ast_check_mandatory.m4 780 B

  1. # Check whether any of the mandatory modules are not present, and
  2. # print error messages in case. The mandatory list is built using
  3. # --with-* arguments when invoking configure.
  5. [
  6. AC_MSG_CHECKING([for mandatory modules: ${ac_mandatory_list}])
  7. err=0;
  8. for i in ${ac_mandatory_list}; do
  9. eval "a=\${PBX_$i}"
  10. if test "x${a}" = "x1" ; then continue; fi
  11. if test ${err} = "0" ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(fail) ; fi
  13. eval "a=\${${i}_OPTION}"
  14. AC_MSG_NOTICE([***])
  15. AC_MSG_NOTICE([*** The $i installation appears to be missing or broken.])
  16. AC_MSG_NOTICE([*** Either correct the installation, or run configure])
  17. AC_MSG_NOTICE([*** including --without-${a}.])
  18. err=1
  19. done
  20. if test $err = 1 ; then exit 1; fi
  21. AC_MSG_RESULT(ok)
  22. ])