1. A very few have reported problems with applying patches. This
  2. is confusing, since I use a very strict procedure when making a patch.
  3. Every time I make a new patch, I always reapply each patch to a
  4. copy of the original release to make a base line for the new
  5. diff.
  6. 3.10 --p1--> 3.11 --p2--> 3.12 --p3--> 3.15 \
  7. --- diff -c --> p6
  8. 3.16development /
  9. Then, I copy the 3.15 to a 3.15copy directory and apply the new patch 6
  10. to it.
  11. 3.15copy --new p6--> 3.16suspect \
  12. ------- diff -c --> should produce nothing
  13. 3.16development /