1. pkgbase = prismlauncher
  2. pkgdesc = Minecraft launcher with ability to manage multiple instances.
  3. pkgver = 6.3
  4. pkgrel = 1
  5. url = https://prismlauncher.org
  6. arch = i686
  7. arch = x86_64
  8. arch = aarch64
  9. license = GPL3
  10. makedepends = cmake
  11. makedepends = extra-cmake-modules
  12. makedepends = git
  13. makedepends = java-environment
  14. makedepends = scdoc
  15. makedepends = ghc-filesystem
  16. makedepends = gamemode
  17. depends = java-runtime
  18. depends = libgl
  19. depends = qt6-base
  20. depends = qt6-5compat
  21. depends = qt6-svg
  22. depends = qt6-imageformats
  23. depends = zlib
  24. depends = hicolor-icon-theme
  25. depends = quazip-qt6
  26. depends = tomlplusplus
  27. optdepends = glfw: to use system GLFW libraries
  28. optdepends = openal: to use system OpenAL libraries
  29. optdepends = visualvm: Profiling support
  30. optdepends = xorg-xrandr: for older minecraft versions
  31. source = https://github.com/PrismLauncher/PrismLauncher/releases/download/6.3/PrismLauncher-6.3.tar.gz
  32. sha256sums = fc1896df6422248dbd767d4a82066fe6044ae104354ebf75fc5ae92252f2fb1a
  33. pkgname = prismlauncher