trizen 1bb64ed8d3 Update. 5 hónapja
First emirp p that starts a sequence of n emirps x(1),...,x(n) with x(1) = p and x(k+1) = 2*x(k) - reverse(x(k)), but 2*x(n) - reverse(x(n)) is not an emirp dbd6b43a72 Update. 1 éve
Numbers k such that A124440(k) is a square 226798a75f new file: oeis-research/J. M. Bergot/Numbers k such that A124440(k) is a square/bfile.txt 3 éve
Numbers k such that prime(k)^prime(k+1) == prime(k+3) (mod prime(k+2)) fad1fa2af2 new file: oeis-research/J. M. Bergot/Numbers k such that prime(k)^prime(k+1) == prime(k+3) (mod prime(k+2))/ 3 éve
Numbers k such that the k-th triangular number mod sopfr(k), and the k-th triangular number mod sigma(k), are the same prime 9ae1b074dd new file: oeis-research/J. M. Bergot/Numbers k such that the k-th triangular number mod sopfr(k), and the k-th triangular number mod sigma(k), are the same prime/ 2 éve
Primes p such that (2^p+p^2) over 3 is prime e38f3391fa Update. 2 éve
Primes p such that the sum of squares of primes < p is divisible by p 30f8a3a5eb new file: oeis-research/Ilya Gutkovskiy/Numbers k such that the average number of odd divisors of {1..k} is an integer/binary_search.sf 3 éve
Primes p such that, with q the next prime after p, q > p+2 and q^p == q (mod p+q) and p^q == p (mod p+q) 342d8ebfb7 new file: oeis-research/Amarnath Murthy/Sum of the remainders when n^2 is divided by squares < n/prog.sf 3 éve
Semiprimes p*q with p <= q such that Sum_{primes r <= p} (q mod r) = q c2017719d8 new file: oeis-research/J. M. Bergot/Semiprimes p*q with p <= q such that Sum_{primes r <= p} (q mod r) = q/ 2 éve
Smallest k having n prime factors such that k + sum of the prime factors of k also has n prime factors 5427f05b84 Update. 1 éve
Smallest k such that n = bigomega(k) = bigomega(k-1) + bigomega(k+1) 7fba720525 Update. 1 éve
Smallest prime p such that p-1 and p+1 both have n prime factors (with multiplicity) e28dfa2b81 new file: oeis-research/J. M. Bergot/Smallest prime p such that p-1 and p+1 both have n prime factors (with multiplicity)/ 1 éve
a(n) is the first number k with A340967(k) = n d7a70e0ab2 modified: oeis-research/Amiram Eldar/a(n) is the least number k such that the n-th odd squarefree divides lcm(1..k) over denom(harmonic(k))/prog.sf 3 éve
a(n) is the first prime p such that, with q the next prime, p + q^2 is 10^n times a prime 8a263b78ab Update. 1 éve
a(n) is the first prime p such that, with q the next prime, p^2+q is 10^n times a prime b0ea968d14 Update. 1 éve
a(n) is the first prime that is the start of a sequence of exactly n primes under the map p -> p + sopfr(p-1) + sopfr(p+1) 5abb5abe7f new file: oeis-research/J. M. Bergot/a(n) is the first prime that is the start of a sequence of exactly n primes under the map p -> p + sopfr(p-1) + sopfr(p+1)/ 2 éve
a(n) is the first prime that starts a sequence of exactly n consecutive primes prime(k+1), ..., prime(k+n) where prime(k+i)+2^i is prime for i = 1...n but not for i = n+1 a449e5cd63 new file: oeis-research/J. M. Bergot/a(n) is the first prime that starts a sequence of exactly n consecutive primes prime(k+1), ..., prime(k+n) where prime(k+i)+2^i is prime for i = 1...n but not for i = n+1/ 2 éve
a(n) is the first prime that starts a string of exactly n consecutive primes that are in A347702 a449e5cd63 new file: oeis-research/J. M. Bergot/a(n) is the first prime that starts a sequence of exactly n consecutive primes prime(k+1), ..., prime(k+n) where prime(k+i)+2^i is prime for i = 1...n but not for i = n+1/ 2 éve
a(n) is the least k such that bigomega(k)=n and bigomega(k+1)=n+1 c611058b30 modified: oeis-research/J. M. Bergot/a(n) is the least k such that bigomega(k)=n and bigomega(k+1)=n+1/ 1 éve
a(n) is the least prime p such that bigomega(p+n) = bigomega(p-n) = n 6e8edb95f5 new file: oeis-research/J. M. Bergot/a(n) is the least prime p such that bigomega(p+n) = bigomega(p-n) = n/ 2 éve
a(n) is the least prime p such that p^2+4 is a prime times 5^n 61449f48a1 Update. 1 éve
a(n) is the least prime p such that there exists a prime q with p^2 + n = (n+1)*q^2, or 0 if there is no such p 594cbbf942 new file: oeis-research/J. M. Bergot/a(n) is the least k such that bigomega(k)=n and bigomega(k+1)=n+1/ 2 éve
a(n) is the least prime p that is the first of three consecutive primes p, q, r such that p^i + q^i - r^i is prime for i from 1 to n but not n+1 1bb64ed8d3 Update. 5 hónapja
a(n) is the least prime prime(k) such that prime(k+n-1)^2 - prime(k)^2 + prime(i) for i=k..k+n-1 are consecutive primes c4f2ca59be new file: oeis-research/J. M. Bergot/a(n) is the least prime prime(k) such that prime(k+n-1)^2 - prime(k)^2 + prime(i) for i=k..k+n-1 are consecutive primes/ 2 éve