queues.conf.sample 24 KB

  1. [general]
  2. ;
  3. ; Global settings for call queues
  4. ;
  5. ; Persistent Members
  6. ; Store each dynamic member in each queue in the astdb so that
  7. ; when asterisk is restarted, each member will be automatically
  8. ; read into their recorded queues. Default is 'no'.
  9. ;
  10. persistentmembers = yes
  11. ;
  12. ; AutoFill Behavior
  13. ; The old behavior of the queue (autofill=no) is to have a serial type behavior
  14. ; in that the queue will make all waiting callers wait in the queue
  15. ; even if there is more than one available member ready to take
  16. ; calls until the head caller is connected with the member they
  17. ; were trying to get to. The next waiting caller in line then
  18. ; becomes the head caller, and they are then connected with the
  19. ; next available member and all available members and waiting callers
  20. ; waits while this happens. The new behavior, enabled by setting
  21. ; autofill=yes makes sure that when the waiting callers are connecting
  22. ; with available members in a parallel fashion until there are
  23. ; no more available members or no more waiting callers. This is
  24. ; probably more along the lines of how a queue should work and
  25. ; in most cases, you will want to enable this behavior. If you
  26. ; do not specify or comment out this option, it will default to yes.
  27. ;
  28. ;autofill = no
  29. ;
  30. ; Monitor Type
  31. ; By setting monitor-type = MixMonitor, when specifying monitor-format
  32. ; to enable recording of queue member conversations, app_queue will
  33. ; now use the new MixMonitor application instead of Monitor so
  34. ; the concept of "joining/mixing" the in/out files now goes away
  35. ; when this is enabled. You can set the default type for all queues
  36. ; here, and then also change monitor-type for individual queues within
  37. ; queue by using the same configuration parameter within a queue
  38. ; configuration block. If you do not specify or comment out this option,
  39. ; it will default to the old 'Monitor' behavior to keep backward
  40. ; compatibility.
  41. ;
  42. monitor-type = MixMonitor
  43. ;
  44. ; UpdateCDR behavior.
  45. ; This option is implemented to mimic chan_agents behavior of populating
  46. ; CDR dstchannel field of a call with an agent name, which you can set
  47. ; at the login time with AddQueueMember membername parameter.
  48. ;
  49. ; updatecdr = no
  50. ;
  51. ; Note that a timeout to fail out of a queue may be passed as part of
  52. ; an application call from extensions.conf:
  53. ; Queue(queuename,[options],[optionalurl],[announceoverride],[timeout])
  54. ; example: Queue(dave,t,,,45)
  55. ; shared_lastcall will make the lastcall and calls received be the same in
  56. ; members logged in more than one queue. This is useful to make the queue
  57. ; respect the wrapuptime of another queue for a shared member.
  58. ; The default value is no.
  59. ;
  60. ;shared_lastcall=no
  61. ;
  62. ; Negative_penalty_invalid will treat members with a negative penalty as logged off
  63. ;
  64. ;negative_penalty_invalid = no
  65. ;
  66. ; log_membername_as_agent will cause app_queue to log the membername rather than
  67. ; the interface for the ADDMEMBER and REMOVEMEMBER events when a state_interface
  68. ; is set. The default value (no) maintains backward compatibility.
  69. ;
  70. ;log_membername_as_agent = no
  71. ;
  72. ;[markq]
  73. ;
  74. ; A sample call queue
  75. ;
  76. ; Musicclass sets which music applies for this particular call queue.
  77. ; The only class which can override this one is if the MOH class is set
  78. ; directly on the channel using Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=whatever) in the
  79. ; dialplan.
  80. ;
  81. ;musicclass = default
  82. ;
  83. ; An announcement may be specified which is played for the member as
  84. ; soon as they answer a call, typically to indicate to them which queue
  85. ; this call should be answered as, so that agents or members who are
  86. ; listening to more than one queue can differentiated how they should
  87. ; engage the customer
  88. ;
  89. ;announce = queue-markq
  90. ;
  91. ; A strategy may be specified. Valid strategies include:
  92. ;
  93. ; ringall - ring all available channels until one answers (default)
  94. ; leastrecent - ring interface which was least recently hung up by this queue
  95. ; fewestcalls - ring the one with fewest completed calls from this queue
  96. ; random - ring random interface
  97. ; rrmemory - round robin with memory, remember where we left off last ring pass
  98. ; rrordered - same as rrmemory, except the queue member order from config file
  99. ; is preserved
  100. ; linear - rings interfaces in the order specified in this configuration file.
  101. ; If you use dynamic members, the members will be rung in the order in
  102. ; which they were added
  103. ; wrandom - rings random interface, but uses the member's penalty as a weight
  104. ; when calculating their metric. So a member with penalty 0 will have
  105. ; a metric somewhere between 0 and 1000, and a member with penalty 1 will
  106. ; have a metric between 0 and 2000, and a member with penalty 2 will have
  107. ; a metric between 0 and 3000. Please note, if using this strategy, the member
  108. ; penalty is not the same as when using other queue strategies. It is ONLY used
  109. ; as a weight for calculating metric.
  110. ;
  111. ;strategy = ringall
  112. ;
  113. ; Second settings for service level (default 0)
  114. ; Used for service level statistics (calls answered within service level time
  115. ; frame)
  116. ;servicelevel = 60
  117. ;
  118. ; A context may be specified, in which if the user types a SINGLE
  119. ; digit extension while they are in the queue, they will be taken out
  120. ; of the queue and sent to that extension in this context.
  121. ;
  122. ;context = qoutcon
  123. ;
  124. ; A limit can be set to disregard penalty settings when the queue has
  125. ; too few members. No penalty will be weighed in if there are only X
  126. ; or fewer queue members. (default 0)
  127. ;
  128. ;penaltymemberslimit = 5
  129. ;
  130. ;----------------------QUEUE TIMING OPTIONS------------------------------------
  131. ; A Queue has two different "timeout" values associated with it. One is the
  132. ; timeout parameter configured in queues.conf. This timeout specifies the
  133. ; amount of time to try ringing a member's phone before considering the
  134. ; member to be unavailable. The other timeout value is the second argument
  135. ; to the Queue() application. This timeout represents the absolute amount
  136. ; of time to allow a caller to stay in the queue before the caller is
  137. ; removed from the queue. In certain situations, these two timeout values
  138. ; may clash. For instance, if the timeout in queues.conf is set to 5 seconds,
  139. ; the retry value in queues.conf is set to 4, and the second argument to Queue()
  140. ; is 10, then the following may occur:
  141. ;
  142. ; A caller places a call to a queue.
  143. ; The queue selects a member and attempts to ring that member.
  144. ; The member's phone is rung for 5 seconds and he does not answer.
  145. ; The retry time of 4 seconds occurs.
  146. ; The queue selects a second member to call.
  147. ;
  148. ; How long does that second member's phone ring? Does it ring for 5 seconds
  149. ; since the timeout set in app_queue is 5 seconds? Does it ring for 1 second since
  150. ; the caller has been in the queue for 9 seconds and is supposed to be removed after
  151. ; being in the queue for 10 seconds? This is configurable with the timeoutpriority
  152. ; option. By setting the timeoutpriority to "conf" then you are saying that you would
  153. ; rather use the time specified in the configuration file even if it means having the
  154. ; caller stay in the queue longer than the time specified in the application argument.
  155. ; For the scenario described above, timeoutpriority=conf would result in the second
  156. ; member's phone ringing for 5 seconds. By specifying "app" as the value for
  157. ; timeoutpriority, you are saying that the timeout specified as the argument to the
  158. ; Queue application is more important. In the scenario above, timeoutpriority=app
  159. ; would result in the second member's phone ringing for 1 second.
  160. ;
  161. ; There are a few exceptions to the priority rules. For instance, if timeoutpriority=appp
  162. ; and the configuration file timeout is set to 0, but the application argument timeout is
  163. ; non-zero, then the timeoutpriority is ignored and the application argument is used as
  164. ; the timeout. Furthermore, if no application argument timeout is specified, then the
  165. ; timeoutpriority option is ignored and the configuration file timeout is always used
  166. ; when calling queue members.
  167. ;
  168. ; In timeoutpriority=conf mode however timeout specified in config file will take higher
  169. ; priority than timeout in application arguments, so if config file has timeout 0, each
  170. ; queue member will be called indefineately and application timeout will be checked only
  171. ; after this call attempt. This is useful for having queue members with custom timeouts
  172. ; specified within Dial application of Local channel, and allows handling NO ANSWER which
  173. ; would otherwise be interrupted by queue destroying child channel on timeout.
  174. ;
  175. ; The default value for timeoutpriority is "app" since this was how previous versions of
  176. ; Asterisk behaved.
  177. ;
  178. ;timeout = 15
  179. ;retry = 5
  180. ;timeoutpriority = app|conf
  181. ;
  182. ;-----------------------END QUEUE TIMING OPTIONS---------------------------------
  183. ; Weight of queue - when compared to other queues, higher weights get
  184. ; first shot at available channels when the same channel is included in
  185. ; more than one queue.
  186. ;
  187. ;weight=0
  188. ;
  189. ; After a successful call, how long to wait before sending a potentially
  190. ; free member another call (default is 0, or no delay)
  191. ;
  192. ;wrapuptime=15
  193. ;
  194. ; Autofill will follow queue strategy but push multiple calls through
  195. ; at same time until there are no more waiting callers or no more
  196. ; available members. The per-queue setting of autofill allows you
  197. ; to override the default setting on an individual queue level.
  198. ;
  199. ;autofill=yes
  200. ;
  201. ; Autopause will pause a queue member if they fail to answer a call
  202. ; no: Member will not be paused
  203. ; yes: Member will be paused only in the queue where the timeout took place
  204. ; all: Memeber will be paused in all queues he/she is a member
  205. ;autopause=yes
  206. ;
  207. ; Autopausedelay delay autopause for autopausedelay seconds from the
  208. ; last call if a member has not taken a call the delay has no effect.
  209. ;autopausedelay=60
  210. ;
  211. ; Autopausebusy controls whether or not a queue member is set as paused
  212. ; automatically upon the member device reporting busy. The autopausedelay
  213. ; option applies. Defaults to 'no'.
  214. ;autopausebusy=no
  215. ;
  216. ; Autopauseunavail controls whether or not a queue member is set as paused
  217. ; automatically upon the member device reporting congestion. The autopausedely
  218. ; option applies. Defaults to 'no'.
  219. ;autopauseunavail=no
  220. ;
  221. ; Maximum number of people waiting in the queue (0 for unlimited)
  222. ;
  223. ;maxlen = 0
  224. ;
  225. ; Note: for below queue channel options (setinterfacevar, setqueueentryvar,
  226. ; setqueuevar) if the caller channel is a local channel and optimizations
  227. ; is enabled then after optimization has occurred only the queue member
  228. ; channel will contain the variables.
  229. ;
  230. ; If set to yes, just prior to the caller being bridged with a queue member
  231. ; the following variables will be set on the caller and queue member channels:
  232. ; MEMBERINTERFACE is the interface name (eg. Agent/1234)
  233. ; MEMBERNAME is the member name (eg. Joe Soap)
  234. ; MEMBERCALLS is the number of calls that interface has taken,
  235. ; MEMBERLASTCALL is the last time the member took a call.
  236. ; MEMBERPENALTY is the penalty of the member
  237. ; MEMBERDYNAMIC indicates if a member is dynamic or not
  238. ; MEMBERREALTIME indicates if a member is realtime or not
  239. ;
  240. ;setinterfacevar=no
  241. ;
  242. ; If set to yes, just prior to the caller being bridged with a queue member
  243. ; the following variables will be set on the caller and queue member channels:
  244. ; QEHOLDTIME callers hold time
  245. ; QEORIGINALPOS original position of the caller in the queue
  246. ;
  247. ;setqueueentryvar=no
  248. ;
  249. ; If set to yes, the following variables will be set
  250. ; just prior to the caller being bridged with a queue member (set on the
  251. ; caller and queue member channels) and just prior to the caller
  252. ; leaving the queue
  253. ; QUEUENAME name of the queue
  254. ; QUEUEMAX maxmimum number of calls allowed
  255. ; QUEUESTRATEGY the strategy of the queue;
  256. ; QUEUECALLS number of calls currently in the queue
  257. ; QUEUEHOLDTIME current average hold time
  258. ; QUEUECOMPLETED number of completed calls for the queue
  259. ; QUEUEABANDONED number of abandoned calls
  260. ; QUEUESRVLEVEL queue service level
  261. ; QUEUESRVLEVELPERF current service level performance
  262. ;
  263. ;setqueuevar=no
  264. ; if set, run this macro when connected to the queue member
  265. ; you can override this macro by setting the macro option on
  266. ; the queue application
  267. ;
  268. ;membermacro=macro_name[,arg1[,...][,argN]]
  269. ; if set, run this gosub when connected to the queue member
  270. ; you can override this gosub by setting the gosub option on
  271. ; the queue application
  272. ;
  273. ;membergosub=gosub_context_name[,arg1[,...][,argN]]
  274. ; How often to announce queue position and/or estimated
  275. ; holdtime to caller (0=off)
  276. ; Note that this value is ignored if the caller's queue
  277. ; position has changed (see min-announce-frequency)
  278. ;
  279. ;announce-frequency = 90
  280. ;
  281. ; The absolute minimum time between the start of each
  282. ; queue position and/or estimated holdtime announcement
  283. ; This is useful for avoiding constant announcements
  284. ; when the caller's queue position is changing frequently
  285. ; (see announce-frequency)
  286. ;
  287. ;min-announce-frequency = 15
  288. ;
  289. ; How often to make any periodic announcement (see periodic-announce)
  290. ;
  291. ;periodic-announce-frequency=60
  292. ;
  293. ; Should the periodic announcements be played in a random order? Default is no.
  294. ;
  295. ;random-periodic-announce=no
  296. ;
  297. ; If set to yes, the periodic announcment frequency will be timed from the end
  298. ; of each announcment rather than from the start of each announcment. This
  299. ; defaults to off.
  300. ;
  301. ;relative-periodic-announce=yes
  302. ;
  303. ; Should we include estimated hold time in position announcements?
  304. ; Either yes, no, or only once.
  305. ; Hold time will be announced as the estimated time.
  306. ;
  307. ;announce-holdtime = yes|no|once
  308. ;
  309. ; Queue position announce?
  310. ; Valid values are "yes," "no," "limit," or "more." If set to "no," then the caller's position will
  311. ; never be announced. If "yes," then the caller's position in the queue will be announced
  312. ; to the caller. If set to "more," then if the number of callers is more than the number
  313. ; specified by the announce-position-limit option, then the caller will hear that there
  314. ; are more than that many callers waiting (i.e. if a caller number 6 is in a queue with the
  315. ; announce-position-limit set to 5, then that caller will hear that there are more than 5
  316. ; callers waiting). If set to "limit," then only callers within the limit specified by announce-position-limit
  317. ; will have their position announced.
  318. ;
  319. ;announce-position = yes
  320. ;
  321. ; If enabled, play announcements to the first user waiting in the Queue. This may mean
  322. ; that announcements are played when an agent attempts to connect to the waiting user,
  323. ; which may delay the time before the agent and the user can communicate. Disabled by
  324. ; default.
  325. ;
  326. ; announce-to-first-user = no
  327. ;
  328. ; If you have specified "limit" or "more" for the announce-position option, then the following
  329. ; value is what is used to determine what announcement to play to waiting callers. If you have
  330. ; set the announce-position option to anything else, then this will have no bearing on queue operation
  331. ;
  332. ;announce-position-limit = 5
  333. ;
  334. ; What's the rounding time for the seconds?
  335. ; If this is non-zero, then we announce the seconds as well as the minutes
  336. ; rounded to this value.
  337. ; Valid values are 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30.
  338. ;
  339. ; announce-round-seconds = 10
  340. ;
  341. ; Use these sound files in making position/holdtime announcements. The
  342. ; defaults are as listed below -- change only if you need to.
  343. ;
  344. ; Keep in mind that you may also prevent a sound from being played if you
  345. ; explicitly set a sound to be an empty string. For example, if you want to
  346. ; prevent the queue from playing queue-thankyou, you may set the sound using
  347. ; the following line:
  348. ;
  349. ; queue-thankyou=
  350. ;
  351. ; ("You are now first in line.")
  352. ;queue-youarenext = queue-youarenext
  353. ; ("There are")
  354. ;queue-thereare = queue-thereare
  355. ; ("calls waiting.")
  356. ;queue-callswaiting = queue-callswaiting
  357. ; ("The current est. holdtime is")
  358. ;queue-holdtime = queue-holdtime
  359. ; ("minute.")
  360. ;queue-minute = queue-minute
  361. ; ("minutes.")
  362. ;queue-minutes = queue-minutes
  363. ; ("seconds.")
  364. ;queue-seconds = queue-seconds
  365. ; ("Thank you for your patience.")
  366. ;queue-thankyou = queue-thankyou
  367. ; ("Hold time")
  368. ;queue-reporthold = queue-reporthold
  369. ; ("All reps busy / wait for next")
  370. ;periodic-announce = queue-periodic-announce
  371. ;
  372. ; A set of periodic announcements can be defined by separating
  373. ; periodic announcements to reproduce by commas. For example:
  374. ;periodic-announce = queue-periodic-announce,your-call-is-important,please-wait
  375. ;
  376. ; The announcements will be played in the order in which they are defined. After
  377. ; playing the last announcement, the announcements begin again from the beginning.
  378. ;
  379. ; Calls may be recorded using Asterisk's monitor/MixMonitor resource
  380. ; This can be enabled from within the Queue application, starting recording
  381. ; when the call is actually picked up; thus, only successful calls are
  382. ; recorded, and you are not recording while people are listening to MOH.
  383. ; To enable monitoring, simply specify "monitor-format"; it will be disabled
  384. ; otherwise.
  385. ;
  386. ; You can specify the monitor filename with by calling
  387. ; Set(MONITOR_FILENAME=foo)
  388. ; Otherwise it will use MONITOR_FILENAME=${UNIQUEID}
  389. ;
  390. ; Pick any one valid extension for monitor format recording. If you leave
  391. ; monitor-format commented out, it will not record calls.
  392. ;
  393. ; monitor-format = gsm|wav|wav49
  394. ;
  395. ; Monitor Type
  396. ; By setting monitor-type = MixMonitor, when specifying monitor-format
  397. ; to enable recording of queue member conversations, app_queue will
  398. ; now use the new MixMonitor application instead of Monitor so
  399. ; the concept of "joining/mixing" the in/out files now goes away
  400. ; when this is enabled. If you do not specify or comment out this option,
  401. ; it will default to the old 'Monitor' behavior to keep backward
  402. ; compatibility.
  403. ;
  404. ; monitor-type = MixMonitor
  405. ;
  406. ; ----------------------- TYPE MIXMONITOR OPTIONS -----------------------------
  407. ;
  408. ;
  409. ; You can specify the options supplied to MixMonitor by calling (from the dialplan)
  410. ; Set(MONITOR_OPTIONS=av(<x>)V(<x>)W(<x>))
  411. ; The 'b' option for MixMonitor (only save audio to the file while bridged) is
  412. ; implied.
  413. ;
  414. ; You can specify a post recording command to be executed after the end of
  415. ; recording by calling (from the dialplan)
  416. ;
  417. ; Set(MONITOR_EXEC=mv /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/^{MONITOR_FILENAME} /tmp/^{MONITOR_FILENAME})
  418. ;
  419. ; or
  420. ;
  421. ; Set(MONITOR_EXEC=mv /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/^{MIXMONITOR_FILENAME} /tmp/^{MIXMONITOR_FILENAME})
  422. ;
  423. ; If you choose to use the latter, you will not be able to switch the monitor-type back to Monitor
  424. ; without changing this in the dialplan.
  425. ;
  426. ;
  427. ; The command specified within the contents of MONITOR_EXEC will be executed when
  428. ; the recording is over. Any strings matching ^{X} will be unescaped to ${X} and
  429. ; all variables will be evaluated just prior to recording being started.
  430. ;
  431. ; The contents of MONITOR_FILENAME will also be unescaped from ^{X} to ${X} and
  432. ; all variables will be evaluated just prior to recording being started.
  433. ;
  434. ; ---------------------- Queue Empty Options ----------------------------------
  435. ;
  436. ; Asterisk has provided the "joinempty" and "leavewhenempty" options for a while
  437. ; with tenuous definitions of what they actually mean. The "joinempty" option controls
  438. ; whether a caller may join a queue depending on several factors of member availability.
  439. ; Similarly, then leavewhenempty option controls whether a caller may remain in a queue
  440. ; he has already joined. Both options take a comma-separated list of factors which
  441. ; contribute towards whether a caller may join/remain in the queue. The list of
  442. ; factors which contribute to these option is as follows:
  443. ;
  444. ; paused: a member is not considered available if he is paused
  445. ; penalty: a member is not considered available if his penalty is less than QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY
  446. ; inuse: a member is not considered available if he is currently on a call
  447. ; ringing: a member is not considered available if his phone is currently ringing
  448. ; unavailable: This applies mainly to Agent channels. If the agent is a member of the queue
  449. ; but has not logged in, then do not consider the member to be available
  450. ; invalid: Do not consider a member to be available if he has an "invalid" device state.
  451. ; This generally is caused by an error condition in the member's channel driver.
  452. ; unknown: Do not consider a member to be available if we are unable to determine the member's
  453. ; current device state.
  454. ; wrapup: A member is not considered available if he is currently in his wrapuptime after
  455. ; taking a call.
  456. ;
  457. ; For the "joinempty" option, when a caller attempts to enter a queue, the members of that
  458. ; queue are examined. If all members are deemed to be unavailable due to any of the conditions
  459. ; listed for the "joinempty" option, then the caller will be unable to enter the queue. For the
  460. ; "leavewhenempty" option, the state of the members of the queue are checked periodically during
  461. ; the caller's stay in the queue. If all of the members are unavailable due to any of the above
  462. ; conditions, then the caller will be removed from the queue.
  463. ;
  464. ; Some examples:
  465. ;
  466. ;joinempty = paused,inuse,invalid
  467. ;
  468. ; A caller will not be able to enter a queue if at least one member cannot be found
  469. ; who is not paused, on the phone, or who has an invalid device state.
  470. ;
  471. ;leavewhenempty = inuse,ringing
  472. ;
  473. ; A caller will be removed from the queue if at least one member cannot be found
  474. ; who is not on the phone, or whose phone is not ringing.
  475. ;
  476. ; For the sake of backwards-compatibility, the joinempty and leavewhenempty
  477. ; options also accept the strings "yes" "no" "strict" and "loose". The following
  478. ; serves as a translation for these values:
  479. ;
  480. ; yes - (empty) for joinempty; penalty,paused,invalid for leavewhenempty
  481. ; no - penalty,paused,invalid for joinempty; (empty) for leavewhenempty
  482. ; strict - penalty,paused,invalid,unavailable
  483. ; loose - penalty,invalid
  484. ;
  485. ; If you wish to report the caller's hold time to the member before they are
  486. ; connected to the caller, set this to yes.
  487. ;
  488. ; reportholdtime = no
  489. ;
  490. ; If you want the queue to avoid sending calls to members whose devices are
  491. ; known to be 'in use' (via the channel driver supporting that device state)
  492. ; uncomment this option. This can be controlled on a per member basis by
  493. ; setting 'ringinuse' on that member. This can be done in the member definition,
  494. ; in the 'ringinuse' field on a realtime member, via the QUEUE_MEMBER dialplan
  495. ; function, or with CLI/AMI. By default, the per member value will be the same
  496. ; as the queue's ringinuse value if it isn't set on the member deliberately.
  497. ; (Note: only the SIP channel driver currently is able to report 'in use'.)
  498. ; ringinuse = no
  499. ;
  500. ; If you wish to have a delay before the member is connected to the caller (or
  501. ; before the member hears any announcement messages), set this to the number of
  502. ; seconds to delay.
  503. ;
  504. ; memberdelay = 0
  505. ;
  506. ; If timeoutrestart is set to yes, then the timeout for an agent to answer is
  507. ; reset if a BUSY or CONGESTION is received. This can be useful if agents
  508. ; are able to cancel a call with reject or similar.
  509. ;
  510. ; timeoutrestart = no
  511. ;
  512. ; If you wish to implement a rule defined in queuerules.conf (see
  513. ; configs/queuerules.conf.sample from the asterisk source directory for
  514. ; more information about penalty rules) by default, you may specify this
  515. ; by setting defaultrule to the rule's name
  516. ;
  517. ; defaultrule = myrule
  518. ;
  519. ; Each member of this call queue is listed on a separate line in
  520. ; the form technology/dialstring. "member" means a normal member of a
  521. ; queue. An optional penalty may be specified after a comma, such that
  522. ; entries with higher penalties are considered last. An optional member
  523. ; name may also be specified after a second comma, which is used in log
  524. ; messages as a "friendly name". Multiple interfaces may share a single
  525. ; member name. An optional state interface may be specified after a third
  526. ; comma. This interface will be the one for which app_queue receives device
  527. ; state notifications, even though the first interface specified is the one
  528. ; that is actually called.
  529. ;
  530. ; A hint can also be used in place of the state interface using the format
  531. ; hint:<extension>@<context>. If no context is specified then 'default' will
  532. ; be used.
  533. ;
  534. ; It is important to ensure that channel drivers used for members are loaded
  535. ; before app_queue.so itself or they may be marked invalid until reload. This
  536. ; can be accomplished by explicitly listing them in modules.conf before
  537. ; app_queue.so. Additionally, if you use Local channels as queue members, you
  538. ; must also preload pbx_config.so and chan_local.so (or pbx_ael.so, pbx_lua.so,
  539. ; or pbx_realtime.so, depending on how your dialplan is configured).
  540. ;
  541. ; syntax: member => interface,[,penalty][,membername][,state_interface][,ringinuse]
  542. ;
  543. ;member => DAHDI/1
  544. ;member => DAHDI/2,10
  545. ;member => DAHDI/3,10,Bob Johnson
  546. ;member => Local/1001@agents,0,May Flowers,Agent:1001
  547. ;member => Local/1002@agents,0,John Doe,Agent:1002
  548. ;member => Local/1000@default,0,John Smith,SIP/1000
  549. ;member => Local/2000@default,0,Lorem Ipsum,SIP/2000,no