Chris Jones a59eb99654 #vscode 3 年 前
Blender 715928b869 stop tracking blender `userpref.blend` 4 年 前
GIMP f1c40c3adf add first GIMP script 6 年 前
alacritty cabef527b1 update alacritty config to use new config setting `window.opacity` 3 年 前
asciinema a59eb99654 #vscode 3 年 前
atom c40bd7d80e create an editors dir and setup appropiate symlines, add atom settings / packages to dotfiles repo 7 年 前
bash c7343530c7 add a little readme within the `bash` dir 3 年 前
bitbar 27ff44fc93 bitbar: make fan speeds more terse in `apple` menu bar 4 年 前
brew f62d01c47d update list of installed homebrew formula & casks, also ran through some of the #dots weekly chores, ugggh it had been a while 3 年 前
ccache 4ddef6aff2 checkin #ccache configuration file 4 年 前
chocolatey 5f1189b924 checkin a `Chocofile` for containing a list of packages i install and use via chocolatey on windows 10 4 年 前
ctags.d 1fe95a891f update #ctag #ctags related settings and #git related settings 3 年 前
firefox 8af5077fe0 add a readme for homebrew/brew config dir for explaining manual install of rectangle and lulu 3 年 前
fish a59eb99654 #vscode 3 年 前
fontconfig 70b404fa7b #linux update my local/$USER `fonts.conf` file 4 年 前
git 55430e8915 update gitconfig 3 年 前
gnupg d6b5ec8d4d setup a #gpg conf file specific to macos 3 年 前
htop 14dea88b6a add htop configuration file and dir, `htoprc` 6 年 前
i3 bca0a3e771 #arch #linux, update i3 config 3 年 前
i3status e6665c59b7 #archlinux, #bridge, #i3 #i3status, exp with dipslaying cpu fan speeds in the i3status bar 3 年 前
inkscape e07613adb6 #inkscape reset keybindings 4 年 前
irc-clients a59eb99654 #vscode 3 年 前
karabiner 4649db3535 update description of my karabiner elements for double tap of right cmd key 3 年 前
lead c6528bcb66 #lead vnc options / configuration added to `lead.conf` 3 年 前
minicom d5dd90b998 add some configuration files for working around with minicom 6 年 前
mpv 480acd5252 #mpv and a readme for troubleshooting mpv sockets #socket #socat 3 年 前
mutt e157771091 update `~/.muttrc` 6 年 前
nvim a7a01d2d41 #vim #nvim #coc exp with virtualtext 3 年 前
pt c1293e13f2 add empty config file `config.toml` for the `the_platinum_searcher` 6 年 前
radare2 8f56a51dbb [r2] add some env vars for radare2, and update `.gitignore` 5 年 前
ripgrep 747324d696 setup `RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH` just to glob ignore certain dirs, that i couldn't get workign with std cli args FWER, FWR 4 年 前
rsync 6675ae5435 setup a pseduo dotfile for rsync, and create alias, and basically never copy `node_modules` dirs, when using `rsync` within a int fish shell session 4 年 前
speech-dispatcher e53979a2db #arch #text-to-speech #say cmd for #linux 4 年 前
ssh a59eb99654 #vscode 3 年 前
violentmonkey 55fb288992 #violentmonkey, add todo item 3 年 前
vscode a59eb99654 #vscode 3 年 前
zsh 4c88000e0e [bash] [zsh] relink configuration files, not sure 🧐 how they got unlinked in the first place 5 年 前
FreeCAD bfc3b00c0b setup symlink to freecad preferences directory nested within dotfiles repo for quickly navigating back to freecad preferences folder 4 年 前 865befe45b lint readme within the config dir 6 年 前
applescripts db51ddd416 create symlink $dots/config/applescripts to $dots/jobs/macos/users/mr-fancy/library/scripts dir for quickly accessing applescripts dir and files 4 年 前
code 184f741e14 update `.wiki` and add settings for vscode 7 年 前
hammerspoon 1b372d4267 recheckin hammerspoon config files 5 年 前
inputrc 7effcfa314 update `.inputrc` 6 年 前
obs c85840c242 add smylink to obs setting files within `$dots\config` for quick cli access to obs setting files, and export new scene collection from obs 4 年 前
taskrc 58dff9f773 [taskwarrior] checkin taskwarrior config file, update list of installed brew pkg's update list of globally installed yarn pkg's, update list of globally installed rust crates 5 年 前


The files and folders within this directory represent files and folders commonly found within $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or otherwise known as $HOME/.config. However, there is a brew directory that is not stored in my personal $XDG_CONFIG_HOME directory on macOS, rather this directory is used to store configuration files for software installed via Homebrew and Linuxbrew package managers.

I know, it's probably not the best place to store these files but will work for the time being. That said, I'll probably relocate the brew directory with the jobs directory at a later date.