tutorial_intro.story 2.5 KB

  1. (pingus-story
  2. (title "The Journey Begins")
  3. (music "pingus-4.it")
  4. (pages
  5. (page
  6. (surface
  7. (image "story/story0")
  8. (modifier "ROT0"))
  9. (text "For a long time, the Pingus have lived happily in peace on the South Pole along with all the other animals. Everything was in balance and it seemed like nothing could disrupt their peace. The Pingus were happy and it seemed like this could never end."))
  10. (page
  11. (surface
  12. (image "story/story1")
  13. (modifier "ROT0"))
  14. (text "But then one day, things began to change slowly: the sky got darker and the earth got warmer. Firstly, they thought this was just a normal fluctuation in the world's climate, but things seemed to get worse and worse with every year."))
  15. (page
  16. (surface
  17. (image "story/story2")
  18. (modifier "ROT0"))
  19. (text "The snow began to melt away in a few areas and food became an issue. Other animals tried to leave the region to search for colder areas, but the Pingus knew that this wouldn't help: they knew that they had to do something about it."))
  20. (page
  21. (surface
  22. (image "story/story3")
  23. (modifier "ROT0"))
  24. (text "So the circle of the eldest came together to decide what to do about it. They decided to send out an expedition around the world to find the cause of this warming. The expedition consisted of hundreds of the bravest Pingus on the South Pole."))
  25. (page
  26. (surface
  27. (image "story/story4")
  28. (modifier "ROT0"))
  29. (text "And they picked you to lead them on their journey around the world. Since the journey will be dangerous and difficult, your first goal is the Island of Mogorok, also known as the Tutorial Island. According to the eldest, this island has always been the first stop of Pingus that were sent out into the world."))
  30. (page
  31. (surface
  32. (image "story/story5")
  33. (modifier "ROT0"))
  34. (text "The island consists of many areas that are ideal to teach the Pingus their abilities. The Pingus can learn to build bridges, climb, bash and use many other talents which they will need on their long and dangerous journey."))
  35. (page
  36. (surface
  37. (image "story/story6")
  38. (modifier "ROT0"))
  39. (text "While there, you can practice your abilities in commanding and guiding the Pingus. You can also get familiar with all the abilities the Pingus provide and learn to master them, since you will need all of them on your journey around the world."))
  40. (page
  41. (surface
  42. (image "story/story6")
  43. (modifier "ROT0"))
  44. (text "Now that you and the Pingus have arrived at Tutorial Island it is time to take command and begin your mission.\n\nGood Luck!"))))
  45. ;; EOF ;;