convergents_to_cube_root_of_2.sf 2.7 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/ruby
  2. # Compute the convergents to cube root of 2.
  3. # Formula due to Enrico Bombieri and Alfred J. van der Poorten:
  4. #
  5. # Algorithm adapted after Robert Israel, Oct 08 2017.
  6. # See also:
  7. # -- Numerators of convergents to cube root of 2.
  8. # -- Denominators of convergents to cube root of 2.
  9. var (a, c, q)
  10. c = -> (n) is cached {
  11. return 1 if (n == 0)
  12. floor((-1)**n * 3*a(n)**2 / (q(n)*(a(n)**3 - 2*q(n)**3)) - q(n-1)/q(n))
  13. }
  14. a = -> (n) is cached {
  15. return 1 if (n == 0)
  16. return 1 if (n == 1)
  17. c(n-1)*a(n-1) + a(n-2)
  18. }
  19. q = -> (n) is cached {
  20. return 0 if (n == 0)
  21. return 1 if (n == 1)
  22. c(n-1)*q(n-1) + q(n-2)
  23. }
  24. say ("Numerators : ", 15.of { a(_) })
  25. say ("Denominators: ", 15.of { q(_) })
  26. say ''
  27. for n in (1..20) {
  28. printf("2^(1/3) =~ %22s =~ %s\n", as_rat(a(n)/q(n)) a(n)/q(n))
  29. }
  30. __END__
  31. Numerators : [1, 1, 4, 5, 29, 34, 63, 286, 349, 635, 5429, 6064, 90325, 96389, 1054215]
  32. Denominators: [0, 1, 3, 4, 23, 27, 50, 227, 277, 504, 4309, 4813, 71691, 76504, 836731]
  33. 2^(1/3) =~ 1 =~ 1
  34. 2^(1/3) =~ 4/3 =~ 1.33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
  35. 2^(1/3) =~ 5/4 =~ 1.25
  36. 2^(1/3) =~ 29/23 =~ 1.26086956521739130434782608695652173913043478261
  37. 2^(1/3) =~ 34/27 =~ 1.25925925925925925925925925925925925925925925926
  38. 2^(1/3) =~ 63/50 =~ 1.26
  39. 2^(1/3) =~ 286/227 =~ 1.25991189427312775330396475770925110132158590308
  40. 2^(1/3) =~ 349/277 =~ 1.25992779783393501805054151624548736462093862816
  41. 2^(1/3) =~ 635/504 =~ 1.25992063492063492063492063492063492063492063492
  42. 2^(1/3) =~ 5429/4309 =~ 1.25992109538175910884195869111162682757020190299
  43. 2^(1/3) =~ 6064/4813 =~ 1.25992104716393102015375025971327654269686266362
  44. 2^(1/3) =~ 90325/71691 =~ 1.2599210500620719476642814300260841667712823088
  45. 2^(1/3) =~ 96389/76504 =~ 1.2599210498797448499424866673637979713479033776
  46. 2^(1/3) =~ 1054215/836731 =~ 1.25992104989536661125260089562834411537280201164
  47. 2^(1/3) =~ 2204819/1749966 =~ 1.25992104989468366813983814542682543546560333172
  48. 2^(1/3) =~ 3259034/2586697 =~ 1.25992104989490458294883397630259748242643030861
  49. 2^(1/3) =~ 15240955/12096754 =~ 1.25992104989487262450736784429938808377850785426
  50. 2^(1/3) =~ 186150494/147747745 =~ 1.25992104989487318402050738574724101542125059168
  51. 2^(1/3) =~ 387541943/307592244 =~ 1.25992104989487316201639986735166183188936324415
  52. 2^(1/3) =~ 1348776323/1070524477 =~ 1.2599210498948731650532825696427303642119338482