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Pingus Installation Guide for GNU/Linux


To compile Pingus you need:

In most cases you will find all of these in your distribution and there shouln't be a need to compile anything manually.

In Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04 and Debian 10, 11 you can install everything by typing:

sudo apt-get install \
 g++ \
 libsdl2-dev \
 libsdl2-mixer-dev \
 libsdl2-image-dev \
 libpng12-dev \
 libjsoncpp-dev \
 libsigc++-2.0-dev \
 libfmt-dev \
 libglm-dev \
 libopenal-dev \
 libopusfile-dev \
 libvorbis-dev \
 libmpg123-dev \
 libmodplug-dev \


Pingus uses git submodules for some parts of the code. To initialize those you can either run (when cloning the repository):

git clone --recursive

Or run the following on an existing clone:

git submodule update --init --recursive

To compile the code:

mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..

If you need to change the compiler or other build variables you can do so with in the cmake step, e.g.:

cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

The following variables are available:



Once the compilation is successful you can run Pingus directly from the top level directory of the source tree via:


There is no need to install Pingus.

If you have a slow machine, starting Pingus with:

build/pingus -g 640x480 --frame-skip 3

Might lead to a better playable game. If you want to run Pingus in a larger resolution, you can do so with:

build//pingus -g 1024x768

Fullscreen support is available via:

build/pingus --fullscreen

Available languages can be listed with:

build/pingus --list-languages

And used with:

build/pingus --language de


As mentioned above, you don't need to install Pingus to run it, if you still want to do it, you can do so with:

make install

The DESTDIR and PREFIX can be configured as follows:

make install DESTDIR=/tmp/pingus