trizen e28dfa2b81 new file: oeis-research/J. M. Bergot/Smallest prime p such that p-1 and p+1 both have n prime factors (with multiplicity)/ 11 ماه پیش
Largest prime factor of A096421(n) e98cef0250 new file: oeis-research/Colin Barker/Largest prime factor of 2^(2*n+1)+2^(n+1)+1/prog.sf 2 سال پیش
Smallest number k such that k-1 and k+1 both have n prime divisors (counted with multiplicity) e28dfa2b81 new file: oeis-research/J. M. Bergot/Smallest prime p such that p-1 and p+1 both have n prime factors (with multiplicity)/ 11 ماه پیش