything
  551. ; seems to be OK, in milliseconds.
  552. ;qualifyfreqnotok = 10000 ; How frequently to ping the peer when it's either
  553. ; LAGGED or UNAVAILABLE, in milliseconds.
  554. ;jitterbuffer=no ; Turn off jitter buffer for this peer
  555. ;
  556. ;encryption=yes ; Enable IAX2 encryption. The default is no.
  557. ;keyrotate=off ; This is a compatibility option for older versions
  558. ; of IAX2 that do not support key rotation with
  559. ; encryption. This option will disable the
  560. ; IAX_COMMAND_RTENC message. The default is 'on.'
  561. ; Peers can remotely register as well, so that they can be mobile. Default
  562. ; IPs can also optionally be given but are not required. Caller*ID can be
  563. ; suggested to the other side as well if it is for example a phone instead of
  564. ; another PBX.
  565. ;connectedline=yes ; Set if connected line and redirecting information updates
  566. ; ; are passed between Asterisk servers for this peer.
  567. ; ; yes - Sending and receiving updates are enabled.
  568. ; ; send - Only send updates.
  569. ; ; receive - Only process received updates.
  570. ; ; no - Sending and receiving updates are disabled.
  571. ; ; Default is "no".
  572. ; ;
  573. ; ; Note: Because of an incompatibility between Asterisk v1.4
  574. ; ; and Asterisk v1.8 or later, this option must be set
  575. ; ; to "no" toward the Asterisk v1.4 peer. A symptom of the
  576. ; ; incompatibility is the call gets disconnected unexpectedly.
  577. ;[dynamichost]
  578. ;host=dynamic
  579. ;secret=mysecret
  580. ; Note: app_voicemail mailboxes must be in the form of mailbox@context.
  581. ;mailbox=1234 ; Notify about mailbox 1234
  582. ;inkeys=key1:key2
  583. ;peercontext=local ; Default context to request for calls to peer
  584. ;defaultip=
  585. ;callerid="Some Host" <(256) 428-6011>
  586. ;[biggateway]
  587. ;type=peer
  588. ;host=
  589. ;description=Gateway to PSTN
  590. ;context=*
  591. ;secret=myscret
  592. ;trunk=yes ; Use IAX2 trunking with this host
  593. ;timezone=America/New_York ; Set a timezone for the date/time IE
  594. ;
  595. ; Friends are a shortcut for creating a user and a peer with the same values.
  596. ;
  597. ;[marko]
  598. ;type=friend
  599. ;host=dynamic
  600. ;regexten=1234
  601. ;secret=moofoo ; Multiple secrets may be specified. For a "user", all
  602. ;secret=foomoo ; specified entries will be accepted as valid. For a "peer",
  603. ;secret=shazbot ; only the last specified secret will be used.
  604. ;context=default
  605. ;permit=
  606. ;acl=example_named_acl
  607. ;
  608. ; With immediate=yes, an IAX2 phone or a phone on an IAXy acts as a hot-line
  609. ; which goes immediately to the s extension when picked up. Useful for
  610. ; elevator phones, manual service, or other similar applications.
  611. ;
  612. ;[manual]
  613. ;type=friend
  614. ;host=dynamic
  615. ;immediate=yes ; go immediately to s extension when picked up
  616. ;secret=moofoo ; when immediate=yes is specified, secret is required
  617. ;context=number-please ; we start at the s extension in this context
  618. ;