sounds.txt 11 KB

  1. ;Sound Files and Sound Scripts
  2. ;Note: All .gsm files are in the following format: 8.000 kHz, Mono 1 kb/sec
  3. ;sounds directory - File Name Sound File Script
  4. %agent-alreadyon.gsm%That agent is already logged on. Please enter your agent number followed by the pound key.
  5. %agent-incorrect.gsm%Login incorrect. Please enter your agent number followed by the pound key.
  6. %agent-newlocation.gsm%Please enter new extension followed by pound, or just press pound for immediate service.
  7. %agent-loggedoff.gsm%Agent Logged off.
  8. %agent-loginok.gsm%Agent logged in.
  9. %agent-pass.gsm%Please enter your password followed by the pound key.
  10. %agent-user.gsm%Agent login. Please enter your agent number followed by the pound key.
  11. %auth-incorrect.gsm%Login incorrect. Please enter your password followed by the pound key.
  12. %auth-thankyou.gsm%Thank you.
  13. %beep.gsm%(this is a simple beep tone)
  14. %conf-getconfno.gsm%Please enter your conference number followed by the pound key.
  15. %conf-getchannel.gsm%Please enter your channel number followed by the pound key.
  16. %conf-getpin.gsm%Please enter the conference pin number.
  17. %conf-invalid.gsm%That is not a valid conference number. Please try again.
  18. %conf-invalidpin.gsm%That pin is invalid for this conference.
  19. %conf-onlyperson.gsm%You are currently the only person in this conference.
  20. %demo-abouttotry.gsm%I am about to attempt an Inter-Asterisk Exchange connection to a demonstration server located at Digium. In order for this to work you must already be connected to the Internet. Please wait a moment while I attempt to make the connection.
  21. %demo-congrats.gsm%Congratulations. You have successfully installed and executed the Asterisk open source PBX. You have also installed a set of sample sounds and configuration files that should help you to get started. Like a normal PBX you will navigate this demonstration by dialing digits. If you are using a console channel driver instead of a real phone you can use the dial, answer, and hang up commands to simulate the actions of a standard telephone.
  22. %demo-echodone.gsm%The echo test has been completed.
  23. %demo-echotest.gsm%You are about to enter an echo test. In this mode everything you say will be repeated back to you just as soon as it is received. The purpose of this test is to give you an audible sense of the latency between you and the machine that is running the echo test application. You may end the test by hanging up or by pressing the pound key.
  24. %demo-enterkeywords.gsm%Please enter one or more keywords separated by * and then press the pound key.
  25. %demo-nomatch.gsm%I'm sorry there are no matches for those keywords
  26. %demo-instruct.gsm%If you would like to learn more technical information about Asterisk dial 2 now. If you'd like to test out the voice over IP capabilities of Asterisk you can dial 500 to attempt an Inter-Asterisk Exchange or IAX connection to a demonstration server at Digium. In order for this test to work you will need to be connected to the Internet and have at least a 28.8 kilobit modem. To execute an echo test dial 600. This test is most useful when you have connected to this Asterisk server from a remote location. The sample configuration also has a single user with extension 1234 and password 4242. That user is configured to ring the console when their extension is dialed. If you dial 1234 you can try to ring the console. If the console is busy or unavailable you will be given the option to leave voicemail. To check voice mail for the user dial extension 8500 to enter the voicemail system. Finally, you can press the pound key to disconnect from the PBX.
  27. %demo-moreinfo.gsm%This message has not yet been written.
  28. %demo-nogo.gsm%I am afraid I was unable to create a connection to the Digium demonstration Asterisk server. You may find some helpful debugging information on the Asterisk console.
  29. %demo-thanks.gsm%Goodbye. Thank you for trying out the Asterisk Open Source PBX.
  30. %dir-instr.gsm%If this is the person you are looking for press 1 now, otherwise please press star now.
  31. %dir-intro.gsm%Welcome to the Asterisk directory. Please enter the first three letters of your parties last name using your touch tone keypad. Use the 7 key for Q and the 9 key for Z.
  32. %dir-nomatch.gsm%No directory entries match your search.
  33. %dir-nomore.gsm%There are no more compatible entries in the directory.
  34. %invalid.gsm%I am sorry, that's not a valid extension. Please try again.
  35. %pbx-invalid.gsm%I am sorry, that's not a valid extension. Please try again.
  36. %pbx-invalidpark.gsm%I am sorry, there is no call parked on that extension. Please try again.
  37. %pbx-transfer.gsm%Transfer.
  38. %ss-noservice.gsm%The number you have dialed is not in service. Please check the number and try again.
  39. %transfer.gsm%Please hold while I try that extension.
  40. %vm-Cust1.gsm%folder 5
  41. %vm-Cust2.gsm%folder 6
  42. %vm-Cust3.gsm%folder 7
  43. %vm-Cust4.gsm%folder 8
  44. %vm-Cust5.gsm%folder 9
  45. %vm-and.gsm%and
  46. %vm-changeto.gsm%Change to which folder?
  47. %vm-delete.gsm%Press 7 to delete this message.
  48. %vm-deleted.gsm%Message deleted.
  49. %vm-extension.gsm%extension
  50. %vm-Family.gsm%family
  51. %vm-first.gsm%first
  52. %vm-for.gsm%for
  53. %vm-Friends.gsm%friends
  54. %vm-goodbye.gsm%Goodbye
  55. %vm-helpexit.gsm%Pres star for help or pound to exit.
  56. %vm-INBOX.gsm%new
  57. %vm-incorrect.gsm%Login incorrect. Mailbox?
  58. %vm-instructions.gsm%To look into your messages press 1 now. You may quit voicemail at any time by pressing the pound key.
  59. %vm-intro.gsm%Please leave your message after the tone. When done hang up or press the pound key. (simple tone sound plays)
  60. %vm-isonphone.gsm%is on the phone
  61. %vm-isunavail.gsm%is unavailable
  62. %vm-last.gsm%last
  63. %vm-login.gsm%Asterisk Mail. Mailbox?
  64. %vm-message.gsm%message
  65. %vm-messages.gsm%messages
  66. %vm-mismatch.gsm%The passwords you entered and re-entered did not match. Please try again.
  67. %vm-msginstruct.gsm%To hear the next message press 6, to repeat this message press 5, to hear the previous message press 4, to delete or undelete this message press seven, to quite voicemail press pound. During message playback, you may press * to rewind, and # to fast forward.
  68. %vm-msgsaved.gsm%Your message has been saved.
  69. %vm-newpassword.gsm%Please enter your new password followed by the pound key?
  70. %vm-next.gsm%Press 6 to play the next message.
  71. %vm-no.gsm%no
  72. %vm-nobodyavail.gsm%Nobody is available to take your call at the moment
  73. %vm-nomore.gsm%No more messages.
  74. %vm-Old.gsm%old
  75. %vm-onefor.gsm%Press 1 for
  76. %vm-options.gsm%Press 1 to record your unavailable message, press 2 to record your busy message, press 3 to record your name, press 4 to change your password, press star to return to the main menu.
  77. %vm-opts.gsm%Press 2 to change folders, press zero for mailbox options.
  78. %vm-passchanged.gsm%Your passwords have been changed.
  79. %vm-password.gsm%password
  80. %vm-press.gsm%press
  81. %vm-prev.gsm%Press 4 for the previous message
  82. %vm-rec-busy.gsm%After the tone say your busy message and then press the pound key.
  83. %vm-rec-name.gsm%After the tone say your name and then press the pound key.
  84. %vm-rec-unv.gsm%After the tone say your unavailable message and then press the pound key.
  85. %vm-reenterpassword.gsm%Please re-enter your password followed by the pound key.
  86. %vm-repeat.gsm%Press 5 to repeat the current message.
  87. %vm-saved.gsm%saved
  88. %vm-savedto.gsm%saved to
  89. %vm-savefolder.gsm%Which folder should I save the message to?
  90. %vm-savemessage.gsm%or 9 to save this message
  91. %vm-sorry.gsm%I'm sorry I did not understand your response.
  92. %vm-theperson.gsm%The person at extension
  93. %vm-tocancel.gsm%or pound to cancel.
  94. %vm-toforward.gsm%Press 8 to forward the message to another user
  95. %vm-undelete.gsm%Press 7 to undelete this message
  96. %vm-undeleted.gsm%Message undeleted.
  97. %vm-whichbox.gsm%To leave a message, please enter a mailbox number.
  98. %vm-Work.gsm%work
  99. %vm-youhave.gsm%you have
  100. %priv-sayname.gsm%After the tone, please say your name or the company you represent.
  101. %priv-trying.gsm%Please hold while I attempt to contact your party.
  102. %priv-callfrom.gsm%You have a call from
  103. %priv-at.gsm%at
  104. %priv-instruct.gsm%Press 1 to accept this call. Press 2 to not accept this call. Press 3 to always accept calls from this number. Press 4 to never accept calls from this number. Press 5 to reject calls from this number and request that they add you to their do not call list.
  105. %privacy-unident.gsm%The party you are trying to reach does not accept unidentified calls.
  106. %privacy-prompt.gsm%Please enter your 10 digit phone number, starting with the area code.
  107. %privacy-incorrect.gsm%I'm sorry, that number is not valid.
  108. %privacy-thankyou.gsm%Thank you.
  109. %tt-allbusy.gsm%All representatives of the household are currently assisting other telemarketers. Please hold and your call will be answered in the order it was received.
  110. %tt-monkeysintro.gsm%They have been carried away by monkeys
  111. %tt-monkeys.gsm%[sound of monkeys screaming]
  112. %tt-somethingwrong.gsm%Something is terribly wrong
  113. %tt-weasels.gsm%Weasels have eaten our phone system
  114. ;digits directory - File Name Sound File Script
  115. %0.gsm%zero
  116. %1.gsm%one
  117. %2.gsm%two
  118. %3.gsm%three
  119. %4.gsm%four
  120. %5.gsm%five
  121. %6.gsm%six
  122. %7.gsm%seven
  123. %8.gsm%eight
  124. %9.gsm%nine
  125. %10.gsm%ten
  126. %11.gsm%eleven
  127. %12.gsm%twelve
  128. %13.gsm%thirteen
  129. %14.gsm%fourteen
  130. %15.gsm%fifteen
  131. %16.gsm%sixteen
  132. %17.gsm%seventeen
  133. %18.gsm%eighteen
  134. %19.gsm%nineteen
  135. %20.gsm%twenty
  136. %30.gsm%thirty
  137. %40.gsm%forty
  138. %50.gsm%fifty
  139. %60.gsm%sixty
  140. %70.gsm%seventy
  141. %80.gsm%eighty
  142. %90.gsm%ninety
  143. %a-m.gsm%A.M.
  144. %day-0.gsm%Sunday
  145. %day-1.gsm%Monday
  146. %day-2.gsm%Tuesday
  147. %day-3.gsm%Wednesday
  148. %day-4.gsm%Thursday
  149. %day-5.gsm%Friday
  150. %day-6.gsm%Saturday
  151. %dollars.gsm%dollars
  152. %hundred.gsm%hundred
  153. %million.gsm%million
  154. %mon-0.gsm%January
  155. %mon-1.gsm%February
  156. %mon-2.gsm%March
  157. %mon-3.gsm%April
  158. %mon-4.gsm%May
  159. %mon-5.gsm%June
  160. %mon-6.gsm%July
  161. %mon-7.gsm%August
  162. %mon-8.gsm%September
  163. %mon-9.gsm%October
  164. %mon-10.gsm%November
  165. %mon-11.gsm%December
  166. %oclock.gsm%o'clock
  167. %oh.gsm%oh
  168. %p-m.gsm%P.M.
  169. %pound.gsm%pound
  170. %privacy-incorrect.gsm%will_be_added_later
  171. %privacy-prompt.gsm%will_be_added_later
  172. %privacy-thankyou.gsm%will_be_added_later
  173. %privacy-unident.gsm%will_be_added_later
  174. %star.gsm%star
  175. %thousand.gsm%thousand
  176. %at.gsm%at
  177. %h-1.gsm%first
  178. %h-2.gsm%second
  179. %h-3.gsm%third
  180. %h-4.gsm%fourth
  181. %h-5.gsm%fifth
  182. %h-6.gsm%sixth
  183. %h-7.gsm%seventh
  184. %h-8.gsm%eighth
  185. %h-9.gsm%ninth
  186. %h-10.gsm%tenth
  187. %h-11.gsm%eleventh
  188. %h-12.gsm%twelfth
  189. %h-13.gsm%thirteenth
  190. %h-14.gsm%fourteenth
  191. %h-15.gsm%fifteenth
  192. %h-16.gsm%sixteenth
  193. %h-17.gsm%seventeenth
  194. %h-18.gsm%eighteenth
  195. %h-19.gsm%nineteenth
  196. %h-20.gsm%twentieth
  197. %h-30.gsm%thirtieth
  198. %at.gsm%at
  199. %today.gsm%today
  200. %tomorrow.gsm%tomorrow
  201. %yesterday.gsm%yesterday
  202. %vm-received.gsm%received
  203. %hours.gsm%hours
  204. %minutes.gsm%minutes
  205. %vm-forwardoptions.gsm%press 1 to prepend a message or 2 to forward the
  206. message without prepending
  207. %vm-mailboxfull.gsm%sorry but the users mail box can't accept more messages