tstheap.vpj 1.6 KB

  1. //=======================================================================
  2. //@V@:Note: Project File generated by VIDE: (20:26:12 22 Nov 2002).
  3. //CAUTION! Hand edit only if you know what you are doing!
  4. //=======================================================================
  5. //% Section 1 - PROJECT OPTIONS
  6. ctags:*
  7. debugSwitches:-jp
  8. //%end-proj-opts
  9. //% Section 2 - MAKEFILE
  10. Makefile.v
  11. //% Section 3 - OPTIONS
  12. //%end-options
  13. //% Section 4 - HOMEV
  14. //% Section 5 - TARGET FILE
  15. tstheap
  16. //% Section 6 - SOURCE FILES
  17. ..\..\tstheap.c
  18. //%end-srcfiles
  19. //% Section 7 - COMPILER NAME
  20. BCC32
  21. //% Section 8 - INCLUDE DIRECTORIES
  22. $(BCCROOT)\include
  23. //%end-include-dirs
  24. //% Section 9 - LIBRARY DIRECTORIES
  25. $(BCCROOT)\lib
  26. $(BCCROOT)\lib\psdk
  27. ..\efencelib
  28. //%end-library-dirs
  29. //% Section 10 - DEFINITIONS
  30. -D_RTLDLL
  31. -D_WINVER=0x0400
  32. -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400
  33. -DWIN32
  34. //%end-defs-pool
  35. -D_WINVER=0x0400
  36. -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400
  37. -DWIN32
  38. //%end-defs
  39. //% Section 11 - C FLAGS
  40. -q -v
  41. //% Section 12 - LIBRARY FLAGS
  42. -v -Tpe -ap -c -limport32 -l$(BCC32RTLIB) -lefencelib
  43. //% Section 13 - SRC DIRECTORY
  44. .
  45. //% Section 14 - OBJ DIRECTORY
  46. .
  47. //% Section 15 - BIN DIRECTORY
  48. .
  49. //% User targets section. Following lines will be
  50. //% inserted into Makefile right after the generated cleanall target.
  51. //% The Project File editor does not edit these lines - edit the .vpj
  52. //% directly. You should know what you are doing.
  53. //% Section 16 - USER TARGETS
  54. # BCC32 DEF file: add after = if needed
  55. BCC32DEF =
  56. # BCC32 RT lib: cw32.lib static
  57. BCC32RTLIB = cw32
  58. # BCC32 Startup: c0x32.obj-console, c0w32.obj-winapi
  59. BCC32STARTUP = c0x32.obj
  60. //%end-user-targets