1008 B

This is a help dialogue for supports and tips.

A support (also called a boost) is a donation of LBC that bolsters a claim, and can be taken back (abandoned) to retrieve the LBC in that support.

A tip is like a support, but it is not refundable. After you send a tip, the LBC in that tip belongs to the publisher of the tipped claim.

To go back, just press enter without typing anything.


Gives you this help dialogue.


Prompts you to enter the amount for the support. The default amount is stored in the default_tip setting. This value must be greater than zero (0).


Prompts you for the channel to sign the support with. This will show to the channel receiving the support. By default, supports are sent anonymously.


Gets comment for the support.

Note: no LBRY clients (including FastLBRY) currently allow viewing the comments of supports. The receiver of the support probably won't see this.


Sends the support in its current state.