trizen 1bb64ed8d3 Update. 3 months ago
Least k such that prime(k) + prime(k+1) contains n prime divisors 4d085c9032 Remove commit history 3 years ago
Numbers k such that sigma_2(Fibonacci(k)^2 + 1) == 0 (mod Fibonacci(k)) 4e90aa9a0b Update. 1 year ago
Semiprimes p-q is divisilbe by 2^n 4d085c9032 Remove commit history 3 years ago
Smallest number k such that k and k+1 are both of the form p*q^n where p and q are distinct primes 63fa61a709 new file: oeis-research/Amiram Eldar/Numbers k such that A168512(2^k) is a prime number/ 3 years ago
Smallest number k such that k^n + 1 contains n distinct prime divisors 4d4e2d2d9b Update. 8 months ago
Smallest number such that k^2 + 1 has n distinct prime factors 1bb64ed8d3 Update. 3 months ago
Smallest number such that k^n - 1 contains n distinct prime divisors 57ec8c5a4b new file: oeis-research/Daniel Suteu/Smallest number k > 0 such that bigomega(k^n + 1) = n/prog.sf 6 months ago
Smallest prime factor of p^p - 1 that is congruent to 1 modulo p where p = prime(n) 0c4a756092 new file: oeis-research/Artur Jasinski/a(n) = the smallest prime divisor of A138793(n)/prog.sf 2 years ago