Chris Jones 1d14fc1ef8 [fish] #fish, add some pip3 related hombrew abbr's add some links for virtualizing macos using qemu/kvm, and add some macos related cmake links | 3 лет назад | |
.. | || | 3 лет назад |
To uninstall remove binaries that have been installed from a CMake process use the install_mainfest.txt
generated from running make install
along with xargs to remove the binaries that were installed. learn more
cat install_manifest.txt | xargs rm
cat install_manifest.txt | xargs -L1 dirname | xargs rmdir -p (apple univeral binaries, amd64 aarch64)
To compile a C++ ie. C plus plus program from a command line interface, ie. CLI
The below command implies that a C++ compiler is installed on the local system.
g++ /path/to/mr-fancy-42.cpp -o /path/to/mr-fancy-42
On macos to list available SDKs available to Xcode
xcodebuild -showsdks