trizen e971514faf Update. 2 months ago
Integers k such that the k-th prime divides the k-th Lucas number 4d085c9032 Remove commit history 3 years ago
Largest prime factor of n^n - n^(n-1) - n^(n-2) - ... - n^2 - n - 1 8fc34c482e Update. 2 years ago
Numbers k such that k^4*2^k - 1 is a prime d77557bf3c new file: oeis-research/Juri-Stepan Gerasimov/Numbers k such that k^4*2^k - 1 is a prime/prog.sf 7 months ago
Numbers k such that omega(2^k-1) = omega(2*k-1) a449e5cd63 new file: oeis-research/J. M. Bergot/a(n) is the first prime that starts a sequence of exactly n consecutive primes prime(k+1), ..., prime(k+n) where prime(k+i)+2^i is prime for i = 1...n but not for i = n+1/ 1 year ago
Numbers n such that n^(n + 1)*(n + 1)^n + 1 is prime 4d085c9032 Remove commit history 3 years ago
Numbers q such that (4*q^2-1)*2^q + 1 is prime e971514faf Update. 2 months ago
Primes p such that 2^p - p^2 is prime e38f3391fa Update. 2 years ago
Smallest positive number k such that k^2 - 1 and k^2 + 1 each have n distinct prime divisors 752ebc659a Update. 9 months ago
Smallest prime p such that A005117(k+1) - A005117(k-1) = n, where p = A005117(k) for some k ce64de438a new file: oeis-research/Altug Alkan/Least k such that k^n + 1 is the product of n distinct primes/prog.sf 2 years ago
Smallest prime p such that bigomega(p^n - 2) = bigomega(p^n + 2) = n 61449f48a1 Update. 9 months ago
Sum of remainders of the n-th composite mod k, for k=1..n 47a7397f2c new file: oeis-research/Joseph Biberstine/Sum of remainders of the n-th prime mod k, for k = 1..n/prog.sf 3 years ago
a(n) is the least k>1 such that omega(k) is equal to (omega(n*k + 1) - 1) over n 61449f48a1 Update. 9 months ago