20 KB

  1. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. # ------------------------- Plight Rising -----------------------------
  3. # -----------------------------txtsd-----------------------------------
  4. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. """Does gathering and Pinkerton and feeds your lair"""
  6. # Imports -------------------------------------------------------------
  7. import time
  8. import datetime
  9. import random
  10. import re
  11. import sys
  12. import requests
  13. from configobj import ConfigObj
  14. from validate import Validator
  15. from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
  16. # End Imports ---------------------------------------------------------
  17. class Gather:
  18. def __init__(self, acc):
  19. self.acc = acc
  20. self.userID = acc.getID()
  21. self.configspec = ConfigObj('config.spec', encoding='UTF8', list_values=False)
  22. self.config = ConfigObj('config.ini', configspec=self.configspec)
  23. val = Validator()
  24. test = self.config.validate(val, preserve_errors=True)
  25. self.area = {'earth': '1',
  26. 'plague': '2',
  27. 'wind': '3',
  28. 'water': '4',
  29. 'lightning': '5',
  30. 'ice': '6',
  31. 'shadow': '7',
  32. 'light': '8',
  33. 'arcane': '9',
  34. 'nature': '10',
  35. 'fire': '11'
  36. }
  37. self.areachoice = self.area[self.config['account']['gather']['area']]
  38. self.action = self.config['account']['gather']['action']
  39. self.pinkerton = self.config['account']['pinkerton']
  40. self.feed = self.config['account']['feed']
  41. def getItems(self, html_):
  42. things = re.findall("<a rel=\"(.*?)\" class=\"clue\"[\s\S]*?>(\d+?)<\/div>", html_.text)
  43. for x in things:
  44. self.check = False
  45. self.tried = 0
  46. while not self.check:
  47. if (self.tried < 3):
  48. try:
  49. html = self.acc.get('' + x[0],
  50. head={
  51. 'Accept': 'text/html, */*; q=0.01',
  52. 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
  53. },
  54. referer='/main.php?p=gather&action=' + self.action
  55. )
  56. self.check = True
  57. except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout):
  58. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Gather_0_error_getItems')
  59. self.tried += 1
  60. pass
  61. else:
  62. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Bad network. Try again later.')
  63. sys.exit()
  64. # info = re.findall(">([^\s].*?)<\/div>", html.text)
  65. # rating ="tooltip_(\d*)star\.", html.text)
  66. soup = bs(html.text)
  67. strings = list(soup.stripped_strings)
  68. found = {}
  69. try:
  70. if (strings[1] == 'Food') or (strings[1] == 'Insect') or (strings[1] == 'Meat') or (strings[1] == 'Plant') or (strings[1] == 'Seafood'):
  71. found['name'] = strings[0].encode('latin1').decode('utf8').replace('\u2026', '...').replace('\u2019', "'")
  72. found['subtype'] = strings[1]
  73. found['desc'] = strings[2].encode('latin1').decode('utf8').replace('\u2026', '...').replace('\u2019', "'")
  74. found['cost'] = int("(\d+)", strings[3]).group(1))
  75. found['fp'] = int("(\d+)", strings[4]).group(1))
  76. found['rating'] = int("tooltip_(\d+)star\.", html.text).group(1)) if"tooltip_(\d+)star\.", html.text) else 0
  77. elif (strings[1] == 'Materials') or (strings[1] == 'Dragonmade Material') or (strings[1] == 'Minerals & Ores') or (strings[1] == 'Organic Material'):
  78. if len(strings) == 3:
  79. found['name'] = strings[0].encode('latin1').decode('utf8').replace('\u2026', '...').replace('\u2019', "'")
  80. found['subtype'] = 'NIL'
  81. found['desc'] = strings[1].encode('latin1').decode('utf8').replace('\u2026', '...').replace('\u2019', "'")
  82. found['cost'] = int("(\d+)", strings[2]).group(1))
  83. found['rating'] = int("tooltip_(\d+)star\.", html.text).group(1)) if"tooltip_(\d+)star\.", html.text) else 0
  84. else:
  85. found['name'] = strings[0].encode('latin1').decode('utf8').replace('\u2026', '...').replace('\u2019', "'")
  86. found['subtype'] = strings[1]
  87. found['desc'] = strings[2].encode('latin1').decode('utf8').replace('\u2026', '...').replace('\u2019', "'")
  88. found['cost'] = int("(\d+)", strings[3]).group(1))
  89. found['rating'] = int("tooltip_(\d+)star\.", html.text).group(1)) if"tooltip_(\d+)star\.", html.text) else 0
  90. elif strings[1] == 'Apparel':
  91. found['name'] = strings[0].encode('latin1').decode('utf8').replace('\u2026', '...').replace('\u2019', "'")
  92. found['subtype'] = strings[1]
  93. found['desc'] = strings[2].encode('latin1').decode('utf8').replace('\u2026', '...').replace('\u2019', "'")
  94. found['cost'] = int("(\d+)", strings[3]).group(1))
  95. found['rating'] = int("tooltip_(\d+)star\.", html.text).group(1)) if"tooltip_(\d+)star\.", html.text) else 0
  96. elif strings[1] == 'Familiar':
  97. found['name'] = strings[0].encode('latin1').decode('utf8').replace('\u2026', '...').replace('\u2019', "'")
  98. found['subtype'] = strings[1]
  99. found['desc'] = strings[2].encode('utf8').decode('utf8').replace('\u2026', '...').replace('\u2019', "'") if'\\u2019', strings[2]) else strings[2].encode('latin1').decode('utf8').replace('\u2026', '...').replace('\u2019', "'")
  100. found['cost'] = int("(\d+)", strings[3]).group(1))
  101. found['rating'] = int("tooltip_(\d+)star\.", html.text).group(1)) if"tooltip_(\d+)star\.", html.text) else 0
  102. elif (strings[1] == 'Battle') or (strings[1] == 'Energy Stone') or (strings[1] == 'Battle Item') or (strings[1] == 'Augment Stone') or (strings[1] == 'Accessory Stone') or (strings[1] == 'Ability Stone'):
  103. found['name'] = strings[0].encode('latin1').decode('utf8').replace('\u2026', '...').replace('\u2019', "'")
  104. found['subtype'] = strings[1]
  105. found['desc'] = strings[2].encode('latin1').decode('utf8').replace('\u2026', '...').replace('\u2019', "'")
  106. found['cost'] = int("(\d+)", strings[3]).group(1))
  107. found['level'] = int("(\d+)", strings[4]).group(1))
  108. found['rating'] = int("tooltip_(\d+)star\.", html.text).group(1)) if"tooltip_(\d+)star\.", html.text) else 0
  109. elif strings[1] == 'Other':
  110. found['name'] = strings[0].encode('latin1').decode('utf8').replace('\u2026', '...').replace('\u2019', "'")
  111. found['subtype'] = strings[1]
  112. found['desc'] = strings[2].encode('latin1').decode('utf8').replace('\u2026', '...').replace('\u2019', "'")
  113. found['cost'] = int("(\d+)", strings[3]).group(1))
  114. found['rating'] = int("tooltip_(\d+)star\.", html.text).group(1)) if"tooltip_(\d+)star\.", html.text) else 0
  115. elif strings[1] == 'Skins':
  116. found['name'] = strings[0].encode('latin1').decode('utf8').replace('\u2026', '...').replace('\u2019', "'")
  117. found['subtype'] = strings[1]
  118. found['desc'] = strings[2].encode('latin1').decode('utf8').replace('\u2026', '...').replace('\u2019', "'")
  119. found['rating'] = int("tooltip_(\d+)star\.", html.text).group(1)) if"tooltip_(\d+)star\.", html.text) else 0
  120. else:
  121. print('New type of item found.')
  122. except:
  123. print("Derp", found)
  124. try:
  125. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + x[1] + ' [' + found['subtype'] + '] [' + found['name'] + ']')
  126. # for y in info:
  127. # print(' [' + y + ']', end='')
  128. # print(' [Rating: ' + + ']')
  129. except:
  130. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Unable to print.')
  131. if"level_up.png", html_.text):
  132. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + "Your [" + self.action + "] leveled up!")
  133. print("-")
  134. def gather(self):
  135. self.check = False
  136. self.tried = 0
  137. while not self.check:
  138. if (self.tried < 3):
  139. try:
  140. html = self.acc.get('/main.php',
  141. param={
  142. 'p': 'gather'
  143. },
  144. referer='/main.php?p=hoard'
  145. )
  146. self.check = True
  147. except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout):
  148. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Gather_1_error_pregather')
  149. self.tried += 1
  150. pass
  151. else:
  152. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Bad network. Try again later.')
  153. sys.exit()
  154. # Parse page, look for remaining turns
  155. turns = None
  156. turns ="Turns Left Today:[\s\S]*?(\d+)[\s]*<\/div>", html.text)
  157. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Turns remaining today: ' +
  158. if (int( > 0):
  159. self.check = False
  160. self.tried = 0
  161. while not self.check:
  162. if (self.tried < 3):
  163. try:
  164. time.sleep(random.uniform(2, 4))
  165. html2 ='/main.php',
  166. param={
  167. 'p': 'gather',
  168. 'action': self.action,
  169. },
  170. data={
  171. 'gather': self.areachoice,
  172. },
  173. head={
  174. 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0',
  175. },
  176. referer='/main.php?p=gather'
  177. )
  178. self.check = True
  179. except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout):
  180. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Gather_2_error_first')
  181. self.tried += 1
  182. pass
  183. else:
  184. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Bad network. Try again later.')
  185. sys.exit()
  186. # Look for and print acquired items and levelups
  187. self.getItems(html2)
  188. for x in range(0, int( - 1):
  189. self.check = False
  190. self.tried = 0
  191. while not self.check:
  192. if (self.tried < 3):
  193. try:
  194. time.sleep(random.uniform(1, 2))
  195. html3 ='/main.php',
  196. param={
  197. 'p': 'gather',
  198. 'action': self.action,
  199. },
  200. data={
  201. 'gather': self.areachoice,
  202. },
  203. head={
  204. 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0',
  205. },
  206. referer='/main.php?p=gather&action=' + self.action
  207. )
  208. self.check = True
  209. except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout):
  210. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Gather_3_error_subsequent')
  211. self.tried += 1
  212. pass
  213. else:
  214. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Bad network. Try again later.')
  215. sys.exit()
  216. # Look for and print acquired items and levelups
  217. self.getItems(html3)
  218. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Done Gathering')
  219. # Pinkerton section
  220. if self.pinkerton:
  221. time.sleep(random.uniform(2, 4))
  222. print('\n' + '[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Visiting Pinkerton')
  223. self.check = False
  224. self.tried = 0
  225. while not self.check:
  226. if (self.tried < 3):
  227. try:
  228. html4 = self.acc.get('/main.php',
  229. param={
  230. 'p': 'tradepost',
  231. },
  232. referer='/main.php?p=hoard'
  233. )
  234. html5 = self.acc.get('/main.php',
  235. param={
  236. 'p': 'tradepost',
  237. 'lot': 'pile',
  238. },
  239. referer='/main.php?p=tradepost'
  240. )
  241. self.check = True
  242. except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout):
  243. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Gather_4_error_Pinkerton1')
  244. self.tried += 1
  245. pass
  246. else:
  247. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Bad network. Try again later.')
  248. sys.exit()
  249. if"disabled=\"disabled\"", html5.text):
  250. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + "Already grabbed today's item.")
  251. else:
  252. time.sleep(random.uniform(2, 4))
  253. self.check = False
  254. self.tried = 0
  255. while not self.check:
  256. if (self.tried < 3):
  257. try:
  258. html6 ='/includes/ol/ol_pinkpile.php',
  259. head={
  260. 'Accept': '*/*',
  261. 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
  262. },
  263. referer='/main.php?p=tradepost&lot=pile'
  264. )
  265. self.check = True
  266. except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout):
  267. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Gather_5_error_Pinkerton1')
  268. self.tried += 1
  269. pass
  270. else:
  271. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Bad network. Try again later.')
  272. sys.exit()
  273. link ='<a rel=\"(.*?)\" class=\"clue\"[\s\S]*?>', html6.text)
  274. self.check = False
  275. self.tried = 0
  276. while not self.check:
  277. if (self.tried < 3):
  278. try:
  279. html7 = self.acc.get('' +,
  280. head={
  281. 'Accept': 'text/html, */*; q=0.01',
  282. 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
  283. },
  284. referer='/main.php?p=tradepost&lot=pile'
  285. )
  286. self.check = True
  287. except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout):
  288. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Gather_6_error_Pinkerton2')
  289. self.tried += 1
  290. pass
  291. else:
  292. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Bad network. Try again later.')
  293. sys.exit()
  294. info = re.findall(">([^\s].*?)<\/div>", html7.text)
  295. rating ="tooltip_(\d*)star\.", html7.text)
  296. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ', end='')
  297. for x in info:
  298. print('[' + x + '] ', end='')
  299. print(' [Rating: ' + + ']')
  300. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + "Done Pinking\n")
  301. # Feeding section
  302. if self.feed:
  303. time.sleep(random.uniform(2, 4))
  304. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Feeding dergs')
  305. self.check = False
  306. self.tried = 0
  307. while not self.check:
  308. if (self.tried < 3):
  309. try:
  310. html8 ='/includes/ol/feed.php',
  311. head={
  312. 'Accept': '*/*',
  313. 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
  314. },
  315. referer='/main.php?p=lair&id=' + self.userID
  316. )
  317. self.check = True
  318. except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout):
  319. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Gather_7_error_Feed')
  320. self.tried += 1
  321. pass
  322. else:
  323. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + 'Bad network. Try again later.')
  324. sys.exit()
  325. print('[' + str([:-3] + '] ' + "Done Feeding\n")