3 rokov pred | |
.. | ||
README.md | 6 rokov pred | |
default-gems | 5 rokov pred | |
default-npm-packages | 6 rokov pred | |
tool-versions.nathan.capin | 5 rokov pred | |
tool-versions.nathan.root | 5 rokov pred | |
tool-versions.rogue.capin | 3 rokov pred |
For my particular use case I prefer to use $PATH
as opposed to $fish_user_path
so work around this, I created a local stash for my clone of asdf.
git stash # hide local changes
git pull upstream master # pull upstream changes
git push origin master # push upstream changes to local fork
git stash pop # apply local changes after pulling upstream changes
As of June 22 2018 asdf does not play well with rust ...surprise, surprise. 🤷
Fortunately rust provides its own language manager 👍
Homebrew can cause complications when using the official rust installer, it is adviced to use
provided by rust-lang.org
When installing a specific version of ruby ie, 2.3.6 make sure to run the below command
asdf reshim ruby
After the above command is run, the shell environment should find specific gems related to that version of Ruby.
$ which rails
To fix nodejs with the current release 0.4.1
of asdf
delete node
and npm
located in $HOME/.asdf/shims
see 🙈
Q Where are man
pages located on macOS?
A man
pages are stored in various locations on the system.
On macOS, and Debian manpath
will output all the the PATH
s man
looks for man pages on the system.
🚨 Setting MANPATH
on either macOS or Debian is problematic because both OSes look for MANPATH
entries from a supplied system file. For that reason, I am going to try and avoid setting MANPATH
on both systems, but rather symlink the man pages to a directory that is writable for the current user running asdf.
GitHub my asdf man page comment
Your gunna want to sit down 🛋 for this one
Got to spend some more time working with man pages on macOS, and it appears macOS may actually be able to honor the $MANPATH
env var if set properly. However, something I have noticed is that if man pages are placed in certain directories then macOS will dynamically update the search path for man pages, which is quite handy when you know how it works. 👍
That said, personally 🙋♂️ I'd avoid fiddling with the $MANPATH
env var because I don't know how portable it would be across various environments, ie. shells, and terminals, and also systems, ie. Linux, Darwin, etc etc.
So going back to the beginning of this circle bare with me I primarily use asdf for erlang, elixir, ocaml, and ruby. Personally, I have migrated away from using asdf to manage Node.js runtimes, and Python environments with other version manager tools. So when I still need to work with erlang and elixir it's quite nice to pop open a man page to figure some stuff out, which is something I haven't been able to do when installing erlang or elixir via asdf.
So from hacking away at man pages this morning, I came to the conclusion that when I install elixir on macOS there are indeed man pages located in the install dir path;
👇path to where asdf installs precompiled language files for elixir on my macOS box.
add whatever major minor and patch version of elixir is installed on the system, for my use case it would be 1.7.4
. The "stock" contents of a elixir 1.7.4 install on my box looks like,
╰─λ pwd
╰─λ l
total 44K
drwxr-xr-x 11 capin staff 352 Nov 4 12:18 ./
drwxr-xr-x 3 capin staff 96 Nov 4 12:18 ../
drwxr-xr-x 3 capin staff 96 Nov 4 12:18 .mix/
drwxr-xr-x 11 capin staff 352 Oct 25 03:40 bin/
drwxr-xr-x 8 capin staff 256 Nov 4 12:18 lib/
drwxr-xr-x 9 capin staff 288 Oct 25 03:41 man/
-rw-r--r-- 1 capin staff 15K Oct 25 03:40 CHANGELOG.md
-rw-r--r-- 1 capin staff 12K Oct 25 03:40 LICENSE
-rw-r--r-- 1 capin staff 825 Oct 25 03:40 NOTICE
-rw-r--r-- 1 capin staff 7.3K Oct 25 03:40 README.md
-rw-r--r-- 1 capin staff 5 Oct 25 03:40 VERSION
and the first thing pops out to me is the man directory. There are in fact a couple of man pages within that directory that are useful for working with mix
, iex
, and elixir
commands from a shell. However, with a stock install of asdf on macOS, /usr/bin/man
is unable to locate those man pages in the directory listed above. However, extending from my previous comments, if I run
man -d iex
I'll see something like, towards the end / bottom of STDOUT
No manual entry for iex
However v2, if I remove /path/to/asdf/shims
and /path/to/asdf/bin
from $PATH
and add /opt/Code/github/public/version-managers/asdf/installs/elixir/1.7.4/bin
to my $PATH
, and verify the above path to the elixir bins are indeed in my $PATH
echo $PATH
The above should output the newly added bin directory where asdf installed the elixir bins, not the symlinked shell scripts that reside in the shims directory. Now I can execute,
man -d iex
and notice how macOS uses manpath mappings to locate certain man pages for binaries located in various paths throughout the system. So noticing that, and doing a little troubleshooting, ie. trial & error I came to the conclusion if I add a share/man/man1 directory in within the elixir install path, ie.
and then run
man -d iex
I get something like the below;
not executing command:
(cd '/opt/Code/github/public/version-managers/asdf/installs/elixir/1.7.4/share/man' && (echo ".ll 11.2i"; echo ".nr LL 11.2i"; /bin/cat '/opt/Code/github/public/version-managers/asdf/installs/elixir/1.7.4/share/man/man1/iex.1') | /usr/bin/tbl | /usr/bin/groff -Wall -mtty-char -Tascii -mandoc -c | (/usr/bin/less -is || true))
now that macOS has mapped /path/to/asdf/install/elixir/version/share/man/man1
I can read the man page for iex from within any directory on my system without having to explicitly set the path to the man page, and I did not need to fiddle with any super user; ie. root owned files on the system for man page configuration. So all in all I made some progress with understanding how man pages work on macOS. However v3, this isn't a permanent solution but rather an explanation of what is going on with man pages on macOS, and hopefully begins a dialogue of how we should get asdf to read man pages from languages, runtimes, various other utilities asdf manages.
cheers 🍻
page directory layout 🔝Directory | Section | Name |
man1 | (1) | User Commands |
man2 | (2) | System Calls |
man3 | (3) | Subroutines |
man4 | (4) | Devices |
man5 | (5) | File Formats |
man6 | (6) | Games |
man7 | (7) | Miscellaneous |
man8 | (8) | Sys. Administration |
manl | (l) | Local |
mann | (n) | New |
mano | (o) | Old |
The main asdf script located in $HOME/.asdf/bin/
and respectively called asdf
relies on bash
pulling it in from the current env
Updated help.txt
to reflect the coming changes, ie.
asdf install <name> <version> --with-docs
install flag.
Most if not all asdf commands are shell script functions
To check a bash script for syntax errors, but not run the script
bash -n mr_fancy_script