trizen bdfb549653 new file: oeis-research/Metin Sariyar/Numbers m such that Sum_{k=1..m} omega(k) = sigma(m)/ 2 years ago
Numbers k such that (prime(k) + composite(k)) == 0 (mod k) 1fd328884f modified: oeis-research/Jianing Song/Least coprime quadratic nonresidue to a(n)/ 3 years ago
Numbers k such that sigma(k) = factorial of sum of digits of k 6aed7a3c01 Update. 3 years ago
Numbers k such that the decimal expansion of the k-th harmonic number starts with the digits of k 9abfce7ac0 new file: oeis-research/Antti Karttunen/Numbers k such that derivative(sigma(k)) = k/search.sf 3 years ago
Numbers m such that Sum_{k=1..m} omega(k) = sigma(m) bdfb549653 new file: oeis-research/Metin Sariyar/Numbers m such that Sum_{k=1..m} omega(k) = sigma(m)/ 2 years ago
Numbers n such that sum of first k composites k^k is prime 4d085c9032 Remove commit history 3 years ago
Start of the first run of n consecutive primes using only prime digits 1377748865 new file: oeis-research/Metin Sariyar/Start of the first run of n consecutive primes using only prime digits/ 3 years ago
Sum of first n prime powers of 2 + prime(n+1) is prime 4d085c9032 Remove commit history 3 years ago
Twin prime and prime-indices emirps 4d085c9032 Remove commit history 3 years ago