1. pkgbase = linux-command-gpt-git
  2. pkgdesc = Get Linux commands in natural language with the power of ChatGPT
  3. pkgver = v0.1.2.r0.g952eee1
  4. pkgrel = 2
  5. url = https://github.com/asrul10/linux-command-gpt
  6. arch = x86_64
  7. arch = aarch64
  8. license = MIT
  9. makedepends = git
  10. makedepends = go
  11. depends = glibc
  12. provides = linux-command-gpt
  13. conflicts = linux-command-gpt
  14. source = git+https://github.com/asrul10/linux-command-gpt
  15. sha256sums = SKIP
  16. pkgname = linux-command-gpt-git