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업데이트됨 4 일 전

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업데이트됨 4 일 전

업데이트됨 1 주 전

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업데이트됨 1 개월 전

업데이트됨 1 년 전

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Combined multiple output streams in C++

업데이트됨 1 년 전

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A console/terminal tictactoe

업데이트됨 1 년 전

Urban Renewal is a set of insanely great TrueType versions of the long-forgotten city-named fonts of Mac OS Classic, not seen since System 7.1. From https://www.kreativekorp.com/software/fonts/urbanrenewal/

업데이트됨 1 년 전

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업데이트됨 2 년 전

업데이트됨 2 년 전

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LOCKJAW is a free software implementation of a highly popular computer puzzle game that involves guiding tetrominoes into neat stacks in a well. This a mirror of the most recent source I could find, as the original was taken offline around 2013

업데이트됨 3 년 전

업데이트됨 4 년 전

OBS - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording https://obsproject.com/mantis/

업데이트됨 5 년 전

FreeSpeech is free dictation software, an open source alternative to DragonNaturally Speaking! FreeSpeech provides continuous realtime voice and speech recognition.

업데이트됨 7 년 전