_connect.ep 1.1 KB

  1. #+------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. # _connect.ep - CONNECT special "hook" procedure
  3. #
  4. # %argv(1) - result code
  5. #-------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. #+:EDITS:
  7. #:01-24-1997-02:37-wht@yuriatin-SOURCE RELEASE 4.00
  8. #:09-11-1996-20:00-wht@yuriatin-3.48-major telnet,curses,structural overhaul
  9. #:11-23-1995-11:20-wht@kepler-source control 3.37 for tsx-11
  10. #:11-14-1995-10:23-wht@kepler-3.37.80-source control point: SOCKETS
  11. #:05-04-1994-04:39-wht@n4hgf-ECU release 3.30
  12. #:09-10-1992-13:59-wht@n4hgf-ECU release 3.20
  13. #:08-22-1992-15:39-wht@n4hgf-ECU release 3.20 BETA
  14. #:07-13-1991-14:47-wht@n4hgf-creation
  15. $iv0_save = $i0 # it is a VERY good idea to save the dialer
  16. $sv0_save = $s0 # function return status
  17. # since gobs of functions and commands modify $i0
  18. # as a side effect of their operation
  19. ifs %envvar('WINDOWID') != ''
  20. echo %chr(0x1B)+']0ECU ('+%uname+'->'+%rname+') '+%logname+%chr(0x07)
  21. prompt %uname+'->'+%rname+'%'
  22. $i0 = $iv0_save # restore dialer return status
  23. $s0 = $sv0_save