123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172 |
- #!/bin/bash
- # Config created by Keyitdev https://www.github.com/keyitdev/dotfiles
- # Copyright (C) 2022 Keyitdev
- config_directory="$HOME/.config"
- fonts_directory="/usr/share/fonts"
- scripts_directory="/usr/local/bin"
- gtk_theme_directory="/usr/share/themes"
- green='\033[0;32m'
- no_color='\033[0m'
- date=$(date +%s)
- sudo pacman --noconfirm --needed -Sy dialog
- system_update(){
- echo -e "${green}[*] Doing a system update, cause stuff may break if it's not the latest version...${no_color}"
- sudo pacman -Sy --noconfirm archlinux-keyring
- sudo pacman --noconfirm -Syu
- sudo pacman -S --noconfirm --needed base-devel wget git curl
- }
- install_aur_helper(){
- if ! command -v "$aurhelper" &> /dev/null
- then
- echo -e "${green}[*] It seems that you don't have $aurhelper installed, I'll install that for you before continuing.${no_color}"
- git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/"$aurhelper".git $HOME/.srcs/"$aurhelper"
- (cd $HOME/.srcs/"$aurhelper"/ && makepkg -si)
- else
- echo -e "${green}[*] It seems that you already have $aurhelper installed, skipping.${no_color}"
- fi
- }
- install_pkgs(){
- echo -e "${green}[*] Installing packages with pacman.${no_color}"
- sudo pacman -S --noconfirm --needed acpi alsa-utils base-devel curl git pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa xorg xorg-xinit alacritty btop code dunst feh firefox i3-gaps libnotify light mpc mpd ncmpcpp nemo neofetch neovim pacman-contrib papirus-icon-theme picom polybar ranger rofi scrot slop xclip zathura zathura-pdf-mupdf zsh
- }
- install_aur_pkgs(){
- echo -e "${green}[*] Installing packages with $aurhelper.${no_color}"
- "$aurhelper" -S --noconfirm --needed i3lock-color i3-resurrect ffcast oh-my-zsh-git
- }
- create_default_directories(){
- echo -e "${green}[*] Copying configs to $config_directory.${no_color}"
- mkdir -p "$HOME"/.config
- sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
- sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/themes
- mkdir -p "$HOME"/Pictures/wallpapers
- }
- create_backup(){
- echo -e "${green}[*] Creating backup of existing configs.${no_color}"
- [ -d "$config_directory"/alacritty ] && mv "$config_directory"/alacritty "$config_directory"/alacritty_$date && echo "alacritty configs detected, backing up."
- [ -d "$config_directory"/btop ] && mv "$config_directory"/btop "$config_directory"/btop_$date && echo "btop configs detected, backing up."
- [ -d "$config_directory"/dunst ] && mv "$config_directory"/dunst "$config_directory"/dunst_$date && echo "dunst configs detected, backing up."
- [ -d "$config_directory"/gtk-3.0 ] && mv "$config_directory"/gtk-3.0 "$config_directory"/gtk-3.0_$date && echo "gtk-3.0 configs detected, backing up."
- [ -d "$config_directory"/i3 ] && mv "$config_directory"/i3 "$config_directory"/i3_$date && echo "i3 configs detected, backing up."
- [ -d "$config_directory"/mpd ] && mv "$config_directory"/mpd "$config_directory"/mpd_$date && echo "mpd configs detected, backing up."
- [ -d "$config_directory"/ncmpcpp ] && mv "$config_directory"/ncmpcpp "$config_directory"/ncmpcpp_$date && echo "ncmpcpp configs detected, backing up."
- [ -d "$config_directory"/neofetch ] && mv "$config_directory"/neofetch "$config_directory"/neofetch_$date && echo "neofetch configs detected, backing up."
- [ -d "$config_directory"/nvim ] && mv "$config_directory"/nvim "$config_directory"/nvim_$date && echo "nvim configs detected, backing up."
- [ -d "$config_directory"/picom ] && mv "$config_directory"/picom "$config_directory"/picom_$date && echo "picom configs detected, backing up."
- [ -d "$config_directory"/polybar ] && mv "$config_directory"/polybar "$config_directory"/polybar_$date && echo "polybar configs detected, backing up."
- [ -d "$config_directory"/ranger ] && mv "$config_directory"/ranger "$config_directory"/ranger_$date && echo "ranger configs detected, backing up."
- [ -d "$config_directory"/rofi ] && mv "$config_directory"/rofi "$config_directory"/rofi_$date && echo "rofi configs detected, backing up."
- [ -d "$config_directory"/zathura ] && mv "$config_directory"/zathura "$config_directory"/zathura_$date && echo "zathura configs detected, backing up."
- [ -d "$scripts_directory" ] && sudo mv "$scripts_directory" "$scripts_directory"_$date && echo "scripts ($scripts_directory) detected, backing up."
- [ -f "$config_directory"/Code\ -\ OSS/User/settings.json ] && mv "$config_directory"/Code\ -\ OSS/User/settings.json "$config_directory"/Code\ -\ OSS/User/settings.json_$date && echo "Vsc configs detected, backing up."
- [ -f /etc/fonts/local.conf ] && sudo mv /etc/fonts/local.conf /etc/fonts/local.conf_$date && echo "Fonts configs detected, backing up."
- }
- copy_configs(){
- echo -e "${green}[*] Copying configs to $config_directory.${no_color}"
- cp -r ./config/* "$config_directory"
- }
- copy_scripts(){
- echo -e "${green}[*] Copying scripts to $scripts_directory.${no_color}"
- sudo cp -r ./scripts/* "$scripts_directory"
- }
- copy_fonts(){
- echo -e "${green}[*] Copying fonts to $fonts_directory.${no_color}"
- sudo cp -r ./fonts/* "$fonts_directory"
- fc-cache -fv
- }
- copy_other_configs(){
- echo -e "${green}[*] Copying gtk theme to /usr/share/themes.${no_color}"
- sudo cp -r ./tokyonight_gtk /usr/share/themes
- echo -e "${green}[*] Copying wallpapers to "$HOME"/Pictures/wallpapers.${no_color}"
- cp -r ./wallpapers/* "$HOME"/Pictures/wallpapers
- echo -e "${green}[*] Copying vsc configs.${no_color}"
- cp -r ./vsc/* "$HOME"/.vscode-oss/extensions
- cp ./vsc/settings.json "$HOME"/.config/Code\ -\ OSS/User
- echo -e "${green}[*] Copying zsh configs.${no_color}"
- sudo cp ./keyitdev.zsh-theme /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/custom/themes
- cp ./.zshrc "$HOME"
- }
- install_additional_pkgs(){
- echo -e "${green}[*] Installing additional packages with $aurhelper.${no_color}"
- "$aurhelper" -S --noconfirm --needed dhcpcd gimp iwd libreoffice ntfs-3g ntp pulsemixer vnstat
- }
- install_emoji_fonts(){
- echo -e "${green}[*] Installing emoji fonts with $aurhelper.${no_color}"
- "$aurhelper" -S --noconfirm --needed noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-emoji noto-fonts-extra
- sudo cp -f ./local.conf /etc/fonts
- fc-cache -fv
- }
- install_sddm(){
- echo -e "${green}[*] Installing sddm theme.${no_color}"
- "$aurhelper" -S --noconfirm --needed qt5-graphicaleffects qt5-quickcontrols2 qt5-svg sddm
- sudo systemctl enable sddm.service
- sudo git clone https://github.com/keyitdev/sddm-flower-theme.git /usr/share/sddm/themes/sddm-flower-theme
- sudo cp /usr/share/sddm/themes/sddm-flower-theme/Fonts/* /usr/share/fonts/
- echo "[Theme]
- Current=sddm-flower-theme" | sudo tee /etc/sddm.conf
- }
- finishing(){
- echo -e "${green}[*] Chmoding light.${no_color}"
- sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/light
- echo -e "${green}[*] Setting Zsh as default shell.${no_color}"
- chsh -s /bin/zsh
- sudo chsh -s /bin/zsh
- echo -e "${green}[*] Updating nvim extensions.${no_color}"
- nvim +PackerSync
- }
- cmd=(dialog --clear --title "Aur helper" --menu "Firstly, select the aur helper you want to install (or have already installed)." 10 50 16)
- options=(1 "yay" 2 "paru")
- choices=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty)
- case $choices in
- 1) aurhelper="yay";;
- 2) aurhelper="paru";;
- esac
- cmd=(dialog --clear --separate-output --checklist "Select (with space) what script should do.\\nChecked options are required for proper installation, do not uncheck them if you do not know what you are doing." 26 86 16)
- options=(1 "System update" on
- 2 "Install aur helper" on
- 3 "Install basic packages" on
- 4 "Install basic packages (aur)" on
- 5 "Create default directories" on
- 6 "Create backup of existing configs (to prevent overwritting)" on
- 7 "Copy configs" on
- 8 "Copy scripts" on
- 9 "Copy fonts" on
- 10 "Copy other configs (gtk theme, wallpaper, vsc configs, zsh configs)" on
- 11 "Install additional packages" off
- 12 "Install emoji fonts" off
- 13 "Install sddm with flower theme" off
- 14 "Make Light executable, set zsh as default shell, update nvim extensions." on)
- choices=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty)
- clear
- for choice in $choices
- do
- case $choice in
- 1) system_update;;
- 2) install_aur_helper;;
- 3) install_pkgs;;
- 4) install_aur_pkgs;;
- 5) create_default_directories;;
- 6) create_backup;;
- 7) copy_configs;;
- 8) copy_scripts;;
- 9) copy_fonts;;
- 10) copy_other_configs;;
- 11) install_additional_pkgs;;
- 12) install_emoji_fonts;;
- 13) install_sddm;;
- 14) finishing;;
- esac
- done