entertaining-sound.txt 9.0 KB

  1. Album: entertaining sound
  2. Artist: jan Misali
  3. Cover Art: jan Misali
  4. Track Art: jan Misali
  5. Date: December 14, 2017
  6. Date Added: May 12, 2021
  7. Color: #00a38a
  8. Groups:
  9. - Beyond
  10. URLs:
  11. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/album/entertaining-sound
  12. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JMzlGlvzNs
  13. Commentary:
  14. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  15. the official Conlang Critic soundtrack
  16. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. Track: Secretsh
  18. Duration: 1:27
  19. URLs:
  20. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/secretsh
  21. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qV4XxDsWpg
  22. Commentary:
  23. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  24. if conlang critic has a theme song, this is it
  25. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. Track: Dr. Hoper's International Language
  27. Duration: 1:26
  28. URLs:
  29. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/dr-hopers-international-language
  30. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bRomo_eD7w
  31. Commentary:
  32. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  33. this song is from the esperanto episode and nobody liked it. oh well
  34. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. Track: The Bad Time Is You
  36. Duration: 1:48
  37. References:
  38. - The Baby is You
  39. - track:megalovania-undertale
  40. URLs:
  41. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/the-bad-time-is-you
  42. Commentary:
  43. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  44. toby fox (the undertale guy) wrote a rock opera about mpreg once
  45. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. Track: Super Dry Dance
  47. Directory: super-dry-dance-entertaining-sound
  48. Duration: 2:33
  49. References:
  50. - track:super-dry-dance
  51. URLs:
  52. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/super-dry-dance-2
  53. Commrntary:
  54. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  55. this is hands down (a chiptune cover of) the best song from earthbound
  56. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. Track: Speaking of Meaningless Distinctions
  58. Duration: 0:49
  59. URLs:
  60. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/speaking-of-meaningless-distinctions
  61. Commentary:
  62. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  63. böpgil by sapaa is better than any song on this album, including this one
  64. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. Track: Griffin Space Jam
  66. Directory: griffin-space-jam-entertaining-sound
  67. Duration: 1:05
  68. References:
  69. - track:griffin-space-jam
  70. URLs:
  71. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/griffin-space-jam
  72. Commentary:
  73. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  74. this is actually the MOST EXCLUSIVE song on the album! I've never posted this griffin mcelroy remix anywhere UNTIL NOW
  75. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. Track: melomane solresol
  77. Duration: 2:28
  78. References:
  79. - Solresol
  80. URLs:
  81. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/melomane-solresol
  82. Commentary:
  83. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  84. there's a song called solresol by melomane and it's a v good song (it's ABOUT solresol, not IN solresol)
  85. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. Track: krespo2012
  87. Duration: 2:15
  88. References:
  89. - File Select (SM64)
  90. URLs:
  91. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/krespo2012
  92. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1_49gKZiOE
  93. Commentary:
  94. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  95. remember when this was a meme
  96. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. Track: 2016 but all the best memes happen at the same time
  98. Duration: 2:06
  99. References:
  100. - We Are Number One
  101. - 0.5x A Presses
  102. - history of japan
  103. - Bouncy Ball
  104. - The Nutshack Intro
  105. - Good Night - Undertale
  106. - POKEMON GO SONG!!!
  107. - Science Blaster
  108. - 7 GRAND DAD
  109. - Snow halation - Love Live!
  110. URLs:
  111. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/2016-but-all-the-best-memes-happen-at-the-same-time
  112. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xu8YshzxXw
  113. Commentary:
  114. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  115. remember 2016? what a garbage year. the memes were pretty good though
  116. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  117. Track: New radio shows?
  118. Duration: 3:57
  119. References:
  120. - Pumpkin Cravings
  121. - You have got to be about the most superficial commentator on con-langues since the idiotic B. Gilson.
  122. URLs:
  123. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/new-radio-shows
  124. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zCbq2sFCgY
  125. Commentary:
  126. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  127. based on a true story
  128. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  129. Track: body
  130. Duration: 1:10
  131. References:
  132. - All Star
  133. URLs:
  134. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/body
  135. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LzAfpj46KY
  136. Commentary:
  137. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  138. I'm not quite sure how to describe this one
  139. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  140. Track: Taako's Good Out Here
  141. Duration: 2:23
  142. References:
  143. - Deja Vu
  144. - Arms Outstretched
  145. - Crystal Kingdom
  146. - Fantasy Costco Jingle
  147. - All Star
  148. URLs:
  149. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/taakos-good-out-here
  150. Commentary:
  151. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  152. strap on your fantasy seatbelts
  153. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  154. Track: Cascendits
  155. Duration: 4:11
  156. References:
  157. - Cascade
  158. - Descend
  159. - Ascend
  160. URLs:
  161. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/cascendits
  162. Commentary:
  163. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  164. this song was featured in the patreon announcement video and was never released in full because it didn't sound very good
  165. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  166. Track: Toby Fox Has Written Hundreds of Unique Original Songs
  167. Duration: 6:25
  168. References:
  169. - track:megalovania-undertale
  170. - track:MeGaLoVania
  171. - Oppa Toby Style
  172. - Sunsetter
  173. - track:carefree-victory
  174. - track:crustacean
  175. - Liquid Negrocity
  176. - Once Upon a Time
  177. - Your Best Friend
  178. - Oh! One True Love
  179. - track:atomyk-ebonpyre
  180. - Undyne
  181. - track:ruins-undertale
  182. - Dogsong
  183. - Nyeh Heh Heh!
  184. - Penumbra Phantasm
  185. - track:doctor
  186. - It's Raining Somewhere Else
  187. - English
  188. - Bergentrückung
  189. - ASGORE
  190. - Heartache
  191. - Memory
  192. - His Theme
  193. - Noisemaster Theme
  194. - Oh Whoa, What's This
  195. - An Apple Disaster!!
  196. - the rose rap
  197. - Seinfeld X
  198. - Stronger Than You
  199. - Science Blaster
  200. - Goodbye To A World
  201. - Slider - Super Mario 64
  202. URLs:
  203. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/toby-fox-has-written-hundreds-of-unique-original-songs
  204. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HO5V2uogkYc
  205. Commentary:
  206. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  207. toby "undertale" fox reuses the megalovania chord progression a lot and here's proof
  208. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  209. Track: oh, 2017?
  210. Duration: 3:18
  211. References:
  212. - all yor base r blong 2 us
  213. - The Next Episode
  214. - Everybody Everybody
  215. - All Star
  216. - Peanut Butter Jelly Time
  217. - Badgers
  218. - Running in the 90's
  219. - Marisa Stole the Precious Thing
  220. - Never Gonna Give You Up
  221. - Caramelldansen
  222. - track:showtime-piano-refrain
  223. - Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!
  224. - Friday
  225. - Gangnam Style
  226. - I knew you were trouble Ft. Screaming goat
  227. - Yee
  228. - track:megalovania-undertale
  229. - We Are Number One
  230. - Wow Wow
  231. - I Really, Really, Really Like This Image
  233. - Classical Gas
  234. - He Not Like the Banana
  235. - Jump Up, Super Star!
  236. - Fireflies
  237. - Voidfish Duet
  238. - what year is it
  239. - Hotel Mario
  240. - Redbone
  241. - Roblox Death Sound
  242. - You have got to be about the most superficial commentator on con-langues since the idiotic B. Gilson.
  243. - Funiculì, Funiculà
  244. - WOAH!
  245. - Two Trucks
  246. - Big Enough
  247. URLs:
  248. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/oh-2017
  249. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhhRrJm65BU
  250. Commentary:
  251. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  252. the sequel to the awkwardly titled "[[2016 but all the best memes happen at the same time]]"
  253. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  254. Track: here comes my favorite song from mario odyssey
  255. Duration: 1:18
  256. References:
  257. - Viva la Vida
  258. - Steam Gardens
  259. URLs:
  260. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/here-comes-my-favorite-song-from-mario-odyssey
  261. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmBw9Kzv8NE
  262. Commentary:
  263. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  264. there was a whole controversy about this one that I probably shouldn't get into. anyway sorry about all that, siivagunner
  265. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  266. Track: ambidextrous remix
  267. Duration: 2:36
  268. References:
  269. - Left-Hand Remix
  270. - Right-Hand Remix
  271. URLs:
  272. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/ambidextrous-remix
  273. Commentary:
  274. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  275. left hand remix plays in the left ear and right hand remix plays in the right ear
  276. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  277. Track: A Song About a Circle Constant
  278. Duration: 2:40
  279. References: track:a-song-about-a-circle-constant-vi-hart
  280. URLs:
  281. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/a-song-about-a-circle-constant
  282. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpIY61QW56M
  283. Commentary:
  284. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  285. I made this cover song in 2015 and it's the only thing I made in 2015 that I still think has any value
  286. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  287. Track: Malblanka Rozo Verda Stelo
  288. Duration: 0:35
  289. References: Black Rose / Green Sun
  290. URLs:
  291. - https://conlangcritic.bandcamp.com/track/malblanka-rozo-verda-stelo
  292. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L98DwKAd3qE
  293. Commentary:
  294. <i>jan Misali:</i>
  295. what if the green sun was actually the esperanto green star game theory