ckaaaa.txt 15 KB

  1. ckaaaa.txt July 2011
  2. C-KERMIT VERSION 9.0.301
  4. Communications software for UNIX and (Open)VMS.
  5. And in former versions also for:
  6. Stratus VOS, AOS/VS, QNX,
  7. Plan 9, OS-9, Apollo Aegis, and the Commodore Amiga.
  8. The Apple Macintosh, the Atari ST.
  9. The Kermit Project - Columbia University
  10. -
  11. Copyright (C) 1985, 2011,
  12. Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
  13. All rights reserved. See the C-Kermit COPYING.TXT file or the
  14. copyright text in the ckcmai.c module for disclaimer and permissions.
  15. BRIEFLY: C-Kermit 9.0 has the OPEN SOURCE 3-clause MODIFIED BSD LICENSE.
  17. C-Kermit is documented in the book "Using C-Kermit", Second Edition, by
  18. Frank da Cruz and Christine M. Gianone, Digital Press, ISBN 1-55558-164-1,
  19. supplemented by Web-based updates for C-Kermit 7.0, 8.0, and 9.0.
  21. Security
  22. Name Included Last Updated
  23. Unix Yes 9.0.300 30 Jun 2011
  24. (Open)VMS Yes 9.0.300 30 Jun 2011
  25. Windows (K95) Yes 8.0.208 14 Mar 2003 (K95 2.1)
  26. OS/2 (K95) Yes 8.0.208 14 Mar 2003 (K95 2.1)
  27. DG AOS/VS No 7.0.196 1 Jan 2000
  28. Stratus VOS No 7.0.196 1 Jan 2000
  29. Bell Plan 9 No 7.0.196 1 Jan 2000
  30. Microware OS-9 No 7.0.196 1 Jan 2000
  31. Commodore Amiga No 7.0.196 1 Jan 2000
  32. Macintosh No 5A(190) 16 Aug 1994 (Mac Kermit 0.991)
  33. Atari ST No 5A(189) 30 Jun 1993
  35. If you have a Web browser, go to:
  37. And take it from there. Otherwise...
  38. The definitive FTP source for Kermit software is
  39. Kermit software obtained from other FTP sites is not necessarily complete
  40. or up to date, and may have been modified.
  41. C-Kermit for UNIX computers that have a C compiler and 'make' program:
  42. Directory kermit/archives, binary mode, file cku211.tar.Z or cku211.tar.gz
  43. This is a compressed tar archive of UNIX C-Kermit source code, makefile, and
  44. other files. It unpacks into its current directory, so download it into a
  45. fresh directory. Transfer in binary mode, uncompress (or gunzip), untar (tar
  46. xvf cku211.tar), and then give the appropriate "make" command to build for
  47. your UNIX system; read the comments in the makefile and ckuins.txt for
  48. further info.
  49. C-Kermit for VMS:
  50. If you have VMS UNZIP, get the file kermit/archives/ in binary
  51. mode, unzip -aa, and build with CKVKER.COM ( Read the comments
  52. at the top of CKVKER.COM for details.
  53. Others: In the kermit/f or kermit/test directories under the appropriate
  54. prefixes, explained below.
  56. Installation procedures depend on the operating system. Please read the
  57. CK?INS.TXT, if any, file for your operating system (?=U for UNIX, V for VMS,
  58. etc). Please note the naming and placement for the initialization files:
  60. .kermrc in the user's home directory (UNIX).
  61. CKERMIT.INI in the user's home directory (other OS's).
  63. .mykermrc in the user's home directory (UNIX).
  64. CKERMOD.INI elsewhere.
  66. Dialing directory files can be system-wide, per-group, or per-user, or
  67. any combination. For example, there can be a corporate wide directory
  68. shared by all users, a supplemental directory for each division or
  69. department, and a personal directory for each user. Simply be sure the
  70. dialing directory files are identified a SET DIAL DIRECTORY command in
  71. the user's (or the system-wide) C-Kermit initialization file, or in the
  72. environment variable (logical name, symbol) K_DIAL_DIRECTORY. (The
  73. standard initialization file looks by default in the user's home or login
  74. directory.) When installing C-Kermit on multiuser platforms from which
  75. users will dial out, you can also set environment variables for area
  76. code, country code, and the various dialing prefixes as described on page
  77. 478 of "Using C-Kermit" (second edition), so users don't have to worry
  78. about defining these items themselves. Network directories and service
  79. directories can also be set up in a similar manner.
  81. In UNIX, the general C-Kermit man page (or one of the versions tailored
  82. for a specific platform, like HP-UX or Solaris) should be installed in
  83. the appropriate place. In VMS, the VMS help topic (CKVKER.HLP) should
  84. be installed as described in CKVINS.TXT. Plain-text documentation such
  85. as CKERMIT2.TXT should be put in whatever place people are accustomed
  86. to looking.
  88. C-Kermit is a family of Kermit programs for many different computer systems.
  89. The program shares a common set of system-independent file transfer protocol
  90. modules, written in the C language. System-dependent operations are collected
  91. into system-specific modules for each system.
  92. C-Kermit file names all start with the letters "CK", followed by a single
  93. letter indicating the subgroup. When referring to these files in the UNIX,
  94. AOS/VS, or VOS environments, use lowercase letters, rather than the uppercase
  95. letters shown here. Subgroups:
  96. _: Security/Authentication/Encryption code, possibly regulated by law
  97. a: General descriptive material and documentation
  98. b: BOO file encoders and decoders (obsolete)
  99. c: All platforms with C compilers
  100. d: Data General AOS/VS
  101. e: Reserved for "ckermit" files, like CKERMIT.INI, CKERMIT80.TXT
  102. f: (reserved)
  103. g: (reserved)
  104. h: (reserved)
  105. i: Commodore Amiga (Intuition)
  106. j: (unused)
  107. k: (unused)
  108. l: Stratus VOS
  109. m: Macintosh with Mac OS
  110. n: Microsoft Windows NT
  111. o: OS/2 and/or Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/...
  112. p: Bell Labs Plan 9
  113. q: (reserved)
  114. r: DEC PDP-11 with RSTS/E (reserved)
  115. s: Atari ST GEMDOS (last supported in version 5A(189))
  116. t: DEC PDP-11 with RT-11 (reserved)
  117. u: UNIX or environments with UNIX-like C libraries
  118. v: VMS and OpenVMS
  119. w: Wart (Lex-like preprocessor, used with all systems)
  120. x: (reserved)
  121. y: (reserved)
  122. z: (reserved)
  123. 0-3: (reserved)
  124. 4: IBM AS/400 (reserved but probably never will be used)
  125. 5-8: (reserved)
  126. 9: Microware OS-9
  127. Examples:
  128. ckaaaa.txt - This file
  129. ckufio.c - File i/o for UNIX
  130. ckstio.c - Communications i/o for the Atari ST
  131. makefile - makefile for building UNIX C-Kermit
  132. - makefile for building Plan 9 C-Kermit
  133. - build procedure for VMS C-Kermit
  134. IMPORTANT FILES (use lowercase names on UNIX, VOS, or AOS/VS):
  135. ckaaaa.txt - This file (overview of the C-Kermit files).
  136. For system-specific distributions, this will normally
  137. be replaced by a system-specific READ.ME file.
  138. ckermit70.txt - Updates: Supplement to "Using C-Kermit", 2nd Ed, for 7.0.
  139. ckermit80.txt - Updates: Supplement to "Using C-Kermit", 2nd Ed, for 8.0.
  140. ckututor.txt - C-Kermit Tutorial for Unix (plain text)
  141. ckcbwr.txt - "Beware file" (limitations, known bugs, hints), general.
  142. ckermit.ini - Standard initialization file (rename to .kermrc in UNIX, OS-9)
  143. ckermod.ini - Sample customization file (rename to .mykermrc in UNIX, OS-9)
  144. The following can be found at the Kermit FTP site:
  145. ckermit.kdd - Sample dialing directory file (rename to .kdd in UNIX, OS-9)
  146. ckermit.knd - Sample dialing directory file (rename to .knd in UNIX, OS-9)
  147. ckermit.ksd - Sample services directory file (rename to .ksd in UNIX, OS-9)
  148. ckedemo.ksc - Demonstration macros from "Using C-Kermit"
  149. ckepage.ksc - Ditto
  150. ckevt.ksc - Ditto
  151. UNIX-specific files:
  152. ckuins.txt - UNIX-specific installation instructions.
  153. ckubwr.txt - UNIX-specific beware file.
  154. - "man page" for UNIX.
  155. VMS-specific files:
  156. ckvins.txt - VMS-specific installation instructions.
  157. ckvbwr.txt - VMS-specific beware file
  158. ckvker.hlp - VMS C-Kermit HELP topic (needs updating).
  159. DG AOS/VS-specific files:
  160. ckdins.txt - Data General AOS/VS C-Kermit installation instructions
  161. ckdbwr.txt - AOS/VS "beware" file
  162. ckd*.cli - Procedures for building AOS/VS C-Kermit
  163. The following files are of interest mainly to programmers and historians
  164. (find them at the Kermit ftp site in the kermit/f directory):
  165. ckcker.ann - Release announcements.
  166. ckccfg.txt - Configuration information (feature selection), general.
  167. ckcplm.txt - Program logic manual (for programmers).
  168. ckc300.txt - Program update history for edit 212-300 (C-Kermit 9.0).
  169. ckc211.txt - Program update history for edit 201-211.
  170. ckc200.txt - Program update history for edit 198-200 (big)
  171. ckc197.txt - Program update history for edit 195-197 (big)
  172. ckc190.txt - Program update history for edits 189-190 (big).
  173. ckc188.txt - Program update history, edits 179-188 (big).
  174. ckc178.txt - Program edit history, 5A edits through 178 (very big).
  175. ckcv4f.txt - Program edit history, version 4F.
  176. ckcv4e.txt - Program edit history, version 4E.
  178. If you have FTP access to (also known as
  179.,, you can also retrieve various
  180. C-Kermit binaries from the directory kermit/bin/ck*.*, or more conveniently
  181. from the web page:
  183. Test versions would be in kermit/test/bin/ck*.*. Be sure to transfer these
  184. files in binary mode. The READ.ME file in that directory explains what's
  185. what.
  187. The source files for the UNIX version (all UNIX versions) are available in
  188. kermit/archives/ckuNNN.tar.Z, approximately 1MB in size. Transfer this file
  189. in binary mode. This is a compressed tar archive. There is also a gzip'd
  190. version, cku211.tar.gz. To get the binary tar archive:
  191. mkdir kermit (at shell prompt, make a Kermit directory)
  192. cd kermit (make it your current directory)
  193. ftp (make an ftp connection)
  194. user: anonymous (log in as user "anonymous", lower case!)
  195. password: (use your email id as a password)
  196. cd kermit/archives (go to the archives directory)
  197. type binary (specify binary file transfer)
  198. get cku300.tar.Z (get the tar archive) (or get cku192.tar.gz)
  199. bye (disconnect and exit from ftp)
  200. uncompress cku300.tar.Z (at the shell prompt, uncompress the archive)
  201. tar xvf cku300.tar (extract the files from the tar archive)
  202. make xxx (build C-Kermit for your system)
  203. (where "xxx" is the makefile entry appropriate for your system.)
  204. All C-Kermit source and other text files are also kept separately in the
  205. kermit/f directory. The files necessary to build a particular implementation
  206. of C-Kermit are listed in the appropriate makefile or equivalent:
  207. UNIX: makefile (or rename ckuker.mak to makefile)
  208. 2.11 BSD: ckubs2.mak (rename to makefile), ckustr.sed
  209. Plan 9: (rename to mkfile)
  210. Macintosh: ckmker.mak (rename to kermit.make, use MPW C 3.2)
  211. VMS: CKVKER.COM (DCL) (and optionally also CKVKER.MMS)
  212. or CKVOLD.COM (for VMS 4.x)
  213. Amiga: CKIKER.MAK (Aztec C) or CKISAS.MAK (SAS C)
  214. Atari ST: CKSKER.MAK
  215. OS-9: ck9ker.mak or ck9ker.gcc
  216. AOS/VS: ckdmak.cli, ckdcc.cli, ckdlnk.cli
  217. Stratus VOS:
  218. Minimal source files for building selected versions (these patterns get all
  219. the files you need, and in some cases maybe a few extra):
  220. UNIX: ck[cuw]*.[cwh] (including QNX, Plan 9, and BeBox)
  221. UNIX: ck[cuw_]*.[cwh] (Unix with security modules)
  222. VMS: ck[cuwv]*.[cwh] VMS
  223. VMS: ck[cuwv_]*.[cwh] VMS with SSL/TLS
  224. Mac: ck[cuwm]*.[cwhr] Old Mac OS, not Mac OS X, which is UNIX.
  225. AOS/VS: ck[cuwd]*.[cwh]
  226. VOS: ck[cwhl]*.[cwh]
  227. Amiga: ck[cuwi]*.[cwh]
  228. Atari: ck[cuws]*.[cwh]
  229. OS-9: ck[cuw9]*.[cwha]
  230. Finally, here is a more detailed description of the C-Kermit file naming
  231. conventions. A C-Kermit filename has the form:
  232. CK<system><what>.<type>
  233. where:
  234. <system> is described earlier in this file;
  235. <type> is the file type (use lowercase on UNIX, VOS, or AOS/VS):
  236. c: C language source
  237. h: Header file for C language source
  238. w: Wart preprocessor source, converted by Wart (or Lex) to a C program
  239. r: Macintosh resource file (8-bit text)
  240. a: Assembler source
  241. txt: Plain text.
  242. nr: Nroff/Troff text formatter source for UNIX "man page"
  243. mss: Scribe text formatter source
  244. ps: Typeset material to be printed on a PostScript printer
  245. pdf: An Adobe PDF file
  246. hlp: A VMS Help topic
  247. ini: Initialization file
  248. ksc: A Kermit Script to be executed by the TAKE command
  249. kdd: A Kermit Dialing Directory
  250. knd: A Kermit Network Directory
  251. ksd: A Kermit Services Directory
  252. mak: A Makefile or other build procedure (often needs renaming)
  253. com: (VMS only) a DCL command procedure
  254. cli: (AOS/VS only) a command procedure
  255. cmd: (OS/2 only) a Rexx command procedure
  256. boo: "boo"-encoded executable program, decode with CKBUNB program.
  257. hex: "hex"-encoded executable program, decode with CKVDEH program (VMS only).
  258. hqx: BinHex'd Macintosh Kermit program, decode with BinHex version 4.0.
  259. uue: A uuencoded binary file, decode with uudecode or (DG only) CKDECO.
  260. def: An OS/2 linker definitions file.
  261. sh: A UNIX shell script.
  262. sed: A UNIX sed (editor) script.
  263. str: A file of character strings extracted from C-Kermit (BSD 2.1x only).
  264. <what> is mnemonic (up to 3 characters) for what's in the file:
  265. NOTE: After C-Kermit 6.0, text filetypes such as .DOC and .HLP were changed
  266. to .TXT to avoid confusion in Windows-based Web browsers, which would
  267. otherwise mistake them for Microsoft Word or Windows Help documents.
  268. aaa: A "read-me" file, like this one
  269. ins: Installation instructions or procedures
  270. bwr: "Beware" file -- things to watch out for, hints and tips
  271. plm: Program Logic Manual
  272. ker: General C-Kermit definitions, information, documentation
  273. nnn: Digits: C-Kermit edit number (e.g. cku300.tar.gz)
  274. cmd: Command parsing
  275. con: CONNECT command
  276. cns: CONNECT command (UNIX only - version that uses select(), not fork())
  277. deb: Debug/Transaction Log formats, Typedefs
  278. dia: Modem/Dialer control
  279. fio: System-dependent File I/O
  280. fns: Protocol support functions
  281. fn2: More protocol support functions (and FN3, ...)
  282. lib: Common library routines module
  283. mai: Main program
  284. net: Network i/o module
  285. pro: Protocol
  286. scr: SCRIPT command
  287. tel: Telnet protocol module
  288. tio: System-dependent communications i/o & control and interrupt handing
  289. sig: Signal handling module
  290. usr: Interactive/script user interface
  291. us2: More user interface (mainly help text)
  292. us3: Still more user interface (and USR4, USR5, USR6, USR7)
  293. usx: Common user interface functions
  294. usy: Command-line parsing
  295. xla: Character set translation module
  296. uni: Unicode support
  297. pty: Pseudoterminal support
  298. mdb: Malloc-debugging module (not included in real builds)
  299. str: Strings module (only for 2.xBSD)
  300. (End of ckaaaa.txt)