1. If you are using Open Windows on a Sparc, try these hints:
  2. Date: Tue, 28 Apr 92 16:41:42 EDT
  3. From: ifsbd!cma (Mark Ashton)
  4. To: n4hgf!wht
  5. Subject: Key mapping for ecu in Openwin shelltool
  6. Create a ~/.ttyswrc file containing the following:
  7. mapi R7 \E[H
  8. mapi R9 \E[I
  9. mapi R11 \E[E
  10. mapi R13 \E[F
  11. mapi R15 \E[G
  12. mapi F1 \E[M
  13. mapi F2 \E[N
  14. mapi F3 \E[O
  15. mapi F4 \E[P
  16. mapi F5 \E[Q
  17. mapi F6 \E[R
  18. mapi F7 \E[S
  19. mapi F8 \E[T
  20. mapi F9 \E[U
  21. mapi F10 \E[V
  22. mapi F11 \E[W
  23. mapi F12 \E[X
  24. See the shelltool man page for mention of .ttyswrc
  25. Then, add 'sun-cmd' to the ansi funckeymap
  26. F1:F1: esc [ M
  27. F2:F2: esc [ N
  28. F3:F3: esc [ O
  29. F4:F4: esc [ P
  30. F5:F5: esc [ Q
  31. F6:F6: esc [ R
  32. F7:F7: esc [ S
  33. F8:F8: esc [ T
  34. F9:F9: esc [ U
  35. F10:F10: esc [ V
  36. F11:F11: esc [ W
  37. F12:F12: esc [ X
  38. Home:Home: esc [ H
  39. End:End: esc [ F
  40. PgUp:PgUp: esc [ I
  41. PgDn:PgDn: esc [ G
  42. CUU:CUU: esc [ A
  43. CUL:CUL: esc [ D
  44. CU5:CU5: esc [ E
  45. CUR:CUR: esc [ C
  46. CUD:CUD: esc [ B
  47. Ins:Ins: esc [ L
  48. BkTab:BackTab: esc [ Z