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title: Request a Note description: How the Request Community Note feature works

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Request a Community Note

People on X can request a Community Note on a post they believe would benefit from one. If there are enough requests, Community Notes contributors will see an alert, and can choose to propose a note. This gives people on X who are not contributors a way to help, and lets contributors know where notes might be found helpful.

Button to request a note, and banner showing what a contributor sees when there are requests on a post

Requesting a note

  • Tap the ••• menu on a post, then tap Request Community Note
  • To be eligible to request a note, accounts must have a verified phone number
  • Initially, accounts can make up to 5 requests per day. The limit may increase if requests successfully result in helpful notes, or may decrease if requests are on posts that people don’t agree need a note. This helps prevent spam and keep note writers focused on posts that could use helpful notes.
  • For Community Notes contributors: During the note request pilot, we are evaluating whether it is beneficial for Community Notes contributors to have both the ability to write notes and request notes. So, initially, 50% of contributors can both write and request, and 50% can solely write.

Contributors seeing requests

Contributors who have earned Top Writer status will see that there are requests on a post, if there are enough requests. They can also see a timeline on posts with note requests in their Community Notes tab.

During the note request pilot:

  • Requests will show on a post if the number of requests on the post is greater than or equal to MAX(5, number of views on post / 25000)
  • Requests will show for 24 hours
  • For a post to show up in the Note Requests timeline, the post must be recent (less than 24 hours old)

We expect these criteria to evolve, with the goal that requests are frequently found valuable to contributors, and not noisy. The criteria are initially simple during this pilot phase.