123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242 |
- CONSOLE = "Console/dsp" -- Console interface for demo
- --CONSOLE = "Phone/phone0"
- IAXINFO = "guest" -- IAXtel username/password
- --IAXINFO = "myuser:mypass"
- -- TRUNK = "IAX2/user:pass@provider"
- --
- -- Extensions are expected to be defined in a global table named 'extensions'.
- -- The 'extensions' table should have a group of tables in it, each
- -- representing a context. Extensions are defined in each context. See below
- -- for examples.
- --
- -- Extension names may be numbers, letters, or combinations thereof. If
- -- an extension name is prefixed by a '_' character, it is interpreted as
- -- a pattern rather than a literal. In patterns, some characters have
- -- special meanings:
- --
- -- X - any digit from 0-9
- -- Z - any digit from 1-9
- -- N - any digit from 2-9
- -- [1235-9] - any digit in the brackets (in this example, 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9)
- -- . - wildcard, matches anything remaining (e.g. _9011. matches
- -- anything starting with 9011 excluding 9011 itself)
- -- ! - wildcard, causes the matching process to complete as soon as
- -- it can unambiguously determine that no other matches are possible
- --
- -- For example the extension _NXXXXXX would match normal 7 digit
- -- dialings, while _1NXXNXXXXXX would represent an area code plus phone
- -- number preceded by a one.
- --
- -- If your extension has special characters in it such as '.' and '!' you must
- -- explicitly make it a string in the tabale definition:
- --
- -- ["_special."] = function;
- -- ["_special!"] = function;
- --
- -- There are no priorities. All extensions to asterisk appear to have a single
- -- priority as if they consist of a single priority.
- --
- -- Each context is defined as a table in the extensions table. The
- -- context names should be strings.
- --
- -- One context may be included in another context using the 'includes'
- -- extension. This extension should be set to a table containing a list
- -- of context names. Do not put references to tables in the includes
- -- table.
- --
- -- include = {"a", "b", "c"};
- --
- -- Channel variables can be accessed thorugh the global 'channel' table.
- --
- -- v = channel.var_name
- -- v = channel["var_name"]
- -- v.value
- -- v:get()
- --
- -- channel.var_name = "value"
- -- channel["var_name"] = "value"
- -- v:set("value")
- --
- -- channel.func_name(1,2,3):set("value")
- -- value = channel.func_name(1,2,3):get()
- --
- -- channel["func_name(1,2,3)"]:set("value")
- -- channel["func_name(1,2,3)"] = "value"
- -- value = channel["func_name(1,2,3)"]:get()
- --
- -- Note the use of the ':' operator to access the get() and set()
- -- methods.
- --
- -- Also notice the absence of the following constructs from the examples above:
- -- channel.func_name(1,2,3) = "value" -- this will NOT work
- -- value = channel.func_name(1,2,3) -- this will NOT work as expected
- --
- --
- -- Dialplan applications can be accessed through the global 'app' table.
- --
- -- app.Dial("DAHDI/1")
- -- app.dial("DAHDI/1")
- -- app["dial"]("DAHDI/1")
- --
- -- More examples can be found below.
- --
- -- An autoservice is automatically run while lua code is executing. The
- -- autoservice can be stopped and restarted using the autoservice_stop() and
- -- autoservice_start() functions. The autservice should be running before
- -- starting long running operations. The autoservice will automatically be
- -- stopped before executing applications and dialplan functions and will be
- -- restarted afterwards. The autoservice_status() function can be used to
- -- check the current status of the autoservice and will return true if an
- -- autoservice is currently running.
- --
- -- Note about naming conflicts:
- -- Lua allows you to refer to table entries using the '.' notation,
- -- I.E. app.goto(something), only if the entry doesn't conflict with an Lua
- -- reserved word. In the 'goto' example, with Lua 5.1 or earlier, 'goto' is
- -- not a reserved word so you'd be calling the Asterisk dialplan application
- -- 'goto'. Lua 5.2 however, introduced the 'goto' control statement which
- -- makes 'goto' a reserved word. This casues the interpreter to fail parsing
- -- the file and pbx_lua.so will fail to load. The same applies to any use of
- -- Lua tables including extensions, channels and any tables you create.
- --
- -- There are two ways around this: Since Lua is case-sensitive, you can use
- -- capitalized names, I.E. app.Goto(something) to refer to the Asterisk apps,
- -- functions, etc. Or you can use the full syntax, I.E. app["goto"](something).
- -- Both syntaxes are backwards compatible with earlier Lua versions. To make
- -- your Lua dialplans easier to maintain and to reduce the chance of future
- -- conflicts you may want to use the app["goto"](something) syntax for all
- -- table accesses.
- --
- function outgoing_local(c, e)
- app.dial("DAHDI/1/" .. e, "", "")
- end
- function demo_instruct()
- app.background("demo-instruct")
- app.waitexten()
- end
- function demo_congrats()
- app.background("demo-congrats")
- demo_instruct()
- end
- -- Answer the chanel and play the demo sound files
- function demo_start(context, exten)
- app.wait(1)
- app.answer()
- channel.TIMEOUT("digit"):set(5)
- channel.TIMEOUT("response"):set(10)
- -- app.set("TIMEOUT(digit)=5")
- -- app.set("TIMEOUT(response)=10")
- demo_congrats(context, exten)
- end
- function demo_hangup()
- app.playback("demo-thanks")
- app.hangup()
- end
- extensions = {
- demo = {
- s = demo_start;
- ["2"] = function()
- app.background("demo-moreinfo")
- demo_instruct()
- end;
- ["3"] = function ()
- channel.LANGUAGE():set("fr") -- set the language to french
- demo_congrats()
- end;
- ["1000"] = function()
- -- See the naming conflict note above.
- app['goto']("default", "s", 1)
- end;
- ["1234"] = function()
- app.playback("transfer", "skip")
- -- do a dial here
- end;
- ["1235"] = function()
- app.voicemail("1234", "u")
- end;
- ["1236"] = function()
- app.dial("Console/dsp")
- app.voicemail(1234, "b")
- end;
- ["#"] = demo_hangup;
- t = demo_hangup;
- i = function()
- app.playback("invalid")
- demo_instruct()
- end;
- ["500"] = function()
- app.playback("demo-abouttotry")
- app.dial("IAX2/guest@misery.digium.com/s@default")
- app.playback("demo-nogo")
- demo_instruct()
- end;
- ["600"] = function()
- app.playback("demo-echotest")
- app.echo()
- app.playback("demo-echodone")
- demo_instruct()
- end;
- ["8500"] = function()
- app.voicemailmain()
- demo_instruct()
- end;
- };
- default = {
- -- by default, do the demo
- include = {"demo"};
- };
- public = {
- -- ATTENTION: If your Asterisk is connected to the internet and you do
- -- not have allowguest=no in sip.conf, everybody out there may use your
- -- public context without authentication. In that case you want to
- -- double check which services you offer to the world.
- --
- include = {"demo"};
- };
- ["local"] = {
- ["_NXXXXXX"] = outgoing_local;
- };
- }
- hints = {
- demo = {
- [1000] = "SIP/1000";
- [1001] = "SIP/1001";
- };
- default = {
- ["1234"] = "SIP/1234";
- };
- }