1. Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Objective Systems, Inc.
  2. Objective Open H.323 README
  3. Introduction
  4. Objective Open H.323 stack is a simple H.323 implementation in C. This
  5. package contains the core stack code. For complete H.323 stack package with
  6. examples or for more information visit
  7. The ASN.1 messaging code was developed using the Objective Systems ASN1C
  8. compiler to implement the core H.323 specifications (H.225, H.235,
  9. and H.245). Additional code was then developed which makes use of
  10. the compiler generated code for presenting a comparatively high level
  11. stack API.
  12. Features
  13. Features supported in this package include the following:
  14. * H.225/Q.931 - the following message types are supported (including
  15. support for FastStart and H.245 tunneling):
  16. - Setup
  17. - Connect
  18. - Call Proceeding
  19. - Alerting
  20. - Facility
  21. - ReleaseComplete
  22. * H.225/RAS - the following message types are supported
  23. - GateKeeperRequest / Response
  24. - RegistrationRequest / Response
  25. - AdmissionRequest / Response
  26. - DisengageRequest / Response
  27. * H.245 - the following message types are supported
  28. - MasterSlaveDetermination
  29. - MasterSlaveDeterminationAck
  30. - MasterSlaveDeterminationReject
  31. - MasterSlaveDeterminationRelease
  32. - TerminalCapabilitySet
  33. - TerminalCapabilitySetReject
  34. - TerminalCapabilitySetRelease
  35. - TerminalCapabilitySetAck
  36. - OpenLogicalChannel
  37. - OpenLogicalChannelAck
  38. - OpenLogicalChannelReject
  39. - CloseLogicalChannel
  40. - CloseLogicalChannelAck
  41. - RequestChannelClose
  42. - RequestChannelCloseAck
  43. - RequestChannelCloseReject
  44. - RequestChannelCloseRelease
  45. To run the stack test application chansetup
  46. chansetup - This is a sample program developed for testing multiple calls.
  47. This program allows stack testing by placing multiple calls. The number of
  48. calls, duration of each call and interval between successive calls are
  49. configurable.
  50. 1. Two instances of this program have to be run. Can be run on same machine or
  51. different machines.
  52. 2. First change to chansetup directory.
  53. cd tests/chansetup
  54. 2. For running listener instance,
  55. ./h323peer [--use-ip ip] [--use-port port]
  56. where local ip address and port can be specified for listening to incoming
  57. calls. By default, application determines ip address and uses default H323
  58. port number 1720.
  59. 3. For running calling instance
  60. ./h323peer [--use-ip ip] -n <number of calls> -duration <call duration>
  61. -interval <inetrval between successive calls> destination
  62. where all times are in seconds. Interval of 0 means next call will be placed
  63. after current call finishes. "destination" is the dotted ip address of the
  64. endpoint running listener instance.
  65. NOTE: More sample programs are available in the original ooh323c package
  66. which can be downloaded from
  67. Reporting Problems:
  68. Report problems you encounter by sending E-mail to
  69. If you have any further questions or comments on what you would like to
  70. see in the product or what is difficult to use or understand, please
  71. communicate them to us. Your feedback is important to us. Please let us
  72. know how it works out for you - either good or bad.